Breaking this down into sections, as I have some kind of long responses...
Agreed. This is the basis that I've invited people into my games over the years, and in the past it's worked very well. Currently, the issue is one of 'outreach'; because I work from 3:30 p.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday, I have very little opportunity to meet and talk to people. I've been out to the local gaming shops, but several of them are very,
very specialized and are in effect private clubhouses for their regular players. Had no luck in them, as all the residents want to talk about is the set of rules that 'the house' plays. Anything other then that gets no traction; example, Tower Games in South Minneapolis, where it's Warmachine and Warhammer 40K and nothing else. I've even had issues with trying to get them to order stuff for me from their suppliers - if it's not something for the two sets of rules, they won't even do a special order.
The other two possible venues are the game rooms at The Source and FFG's Event Center. The Source requires a booking ninety days in advance of the proposed date to reserve a table, and the reservation can be cancelled at any point if the store is running a promotion, tournament, or other store-related event. FFG prefers thirty days on bookings, but requires a $50 table fee to hold the table; they do not cancel, once they get the fee. Both places will certainly allow 'drop in' / 'pick-up games', but there is no certainty that there will be a table available when one arrives.
So, I am limited to Saturdays and Sundays. Maybe I should put up an ad:
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