Sure. There'll be a whole section in the book, but the short form is that somebody had A Bright Idea and was holding a couple of the clan's kids hostage; the clan let me know about it - this was after a performance at the palace, so the Imperium itself was being insulted - and I gathered the assasins and paid the young fool's clan a visit. Got the kids back, and shortly afterwards my new twins got a set of dolls to keep them company. Which led to the most screamingly terrifying night I ever had on Tekumel.
They do indeed get along with the Society; the Society is the more 'junior' of the pair, with Striding Incantation more 'senior'. The members of the Society seem a little more 'approachable', if I can use that term, then the clan's people who seem a lot more 'remote' and 'aloof'. Both, as Phil says, are very special and very outside the usual system of clans and politics. You just don't mess with them, or mess them around.
Lots of hushed conversations about them, and lots of very circumspect interest in them in the temples. The death of the guy in Bey Su is widely attributed to them, but nobody knows for sure and they aren't telling. The puppet shows are fascinating to watch, and they do provide some pretty cool entertainment.
They are not androids; we do know that. We don't know for sure if they are humans like us; they might be some of the specially-bred races of the Lords of Humanspace. Nobody has ever investigated the matter in any depth, as nobody wants to provoke them or start an incident that will end badly. Phil gave us nothing on them, besides what he gave in the Sourcebook; as he put it, "I think we need to have a mystery or two for people to discover for themselves." So, treat them with kid gloves and sit back and enjoy the show...
I'm sorry that there isn't more for you, but that's all we ever got from him.