Oh, yes! We did something like this back a few years ago, where we had a house full of guests in a sort of micro-convention. There are a number of these, here in the Twin Cities, and it's kind of an established tradition.
Being a good staff officer, I have contingency plans for this kind of event on file. Case One assumes up to twenty-five people attending, Case Two twenty-five to seventy-five, and Case Three seventy-five to over a hundred. One assumes being held here at the house, and is based on our successful micro-con; Two and Three are based on my decades of event production, and use (in the 'a' variants) the FFG Event Center or (in the 'b' variants) a local hotel - depends on what kind of deal could be negotiated with the hotel and the number of people needing hotel space. I update the files annually, to reflect changes on what I have available in terms of pre-built games and show production assets.