1.This topic created a very lively and interesting discussion between Zirunel and I over on the Tekumel Yahoo group; I strongly recommend his booklet on naval matters( downloadable from his blog), by the way. He, quite logically, raised the question of why there isn't a corpora of longer-ranged naval spells, reaching out beyond the usual range of battlefield spells. I replied that for Phil, his model of naval warfare was the Greek-Roman one, especially as seen in the movies "Ben Hur" and "Cleopatra"; since spells are limited to line-of-sight, and pretty much as far as an unaided human eye can see, there's no real way (in Tekumelyani terms) to come up with more effective 'naval artillery'. Spells are limited out to a kilometer or two, at least in Phil's usual practice. he rule of thumb was that "if you can see it, you can try to hit it". Phil was quite upfront that sorcery is not the decisive weapon in battle; it's usually people at close quarters in melee.
2.Having said that, yes, you can have a legion's magic users afloat, but they aren't going to be all that effective; the ship's deck is tossing around, and the crew is messing about with the ropes, so the kind of group sorcery you'd see on land may be there but not very good - a lot of missed saving throws, if you like. They'd also be grouped on one larger ship, probably the squadron flagship.
3.For personal magic, use EPT as is; that's what Phil did, as you read about in my sinking of the pursuing nest ship. For larger scale battles, try my set of miniatures rules or Dave Sutherland's "Legions". These work better with the small scale ships; EPT works better with 28mm ships.
4.And don't think I haven't thought of a 28mm scale large sea fight; I have a 100' tape measure, and I know how to use it. Give me a stout ship, a big enough floor, and a moon to steer by...