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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal

  1. #5031
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Andy View Post
    I believe there is enough room in the tent for all kinds of gaming. And I believe that there are way more non-Serious Gamers than Serious ones. Maybe the percentage of Serious Gamers is higher in your neck of the woods than most places. In fact, given your descriptions of the various personalities in your area from over the years, I think there maybe something in the water up there, lol.

    But keep playing. Keep running games how you like to play. It sounds like you have never lacked for players, so I think there certainly is a place for your kind of gaming. I know Gronan has said he has no lack of players trying to play in his games. There is a thirst for it.
    Agreed with all your points. However, the problem for me is that I have to take the tent to the local game con or the FLGS. In effect, I have to set up a sort of 'trade show booth' and hope that custom comes my way. Back in the day, the usual custom was that we'd get together at each other's places or at either the 'private club' of the CSA or the Little Tin. That's now gone, and the only time that I get players is when I pack up the van and set up shop. And that's getting to be a 'no option' option due to the size of the baggage train.

  2. #5032
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Andy View Post
    Tekumel questions- how much access do the temples give to scholars, to things like libraries and their own scholars? I understand that if you belong and are of high enough circle you get access to stuff, but what about to an allied Temple? A rival? Thumis is the teacher, does he have libraries where anybody can go do research? I assume some of it would be "donation" based but is there a general policy? I would also assume that they have a public section and a private side, correct?

    Do all the Temples have libraries and research arms? Are some temples more specialized, like Karakan and Vimulha may not have big libraries but what they do have is lots of stuff on war and combat? Like shelves of Osprey books, lol?
    Allied temples let you in if and when you or your own temple can provide a favor or quid-pro-quo. Access is usually pretty good, although the really secret stuff will not be on the 'open shelves'. Rivals better have a pretty hefty inducement handy, and they will be very carefully chaperoned in the stacks.

    Yes; there are 'open' stacks, and 'closed' stacks. Just like any modern major library, actually. The Temple of Thumis is not a public library; you need connections of some sort to get in, just like any of the temples.

    There are 'open-to-anybody' - who can read, of course, which is not the norm - libraries, but they are run by the Imperium and they do look over your shoulder to see what you're reading; it goes in your dossier that the OAL keeps on you. And yes, 'donation' expected.

    Yes, Yes, and Yes. A good medium level Temple of Vimhula will have a library like my own, which is one of the reasons I started it in the first place.

  3. #5033
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    The 'rats' are your basic vermin; they come in various forms, and have the usual variety of number of legs common to Tekumel. They all seem to have teeth, and voracious appetites. Phil didn't go into too much detail - I think his assumption was that rats are rats, and we should know what they were.

    My library. I will freely admit that I love books, and I have a pretty good collection. The ones in the photo of the Sakbe road are the ones in the game room; my railway and F/SF libraries are elsewhere in the house. What I've tried to do is collect (I hate that word) books that illuminate aspects of what we learned from Phil, and reflected what he told us about over the years. Phil was very well-educated and well-read, and what he didn't know about he had a book about. In quite a few cases, I've been able to go back and get copies of books that Phil had, so we can all look at the same source materials.

    I do not have a library catalog; I suppose I should do on, eh?

    Thank you for the kind words on the Sakbe road posts; It was a fun project to build in the first place, and I got on the subject while building the storage crate for the set.
    Yes!!! Thank you. I can imagine four legged-types(not much different from ours today that survived the ages) and six-legged types with three eyes(alien by our standards)...vermin, pests, mutations...Don't feed the "rats"...They may grow!!!


  4. #5034
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    "When did sitting around a table with friends, drinking beer and talking about pretending to be an elf, become such SERIOUS BUSINESS!"
    When people thought they were too old to "Play Pretend" and felt they needed to justify it as something Serious.
    (or when they were concerned Others would think that.)

  5. #5035
    Bloody Weselian Hippy AsenRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    What we used to call 'travelling' and 'bounding' 'overwatch', where the various sections / people of the party covered each other's moves;
    Communication - saying to the party, and not just to the GM, what they were wanting or about to do;
    Covering people engaged in a task by someone with a ranged weapon or spell - covering fire, as it were;
    Rearguards that guarded the rear of the party.
    Archers or crossbowpersons carry one arrow or bolt that has oil-soaked tow wrapped around the head, so that it can be used as an 'illumination' or 'incendiary' round - giant spiders have webs, webs burn, ambush blown;
    Carry lanterns, not torches - and carry them low, so as not to blind everybody;

    Them was the basics we covered in this game session.
    All good and necessary stuff, if you ask me!
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky

  6. #5036
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsenRG View Post
    All good and necessary stuff, if you ask me!
    But modern rules have been designed to eliminate much of that. For instance in 3.X and pathfinder, the elimination of facing, so a figure has 360 degree vision.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

    I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.

    The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.

  7. #5037
    Bloody Weselian Hippy AsenRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    But modern rules have been designed to eliminate much of that. For instance in 3.X and pathfinder, the elimination of facing, so a figure has 360 degree vision.
    I don't remember PF, but in 3e you have facing, which determines bonuses to hit like +2 from the sides and +4 from the back, and potentially stuff like sneak attack damage. Sneaking on unsuspecting enemies also lets you use their "flat-footed" AC, which is generally lower, and allows you attacks with improved damage.
    PF is a clone of 3x, so I guess it's similar, but can't remember the exact rules due to lack of experience.
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky

  8. #5038
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    What we used to call 'travelling' and 'bounding' 'overwatch', where the various sections / people of the party covered each other's moves;
    Communication - saying to the party, and not just to the GM, what they were wanting or about to do;
    Covering people engaged in a task by someone with a ranged weapon or spell - covering fire, as it were;
    Rearguards that guarded the rear of the party.
    Archers or crossbowpersons carry one arrow or bolt that has oil-soaked tow wrapped around the head, so that it can be used as an 'illumination' or 'incendiary' round - giant spiders have webs, webs burn, ambush blown;
    Carry lanterns, not torches - and carry them low, so as not to blind everybody;

    Them was the basics we covered in this game session.
    All good stuff / standard operating procedure.

    We always appointed someone to watch the ceiling, and if a large enough party people dedicated to looking left, right and well as behind. Typical urban combat tactics.
    Familiars were also used as our advanced warning / sensor system, poking out from the safe confines of an armored backpack.
    Was always a big fan of strong cord that we used to set as a trip wire when possible (every bit helps), caltrops and sharpened wooden stakes. The feigned retreat to draw enemies into a trap was one of our favorite tactics.

  9. #5039
    Invincible Overlord Baron's Avatar
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    Hi Chirine, thought I'd pose this question here for all to enjoy. In working on my Kashi adventure, I've been giving the Silver Suits a bit more thought. OK, per the lore they were Space Marines, got it. And they have a Doc Smith / Lensman connection. But my Kashi is isolated from the Humanspace Empire, and populated with descendants of the original base personnel. They have lost significant knowledge, and their facilities are aging badly. I propose that actual Silver Suits are from current Humanspace, and are here in the bethorm on various exploratory or research missions. These are the guys you see floating around the Pylons. On the other hand, Kashi and the Southern Polar Base have space marines, but they are the relatively ignorant descendants of greatness. What do you think?

  10. #5040
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Hello All,

    Quick question for anyone. Have any of you read S.M. Stirling�s In the Courts of the Crimson Kings and The Sky People?
    I just learned about them now. All I know is that they are pastiche of ERB, Leigh Brackett, and others. What do you think? I will not read them for awhile yet. Just wondering if they are worth the time. First I have to finish ERB's Mars books(three more to go) and move onto the Venus series...Thanks



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