I like your list. For me:
Jack Vance - Dying Earth, Demon Princes...I have others that need reading.
EE Doc Smith - I have only read Galactic Patrol and Grey Lensman so far.
The big three, CAS, REH, HPL; I have multiple books and stories.
Fritz Lieber; Fafrd and Mouser, and others.
Manley Wade Wellman; Silver John, so good. I have some others too.
ERB, Mars, so many to read, Venus, Tarzan. More to get.
Moorcock; Elric, Corum, Hawkmoon. Dragon in the sword(Erekose)?. And others.
Heinlen; Starship Troopers
Phillip Jose Farmer; Hadon of Opar, Tier books, others I have that need reading.
Karl Edward Wagner; Kane
Tolkien; Hobbit(for a quick adventure fix), LotR, Silmarillian
I have so many others that need reading. I'm sure, I will get to them soon. I do also find myself going back to the books I liked and rereading as well.
I left off MAR Barker. He goes without saying. The Book of Ebon Bindings has some really great stories(the pitfalls of demon summoning)...
PS Those are just the Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror/Pulp stuff...Wolfram Von Eshenbach, Mallory, Troyes, Homer...Off to Battle(work)!!!