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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal

  1. #4311
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Opal View Post
    I think it was expected to be a caged demon of some sort, rather than an ultra-tech device.

    How big would it be? It's been ages since I read the book, but would a 5" cube under the canvas be on scale?
    Agreed! The fantasy fans in the group all thought this as well, so you're right on track.

    Yes; I was going to get one of those 5" - 6" open-cell foam cubes that they sell in crafts stores for floral decorations, fill it with my usual acrylic wood filler, add the cloth cover (and do the Yan Koryani glyphs, of course) and put the the whole thing on a scratch-built wagon. Chlen from Howard Fielding, on harnesses made from crafts chain.

    I thought that it would make a cool game scenario, where the players have to sneak up on the thing and the guards to see what they could find out...

  2. #4312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neshm hiKumala View Post
    So far ... more time to think about them! I'll get back to you when I have further questions (and I will have more of them!)
    In the mean time, thanks for the details on the Weapon Without Answer.

    Yes, the details are washed out. I had seen that picture before without realizing that the Emperor's Seal was hanging there. Very cool.

    As for you attachment: as mentioned already, for some reason, the one you posted failed to take digital root, so to speak.
    I've attempted to post my own attachment, the Spiegel's photo:

    ... and it worked.
    The Spiegel image, as downloaded on my computer, is a JPG. Perhaps is the picture you attempted to post saved in some other format, one not recognized by the RPGSite? Try a JPG or a PNG if you can.
    You're welcome! I had a much better connection this morning, and I managed to get the photo posted for you.

    Glad you thought the thing was cool; w loved to build this sort of thing, as it seemed to amuse and delight people.

  3. #4313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Andy View Post
    I know the Man of Gold was used but no one knew what it did but, as I remember, the Weapon seemed to burn out, electrically speaking, with black smoke pouring out of the cube, and the Baron's army retreating because of its malfunction. I will have to go back and check.
    Yep; popped all of it's fuses, as it were. Lord Fu Shi was not amused.

  4. #4314
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Let's try this...
    Attachment 325
    That's much better. That really is a nice design. I've always liked its symmetry.
    I think that this might be another one of Phil's "in jokes", as the Imperial Seal is very much in the spirit of the Arabic Calligraphers, specifically those who use the Muhaqqaq style. If you compare the above image with the ornately stylized examples of the Basmala I think you can really see the similarities, and inspiration. Not too surprising really as this type of calligraphy was especially popular during the Mameluke period, and the Mamelukes could be found in India: the "Mameluke Dynasty" (1206-1290), and in Egypt: "Mameluke Sultante" (1250-1517). I don't know how much these two institutions inspired Phil during the creation of Tekumel, but I'm sure there are elements that can be found somewhere in Tsolyanu or the Five Empires.

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  5. #4315
    Se�or Member Bren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Let's try this...
    Attachment 325
    Much better. Thanks.
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  6. #4316
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Exactly. We still really don't know what the thing was / is; as far as I know, it's still sitting out there someplace in Yan Kor in storage.

    Oh, I was confusing myself(it has been some time since I read MoG)!!! The Man of Gold and The Weapon Without Answer...The Man of Gold prevented the Goddess from entering Tekumel. Also "killed" her minions(a He'essa?)on Tekumel(unless I'm wrong)!?!? Any hints that The Professor left behind, as to what The Weapon Without Answer does?

    Also, I remember reading about a device/artifact that creates a kind of forcefield(was that the WWA)???


    Last edited by Hrugga; 09-02-2016 at 08:56 PM. Reason: Mistake

  7. #4317
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    In the Holy City of Mecca, in the Al-Masjid Al-Haram, is the first temple where the Prophet - Blessed be his Name! - cast down the idols and established the first mosque. Phil's description of his mighty Black Box is that of Islam's holiest site, the Qaaba (or Kaaba, depending on how you translate the Arabic word.)
    I love that parallel, between the WwA and the Kaaba. At the very least, one inspired the appearance of the other.
    I remember this academic who contacted the T�kumel Yahoo group a little while back. She was interested in finding out how the Professor's faith had influenced or at the very least seeped into the world of T�kumel.
    I hope we get to read the result of her investigation one of these days as I find the subject fascinating.

    In any event, thanks very much for posting the K�lumel. The design is very clear now.

  8. #4318
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    In the Holy City of Mecca, in the Al-Masjid Al-Haram, is the first temple where the Prophet - Blessed be his Name! - cast down the idols and established the first mosque. Phil's description of his mighty Black Box is that of Islam's holiest site, the Qaaba (or Kaaba, depending on how you translate the Arabic word.)

    Ah. me. Ah, Phil...
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  9. #4319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    That's much better. That really is a nice design. I've always liked its symmetry.
    I think that this might be another one of Phil's "in jokes", as the Imperial Seal is very much in the spirit of the Arabic Calligraphers, specifically those who use the Muhaqqaq style. If you compare the above image with the ornately stylized examples of the Basmala I think you can really see the similarities, and inspiration. Not too surprising really as this type of calligraphy was especially popular during the Mameluke period, and the Mamelukes could be found in India: the "Mameluke Dynasty" (1206-1290), and in Egypt: "Mameluke Sultante" (1250-1517). I don't know how much these two institutions inspired Phil during the creation of Tekumel, but I'm sure there are elements that can be found somewhere in Tsolyanu or the Five Empires.

    Agreed! There were a lot of samples of Mughal calligrapy in Phil's collection, as well as examples of what you mentioned. Prince Mirusiya's 'cartouche' / 'seal' at the top of Princess Vrisa's arrest warrant is a Tsolyani example. Gronan can tell you what it was like, walking into Phil's dining room, and seeing all the little Indo-Persian manuscripts and paintings lined up along the dish rail alongside the weapons collection. Phil had a personal seal like this as well, which he used as a bookplate in his books - I have samples of this.

    In keeping with this tradition, I have some of my own, as well as a couple of jasper seals set into massive seal rings in my collection of artifacts. The Missus also found me a wooden boxed set of rubber stamps ("Arabic Words and Patterns", by Jennifer Larson, Chronicle Books) that I use like any good Tekumelyani official - Phil mentioned that woodblock and other materials are used to make these seals, and used by officials with great gusto on official documents.

  10. #4320
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bren View Post
    Much better. Thanks.
    You're welcome! Thanks for pointing this out, too!


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