Some questions for you so we can get back to more pleasant subjects, and forget the antics of the Tekumel Weenies.
A. What else can you tell us about some of your more exotic or �remote areas� encounters in Phil�s game? For example, I understand that you visited the Palace of Bassa, King of the Black Ssu, and the City of The Red Tiled Roofs, and the military installation at the South Pole to name just a few. Also, do I remember you saying that a group of Phil�s players traveled to one of the automated stations in orbit around Tekumel? Are there any other places that you may not have journeyed to, but have some inside information on? Any details would be appreciated, such as architecture, unique inhabitants, etc.
B. As far as �game canon� goes what is the current status of Captain Harchar,, The Glorious General, Karin Missum, Baron Ald and Lord Fu Shi�I, etc? Are they still alive in the T�kumel universe? Have they retired and made way for the next generation?
C. Did you ever encounter any of the characters from Phil�s first gaming group from the 50�s as NPC�s? Was the Baron Ald one such former PC turned NPC?
D. If Tsolyanu is like Moghul India, or Ancient Egypt, what would you recommend as a good source of inspiration for Mu'ugalavya? What type of images would be suitable to show to new players in order to establish the feel of the place?