Bathing suits? Bathing suits? You might want to check with the raffish gent over in the corner, sitting and having a beer with his two redheaded daughters and their twin husbands about this...
Mercy me! What would the Hamadryad think!!!
Or Dejah Thoris and Si N'te, for that matter?
And it's obscure literary reference night, here at the RPG site!
Try the veal, folks; we're having a special, and we'll be here all week for your amusement!
Shaboom! Shaboom!
I just bought one of these from Amazon: Energy Cosmic Ball which I think might serve. I've got some similar ones somewhere but the batteries may have run out by now
Glad to hear your back injury is getting better, Uncle. That description of healing made me laugh...
I'm also glad that we reached an agreement. But as my Improv teacher said, there's not much to talk about when there's agreement!
Well, I guess the Professor, like all humans, had his flaws...too bad publishing was one of them, but then, if it was exchanged, he might have published and promoted brilliantly one of the many settings I call simply "not worth the attention"...
I'd rather have the current situation, if it was a choice between those two.
Gasp! I'm now a total heretic, I know!
Yeah, I need to check what materials Kurt Hills backers have received already.
Who was playing the General, BTW? That's totally a plan some PC had concocted!
True for most settings, BTW. It's just even truer for Tekumel.
I must point out that a lot of settings that came lately are about as much "swords and planet" as Tekumel. One of them, namely Exalted, was in the top 5 of the most popular games at some point, and maybe still rates in the top 10...No. See also Harn and Jorune, which their creators told me that they'd specifically based on Tekumel. Neither had a lot of popular appeal; the vast majority of gamers simply don't want to have to deal with a 'complicated' and/or 'difficult' world setting. Somebody could do it, but they'd loose their shirts in the process. The one and only exception that I would make to this statement would be a Barsoom-based game, an that's not going to happen because of the IP fees involved. There are several very nice not-Barsoom sets of rules out there, and I'd look in that direction.
No. I think it would be a huge mistake, myself, for the reasons I just mentioned. The gamers will not buy it. And no, absolutely not; I will not make the mistake of getting involved in the business side of the house that I did in 1978 - much as I liked Dave and Phil, it was simply the one and only choice in my long and busy life that I truly regret.
Again, and contrary to popular opinions apart from having the list of canonical spells, running Tekumel really doesn't necessitate a very specialized system. Lots and lots of systems (all the effect-based ones, for starters) can do the spells on the fly, too. Even some retroclones would be able to do that.Yes; I bought a copy when it came out - see also the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth when I told Pundit that I thought that "Arrows" would have been something Phil would have liked, and that it could be used pretty much 'as is' for running Tekumel. They are both 'India', and have a lot of the very same assumptions and basic world-setting attributes.
If anything, getting the social aspects of the setting right - like Flashing Blades does with 17th century France - would be the much greater challenge. Again, almost all systems would be equally successful at that.
So yeah, I'm sure Arrows of Indra could be used almost "out of the box". Then again, Honor+Intrigue would be, in all likelyhood, even easier. And Bethorm is already what I'd use if I hadn't started by adapting a different system.
Last edited by AsenRG; 05-21-2016 at 06:29 AM.
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky
Sigh again.
For those not familiar with the story; at some point somebody (no, I don't know who) decided Tekumel stuff needed to be put on a more "professional" basis and a corporation was formed. Yours Truly was prez, and I even negotiated a princely $5 an hour wage. Living the Dream!
Chirine, may he be forever blessed, continued faithfully soldiering on, despite the fact that if anybody actually deserved to get paid for promoting Tekumel it was him.
Or maybe he was too smart to fall for it. Hey, wait a minute...
Anyhoo, we raised about $6000 in seed capital. A year later I resigned, exhausted and demoralized, and went to grad school. At that point the company had about $3000.
The good news is that we made enough in sales to pay me for a year and pay for various things (see below) without using up all the starting funds.
The bad news:
1) Making Tekumel "more professional" was NOT what was needed. I felt bad for years about "did I kill the company by insisting on being paid", but then realized that the merchandise I was making sold for far more than my wage. (Yes, I cast and shipped the miniatures, printed and mailed the modules, etc. I was pretty much it except for conventons.)
2) We -- and I think ALL of us involved -- totally underestimated the amount of "labor of love" that went into "Fan Tekumel," and that suddenly had to be PAID for in the world of "Professional Tekumel".
3) NONE of us knew a damn thing about business. Including, honestly, Phil and Dave. But including me, to the point where "If you sell out, raise the price" was a principle unknown to me. As discussed up thread I probably woudn't have been allowed to, but I never even THOUGHT of it.
4) Nobody realized -- and by "nobody," I mean "not even GAMA" -- that the D&D bubble had burst but good, and wasn't coming back. It wouldn't be until the late 80s or early 90s that people really figured it out. 1983 was about the WORST time in the world to start a RPG company.
5) We still had "Gold Rush Fever". This is closely connected to #4. "This crummy little D&D game made Gary Gygax rich, our BETTER game will make US rich!" Nobody at ALL had figured out yet that D&D was "lightning striking" and was a once in a lifetime phenomenon.
6) We didn't really have any idea of what we wanted to accomplish. "Make Tekumel the new D&D" sounds all very exciting, but what's your action plan?
The result was as you might expect. A huge part of the problem is that I was a rudderless ship. Now, going to the game conventions wasn't too bad; we often piggybacked with Adventure Games. Back then you could get more dealer badges for cons just for the asking, so it didn't cost Dave any more than he was already paying to include the "Tekumel Boat People," and we only had to pay for an extra table in the dealers' hall, and not admission. So for food and board we could get "Akbar and Jeff's Traveling Tekumel Road Show" going, and I got to say, boy howdy did we sell! So conventions, thanks to a lot of "donated for food and a place to sleep" labor, made a modest profit.
But the worst decision we ever made was going to the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles, towing the Temple of Vimuhla in its trailer behind Perfect Mikey's car. The trip cost us a BOMB, between gas, lodging, food, convention admission, convention HOTEL ( !!), the traffic ticket we got in California for not having extra wide mirrors on the car, and the cost of strap-on mirrors, etc, etc..
And not a damn one of us had any real idea why we were going. Man of Gold had just come out, and Phil and I had a day long meeting with Donald Wollheim about MoG and Tekumel in general. Some idea of how far divorced from reality we were may be gained by considering that Phil, with an entirely straight face, was talking about movie rights and Hugo awards. Our general plan, however, seemed to be
1. Go to Worldcon
2. ???
3. Profit!
At the end of it all I was so exhausted and demoralized I not only stopped playing Tekumel, I stopped gaming completely for 15 years. Maybe it's a good thing it was me and not Chirine after all; I wouldn't wish that whole experience on anybody. "No reward is worth this."
I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.
Formerly known as Old Geezer
I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.
The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.