The Tsolyani tax laws are pretty simple: Property, of any kind, is not taxable; income, of any kind, is. If you found a steel sword, it's value is not taxable until you sell it. If you found a pile of kaitars, they are taxable; 'collector coins', like Engsvanyali ones, are not - until you sell them, then it's the value you got for them. Jewelry, same thing.
Which is why we sometimes left hoards of coins alone - first off, they are heavy and hard to carry, and secondly they are taxable.
As for reporting, small amounts - like maybe a couple of hundred or less - will get politely ignored, especially if you don't flash the money around. Small gifts to the tax people do help with this, of course. The biggest issue is actually your clan and temple; they can get big rewards for turning in tax evaders - your clan can get dunned for your taxes, remember - so they have every reason to turn you in if you have a lot of unreported income lying around the clan house. And it's also a case of the goose that lays the golden eggs; Imperial taxes are often remitted or repaid as payments to the clan, etc.
It's mostly about keeping the paperwork straight; money need not change hands. There's always a 'deduction'...