This was Phil having one of his periodic throw-his-toys-out-of-the-pram temper tantrums. He'd sold us down the river to Different Worlds, effectively killing his own publishing company Tekumel Games. All of us, who were doing the work of keeping the thing (and Tekumel itself) afloat, handed in our resignations. We still gamed with him, but all the creative work stopped dead. Different Worlds soon found out that without us, there was nothing in the pipeline, and the money stopped coming in. Phil, as usual, blamed me for this and killed Chirine, his wife, and infant twins in a fit of pique. I simply laughed, and reminded him that this was a game and not real life. I got on with my life, kept running my own campaign for another five years, and when we started the new group in 2002 we just picked up where we'd left off.
As Gronan mentioned, Phil could confuse the game room with real life on occasion, and this was one of them. There was a very strong backlash from Tekumel fans who knew me and what I'd been doing for Tekumel, and we lost a lot of very good people as a result; Phil backtracked pretty quickly, but the damage had been done. Phil had a habit of cutting off his nose to spite his face, and it made for some very poorly thought-out decisions.
So, Chirine and his family continue to live comfortably, and he now sends a new generation of adventurers off on new adventures. It's all in the book...