Oh, yes - Phil thought in very long terms.
The twins are mine and Si N'te's little bundles of joy. Phil rolled them up, and commented he'd created two little monsters - one boy, one girl. They both inherited my abilities as a magic-user, and the wife's abilities as a telepath. She's from the Nyemesel Islands, where they have the 'good' telepaths; their very nasty cousins live in Lost Bayarsha, which is a place I do not advise visiting. The 'natural' telepaths were bred for their ability by the ancient Lords of Humanspace, like the way that they bred their Space Marines - the Nylss - and the deckhands for their starships - the Nom. The telepaths' genetic marker - and this was before DNA had been discovered, remember - is a lack of any body hair.
So, the twins were born while we were fighting the Sirsum Campaign, at the Monastery of the Many Falling Leaves about a week's march east of Hekellu. (Try running a military campaign with a heavily pregnant wife, sometime; it was a little too exciting.) They have grown up into two holy terrors, as they are perfectly normal toddlers who can vaporize you if them wanted to. Since they are telepaths, they have picked up all of mommy and daddy's spells, and while they can't blast big things, they can be hard on their toys. I am happy to say that they have also inherited their mother's good looks and even better nature, so we don't have many problems with them.
Their Ladyships refer to them as "our scrumptious little darlings", and dote on them; they are naturally cute and adorable, and their good natures simply ad to their winsome ways. They find their father (me) a never-ending source of amusement, and tend to break out into laughter when I come into the room and say something...
(One cautionary note: The twins got some 'dolls' as gifts when they were infants, and these are still their constant night-time companions. These were a gift from the Clan of the Striding Incantation, the very ancient and very high-status magical puppeteers' clan; we never, ever mess with or play with them ourselves, and only the twins handle them. We adults call the four 'dolls' The Warrior, The Priestess, The Sorceror, and The Soldier; what the twins call them, they're not sharing with us.)
That's two natural children; the third is Elara, who is a perfectly normal girl in her late teens. Luckily, she looks more like her mother then she does me - I do look like her mother, though, so there's a very strong family resemblance. She's not a magic-user, or a warrior; just a normal girl, who happens to have a large extended family.
There are the adopted kids, all of whom just sort of happened. They are relatives of various friends, allies, and people we know who wound up with us - usually, they have a bit of a history behind them, like any good NPCs, butt hey are good kids. About half of them are on the legion rolls, as they are pretty good officers - over and above the family connection, otherwise we would not have them in command of troops. The other half, more or less, are on the payroll as palace staff, keeping the place running. Two have achieved relatively high office, and I am very proud of them. I'm proud of all of them, really; all they needed was a little parenting, I think.
I can tell you all about them...
I do not have any co-husbands. (There are days when I could use the reinforcements, but we manage to work things out.) Their Ladyships - more formally, the Senior Wife, the Junior Wife, the First Concubine, the Second Concubine, and the Senior Courtesan - haven't found anyone that they like well enough to invite into the family, so I soldier on by myself as The Husband. The Senior Wife, in her capacity as Lady Of The House, writes up everyone's marriage contracts after lots and lots of negotiations. All of Their Ladyships (in order of seniority: the telepath, the scholar, the assassin, the sorceress, and the buccaneer - I have a
very eclectic family!) get the kind of relationships that they want; it helps that they all knew each other for years before they were formally married to Yours Truly, and they're a pretty tightly-knit group.
I think I don't have any co-husbands because Their Ladyships have been described as 'formidable', and while they are not actively recruiting (I think) it may very well be that their individual and collective reputations may be scaring potential suitors off.
Me, I'm happy; they let me run the military, letting me do what I do best.
How's this for a short introduction?