This question comes from the group of 12 year olds I am running a Tekumel game for.
With all of the festivals the various temples celebrate, is there anything like Halloween? Some Sarku run holiday, maybe? Maybe not full on pumpkin carving and kids getting candy (or rocks) but something similar?
This came up after your comment about the temples putting on fireworks shows sparked (pun intended, sorry) an appearance in game and made them think of the 4th of July, which in turn made them think of Halloween.
Since there is some kind of explosive powder in use, how about something like Greek fire? Anybody use some weird chemical/sorcerous concoction to burn up their enemies? Or at least put inside siege missiles?
And all this nautical talks reminds me of a question I have pondered. Does anyone ever embark on Viking style raids? I know there are some pirate types but, at least from the books, they seemed to prey more on shipping than raiding towns.