It's good to see that we have a few games on the go here.
Timidly raises hand.
When's it set? Are you keeping to the "official" story line?
Big Andy Not a pure Tekumel campaign exactly but heavily heavily heavily inspired by. The DNA is probably 75% Tekumel, or greater.
Cool. That's how the current incarnation of my game initially started out.
Me too, roughly "contemporary" era, but set in Lyvianu. A character even briefly glimpsed lord Chirine ba Kal during one of his visits.
During this time, a PC unwittingly helped a surge in the Lyviani campaign for "pacification" of the Tsolei isles, and the sending of Tsolyani "advisors" (by chasing away a spy). Then there was a timeskip of almost 20 years, because visiting other dimensions might do that to you. As a bonus, now the same character's son is a grown-up and got in the Navy!
Now they are in the midst of a war campaign, with the usual chaos. And a friend has recently been kidnapped by an inimical race. They might have to mount a raid to extract her.
All in all, it's much fun, just don't ask me what system I'm using, because I suspect the answer will make for a huge off-topic discussion!
That sounds great! I plan on having the group catching a glimpse of Lord Chirine, and the Glorious General, if they ever get to that time line
System, Shmystem. I use what ever works to fairly resolve what is being portrayed. I guess my core rules are a combination of EPT, and AD&D 1st ed. (with a little bit of 2nd thrown in). I have been gradually trying to get away from rule systems for at least the last 5 years or so, but still encounter resistance from they guys. Ideally I would like to use the type of system Phil employed in his game, as described on the Tekumel website, supplemented with EPT/AD&D for larger battles, or other very specific encounter types as needed.
Cool!!! I envy all of you!!! I guess I will need to make a campagin happen for me!!! No regular Tekumel gaming groups that I know of close by...
Set up a "regular" game, and work in Tekumel gradually if the players are adverse to it initially, or unfamiliar with the world. My group fought me tooth and nail when I first started to bring in large elements of Tekumel into my gaming world. They were more comfortable with the Tolkienesque, REH, and Moorcock universes. Tekumel was too weird and hard for them to "properly" enjoy. "The names are unpronounceable" one of my old players once said. Well, instead of making the game a linguistics or anthropology course I played it like I wanted it to be: a good old fashioned sword and sorcery romp. The players have not adventured on my original game world for decades! Those original characters are now fully integrated into Tsolyani society, having worked their way up into senior and respectable positions and clans, respectively, within the Imperium.
You, or perhaps someone on this thread, could also set up a PBEM game. I would certainly be in for that.