From Greentongue:
Do/did you "punish" your player's characters when the player didn't conform to your vision of the setting, or do/did you warp the world to accommodate the player's vision.
No, to both. Tekumel is Tekumel, at least the way I learned it from Phil, and I don't change or modify it. As for players 'not conforming', I have yet to see that in any of my games over the decades. It may be that people who play with me are coming for that 'authentic Tekumel experience', but while I've seen some pretty eccentric stuff, it's all been well 'within the lines' of what Phil did in his campaign.
By "punish" I mean to have the world "push back" when their character didn't do what would be expected by the setting.
No. Not ever. The world works the way that the world works - at least, how Phil thought that it works - and as I do the same 'free Kriegspiel' / 'open sandbox' style of play that he did the world simply goes on running; I continue the meta-campaign, no matter what the players do, and they serve in the same roles that we did - odd eccentrics who provide humor and local color to the rest of the campaign.
I do have conversations with players in which we talk about how the world works - like the conversations we have in this thread - but once the game sessions starts, I am completely neutral and let the players do their thing. I have yet to have a situation where players insist on doing something utterly 'out of bounds.'
Considering that when EPT was first released there were few if any examples, how much "euro" is acceptable in a game played as if it was The 1st Time?
I'm sorry, I don't understand the use of the word 'euro' in this context. Can you explain it, please? Thanks!