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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal

  1. #3831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Andy View Post
    To the Batcave!!!

  2. #3832
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hrugga View Post
    Uncle, good stuff!!! What ended up being on the other side...? As far as Nereshanbo goes, I would love to play in it. But as it would not be a reality this year, if the others want to see it, I'm all for it!!! Thanks.


    PS How long until your next instalment of miniature painting 101...?
    Which one of a couple hundred doors?

    The idea is to have the thing ready for play, whenever. It'll be in modules, so I can get the thing in and out of the game room...

    Saturday, at this rate. I had to go to the IPMS Sweden site to get the paint conversion charts - Humbrol Authentic, Polly S, and Floquil are not made any more, and it's been decades since Phil's palette of colors was available...

  3. #3833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post

    I'll bet that scenario was a good lesson for your opponent. You should call this battle "How not play an ambush, and the importance of reacting quickly to a changing situation."
    As old Boney Parts said:
    "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemy's." Napoleon Bonaparte

    No, it wasn't, which is why playing Tom got to be such a chore. He didn't learn a thing, and started looking for a better 'gimmick' army.

    Oddly enough, one of my Braunstein players describes me as 'The Lord of Chaos'...

  4. #3834
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    Me too.

    Cool! I got this notion after looking over my stocks of raw materials, and seeing that I have a lot of sheet stock and lumber just sitting around. And just the right stuff for the water feature, too! And I like boats, so...

  5. #3835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    I was nosing around on the Blue Room again, and I found this on the Undying Wizards written by Phil. Maybe Chirine can tell us a little more about some of the wizards mentioned, or about the College?

    Well, what little I can add may not help much. We were, as a group, very 'grounded' in Tekumel proper, and not very interested in hopping around the planes or hob-nobbing with wizards and demons. We did have most of that motley crew of annoying sorcerers drop in and out on quite a few occasions, but it was always because they needed a favor from us or 'a little job' done. In general, we were much more interested in exploring Tekumel then the other groups where, and so they tended to go off on these mighty universe-spanning epic quests while we minded the store. They're all in the book, but if you have something specific I'll try to answer. What you found is about all Phil did, although they do appear in his novels.

  6. #3836
    Bloody Weselian Hippy AsenRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    From AsenRG:
    Was there also a scandal because there shouldn't be dud shells?
    Also, these people would probably be impaled in Tekumel...

    Yes, but that was the British scandal. Yes, if I caught them...
    I know it wasn't in a nation that practiced impalement at the time. But shipping shells that don't explode would surely catch Chirine's ire... In fact, I suspect he would react badly no matter which side he was on.

    True! I went back and looked it up, it was the 14th Foot at Blenheim.
    Viva the spirit!

    Which is thinking before doing...
    The same guy told him "the game is just fine, you're just stupid", AFAIK.

    Yeah, I suspect they would.
    I sometimes joke that half the successful PCs would have gotten along with a certain James Moriarty, Professor. Of course, the other half would kill them...

    This may have to be set in stone and put up as a monument, somewhere. Very true, I think. Like the poor people at a long-ago Gen Con who had trouble wrapping their heads around the notion that Chirine really is an Evil High Priest, and even has his own Evil Army to back him up.
    Well, it was distressing for them, I guess...
    I remember the first time someone offered me to play Vampire: the Masquerade. My reaction was "I killed a lot of PCs last month".

    I shall be waiting.
    BTW, are you familiar with Kobold's Book of Combat?

    No, I'm not, sorry.
    No need to be sorry, I doubt you'd learn anything new. I just think it's a good text for new players.

    Man, I hate box barrages. Don't ask me why, I just don't like them.
    Agreed. They are no fun to be under, even under cover, and I am not find of them as a game tactic as they are pretty mechanistic - I find that kinda dull, an while it does win fights it could have been a better game with more moving about and such.
    Oh, I'm fine with mechanistic tactics. If they let me set it up, they get what they deserve.
    The reasons I don't like this one in particular are frankly unclear even to myself.

    Fred was a sportsman, and enjoyed the challenge of game play. Like all of those guys from that time, having a fun game was a lot more important then who won or who lost.
    Yeah, that's the spirit...

    Agreed; we use to call them 'power gamers', and now I think they might be 'min-maxers'.
    Well, those terms are somewhat contradictory. The way I use them, "power gamers" probably applies, but you'd have to add "stupid" in front of "min-maxer"...
    I think that the Timmy, Johnny and Spike classification* fits better in this case. In this case, we're definitely talking about a Timmy.
    Min-maxers tend to be Spike.

    *Likes to win with big cards, likes to use non-standard comboes even if they don't win often, likes to win, period.

    Also, hereby we, the audience, request that you tell us of Eyloa's fried eggs, the whimsical Sarvodaya Di'ela, what happened to Arumel's daughter when he left her alone at the College for too long, and why Ais is interesting, other than being someone's bride!
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky

  7. #3837
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Which one of a couple hundred doors?

    The idea is to have the thing ready for play, whenever. It'll be in modules, so I can get the thing in and out of the game room...

    Saturday, at this rate. I had to go to the IPMS Sweden site to get the paint conversion charts - Humbrol Authentic, Polly S, and Floquil are not made any more, and it's been decades since Phil's palette of colors was available...
    Uncle, Haha!!! I have all the time in the world!!! So you can start with your first door, and continue on from there...I'm all ears. Or If you like, hold off on this and let's get that leather bound collector's edition of TSTPT done!!! That would be a dream come true. Thanks. Be well.


  8. #3838
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    I was nosing around on the Blue Room again, and I found this on the Undying Wizards written by Phil. Maybe Chirine can tell us a little more about some of the wizards mentioned, or about the College?

    "There is no lengthy description of the Undying Wizards, the
    College at the End of Time, and other features of the Further Planes. When
    I first set out to publish "Empire of the Petal Throne," I realised that
    many complexities had to be simplified -- perhaps totally dropped, perhaps
    issued later as follow-up booklets, etc.

    I thus put "Empire of the Petal Throne" out as "Introductory Tekumel." It
    deals with the contemporary situation, particularly in Tsolyanu.
    "Intermediate Tekumel" might include localised planetary developments, such
    as the Undying Wizards, the College, and some of the "nearer" Planes
    Beyond. "Advanced Tekumel" then could go on to treat the Further Planes,
    the struggles between the Gods (and certain of the Pariah Deities), the
    denizens of the Pylons, the strategems and grand planning of forces on
    several sides, etc. etc. There could even be a "Post-Graduate Tekumel," but
    this is best left undescribed.

    Some of the Wizards of "Intermediate Tekumel" are mentioned in the various
    sourcebooks: elderly, bald-pated Thomar, Subadim the Fisherman of Skeins,
    Hagarr of Paranta, etc. Others are not well known outside of my personal
    games: e.g. the devious Thuken; beautiful, but violent and impetuous
    Sarvodaya Di'ela; Turshanmu the Klutz; Ardza the Inimical Beast of Hosts,
    etc. Each of these has his or her (or its) peculiarities and personality;
    each is the defender of a particular point of view, sometimes
    straightforward (e.g. Thomar = Stability) and sometimes contradictory and
    distorted (e.g. Sarvodaya = Change? the Goddess of the Pale Bone? Others of
    the Pariah Deities? Her own selfish desires?). Each has a role and duties
    on Tekumel. These "wizards" are not just free scholars, who can doze in
    libraries and teach and enjoy their perogatives, as some players have
    wished. They are busy people, with projects, schedules, and goals. They are
    *not* there just to offer magical devices and information to the players'
    characters. They may help on occasion, but at other times they refuse aid
    because they can see problems further down the Road of Time. They travel up
    and down time and skip from one Plane to another, as a monkey swings
    through the trees of the forest.

    The College is, of course, a much later form of Avanthar, built in the same
    locale with much the same setting, but at the End of Time, far in the
    future when the sun is always about to set, and the skies are a soft red
    and dull gold. The place is called a "College," but there are no classes,
    curricula, or degrees. It is a "college" in the older, mediaeval sense: a
    haven for scholars. Its libraries are vast, containing the essentials of
    all human history. The librarians have no idea where specific books are,
    however, because, like mediaeval libraries, there is no catalogue system.

    The College teems with people and creatures from many worlds, including
    Tekumel itself. These students study, work under this or that tutor, and
    are given projects of their own. Some of these projects are designed for
    Tekumel, while others are meant to operate on the worlds of the Planes
    Beyond. The system is quite complicated, involving many points of view and
    conflicting objectives.

    Most player characters (in my experience) are not suitable for enrollment
    in the College because they are still too human, too greedy and
    self-centred, and too limited in perspective to be productive in such an
    environment. A yen for "magic items" and "secrets" does not make a
    candidate a good student.

    The Wizards and the College are widely known in my campaigns. My players
    are now accomplished "Intermediate Tekumel" players. Some have moved on to
    the lower stages of "Advanced Tekumel." Many have met some of the Wizards
    and taken part in adventures on other Planes. Some have even allowed old
    Turshanmu to cast spells affecting them -- ask Eyloa about fried eggs, or
    others about Turshanmu's "Pink Goo." Ask Arumel about the whimsical
    Sarvodaya Di'ela, or ask him what happened to his own daughter when he left
    her alone at the College for too long. Ask Sanjesh about his lovely bride,
    Ais. There are too many adventures and details here ever to record n full!

    The Planes Beyond are tremendously confusing: an infinity of closely
    similar Planes (e.g. on this one you sneeze, on that one you do not), with
    interlinking nexus points that usually take a traveller *away* from his
    goal (like putting a blind child into New York City without a map and
    telling him to find his way home) and are fraught with danger. Thomar
    describes the Planes as a great tree, with one central trunk (the main
    time-line) and an infinity of limbs, branches, leaves, etc. Layers of the
    Many Planes are like the rings in the trunk of a tree. On one "limb"
    Mirusiya is Emperor; on another Hirkane is not dead; on a third, Ma'in
    Kruthai rules and has turned the palace into a resort for Dlamelish
    worshippers; on still another, the Hokun dominate a lonely planet of Ssu to
    which humankind never came. If one wants to know more (but not all), one
    must seek Waba, the author of the Periplus of the Planes. He's a pretty
    good guide, though not always infallible.

    I hope that this much will serve, at least temporarily. I don't usually go
    into these aspects of Tekumel. There are enough complexities as it is; even
    in the familiar Five Empires, even in Jakalla or Tumissa or Bey Su; no need
    to wander far afield in order to find things to do, any more than one needs
    to know the street plan of Tenochtitlan in order to analyse American
    political campaigns. I hope I live long enough to get at least *some* of
    this down in writing. My players know much about the "Intermediate" level,
    however, and can act as guides. A few are experienced in certain nearer
    regions of the Planes Beyond, such as Sanjesh, whose friend, Horodai, is a
    demon -- but a friendly one.

    Enjoy. Watch out for little old men who want to "borrow" chalk or a candle
    in order to make a spell.


    Lord Shemek, most excellent find. Now my mind is racing like a thousand horses[horse:a riding beast I have encountered in my travels]across a plain!!! Stop those vengeful Hokun for they are not unlike the oliphant, whose memory may span ages...Thanks for sharing!!! Be well my friend.


  9. #3839
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Would you happen to know anything about "Intermediate Tekumel" Hokun? Or can you shed any further light on the Professor's "Intermediate Tekumel"? I know we have been here before, but Lord Shemek has rekindled some of my thoughts...Any tidbits to add?

    Also if you may, can you give us a overview of Avanthar? Such as its scope above, below, and beyond? And some of its lesser known oddities(we know about the Jade arch, Petal Throne, lightning bringers, etc.). Anything that is lesser known? Thank you in advance.


    PS I ask because I'm wondering now, how far off is my branch of Bethorm from the main trunk...

  10. #3840
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Very astute observations. We normally had eight to ten people in our group out at Phil's, with a mix of pure fighters, pure magic users, and 'priests' - the mixed use class. Normally, the more experienced players would take the front and back, and the less experienced would be in the middle. This gave them a lot more to do, which was fine, and they usually had the skills to do a lot of this stuff. Which is why I get boggled at the idea of 'niche protection'; we just naturally assumed that the person with the most applicable skills would be doing the needed stuff; 'leadership of the party', such s it was, would move around between people depending on the situation.
    There is this notion, I have no idea where it started, that every player must have something "fun" to do every round. The notion that "Olav and I are going to watch forward at the head of the group while Chirine and Aelfric watch behind us in the rear, because we're the four most heavily armored types" has been judged "not fun" by a subset of modern gamers. What they'd do with a regiment of foot in square while the artillery pounded the enemy cavalry, I have no idea.

    Me, I always thought "accomplish your objective" was fun. But what do I know.

    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    I still run larger groups, and enjoy them more. Given the very fast pace of my games, it gives the players more time to think, and the dynamics are a lot of fun. Get a good, cooperative group (like the amazing mob - eighteen people - I had at Gary Con, last year) and it becomes a really fun time.

    My thought for doing 'Tomb Complex' is that I usually run the Jakalla Underworld, and it does get a bit old for me - I have memorized most of the map key by now, I fear. I'd like to have something quick, fast, and fun for people to play that is also visually spectacular, and I thought that this project might fit the bill...
    Does the "Tomb Complex" have wandering monsters? As referee I have found that the more things that are variable, the more surprises ** I ** can have, which helps keep it fresh and fun. Like when the wandering bugbears decide to shake down the players for a "toll" rather than just attacking.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

    I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.

    The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.


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