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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal

  1. #2281
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    We used to use that term as well. I knew a lot of guys like that back in the day. I remember one guy who so got on my nerves that I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and belt, and bum rushed him out of the shop, opening the front door with his head. He never bugged me again.
    Gods, you guys type fast!

    I wish...

  2. #2282
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    In Phil's Tekumel, no. You are what you are, and society respects that - it's actually formalized that way.

    I had a very sad little series of incidents that killed my game group back at the turn of the year. One of my players, who is a Very Big Wheel in the local F/SF LGBT fan group, ran a couple of game sessions using the very nice murder mystery he'd written up. He, however, had made sure to include a lot of LGBT elements in the scenario, and it didn't mesh very well with the high-school-age players - if they'd all been middle-aged gay guys, they probably would have liked it more. The 13-year old girl liked it even less, and all of my warning comments to the GM got blown off - he was going to run his age-inappropriate adventure, no matter what the audience reaction was.

    Later on, he brought over his new LGBT game group for a tour of the place, and everything was going quite well (I thought) until he started carrying on about how his PC had been "persecuted" for being gay. I just stood there with me mouth hanging open - I ran those same games, and nothing of the sort had happened. (I have the audio tapes, as well as my journals) He was taking this line to increase his standing with his LGBT people.


    You have the patience of Job.


  3. #2283
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    That's brilliant. I love that. Poor Glorious General. As we all know, never underestimate one's enemies.
    It was one heck of a fight; Gronan pulled it out of what phil had set up as a hopeless situation, and phil spent most of the game sitting there with his mouth hanging open at the sheer tactical brilliance of Gronan's battle.

    Me, I just killed anybody who menaced our center. I has Big Boom, I does.

  4. #2284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post

    Where can one get a copy of Qadardalikoi? Is it still in print somewhere?

    You might ask Carl Brodt at Tita's House of Games; he still might have a copy or two about the place. Otherwise, it's out of print. I am working on a second edition - the thing is older then my oldest daughter, for gosh sakes! If he doesnt have one, let me know; I can use playtesters.

  5. #2285
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    You might ask Carl Brodt at Tita's House of Games; he still might have a copy or two about the place. Otherwise, it's out of print. I am working on a second edition - the thing is older then my oldest daughter, for gosh sakes! If he doesnt have one, let me know; I can use playtesters.
    Will do. I'll see what he has on his site. Thank you.

  6. #2286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post

    You have the patience of Job.

    Well, I wasn't going to call out the guy in front of his game group; that's just not done, at least in the Arneson-Wesley-Maker-Gaylord-etc. gaming crowd that I got started in.

    I just smiled, took care of his guests for him - he left early, as he's a very busy guy - and made sure that they had a good time learning about Phil and Tekumel.

    I then simply announced that guest GMs here at the house had to provide their own players, as I was spending more time and energy on the logistics that I was on the games. Solved the problem right there. The vast majority of people can't organize their way out of a paper bag.

    Shrug. A lot less work and stress for me, and a lot less wear and tear on the miniatures. I play what I like, when I like, with whom I like, and I'm very happy with that state of affairs.

  7. #2287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    Will do. I'll see what he has on his site. Thank you.
    Sounds good!

  8. #2288
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    You are in good company. The use of 'real-world' tactics has been viewed as cheating for decades. Refuse a flank? Cheating. Refuse the center? Cheating. Use the terrain? Cheating. Reading and using military history? Cheating.

    Guess who doesn't game outside the basement either?
    In the real world the best generals win by finding ways to cheat so I suppose it's apt.

    On the other hand there are guys who come up with ways to cheat by setting the terrain up in their favor or building the scenario to cripple their opponent. There's the story of the guy who brought a four foot long hill to his Warhammer games and placed it in his deployment zone so all his missile troops could shoot in two ranks right over his front line troops and his enemies automatically had to suffer the penalty for charging up hill. Of course, GW being GW, they now sell terrain and you pay points to have it in your army list

    But I think part of it is just where mainstream society has drifted to. Kids don't just go play ball at the park anymore, they have to be organized into leagues and those are generally hyper competitive. Then you've got the rolling backlash against any competition or grading, especially in schools. There's also the lack of background, I sure spend a lot of time explaining that Games Workshop didn't invent miniatures games, nor indeed Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs.
    Last edited by David Johansen; 03-20-2016 at 07:37 PM.
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  9. #2289
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Johansen View Post
    In the real world the best generals win by finding ways to cheat so I suppose it's apt.

    On the other hand there are guys who come up with ways to cheat by setting the terrain up in their favor or building the scenario to cripple their opponent. There's the story of the guy who brought a four foot long hill to his Warhammer games and placed it in his deployment zone so all his missile troops could shoot in two ranks right over his front line troops and his enemies automatically had to suffer the penalty for charging up hill. Of course, GW being GW, they now sell terrain and you pay points to have it in your army list

    But I think part of it is just where mainstream society has drifted to. Kids don't just go play ball at the park anymore, they have to be organized into leagues and those are generally hyper competitive. Then you've got the rolling backlash against any competition or grading, especially in schools. There's also the lack of background, I sure spend a lot of time explaining that Games Workshop didn't invent miniatures games, nor indeed Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs.
    That's it in a nutshell. It's too bad.

  10. #2290
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    You might ask Carl Brodt at Tita's House of Games; he still might have a copy or two about the place. Otherwise, it's out of print. I am working on a second edition - the thing is older then my oldest daughter, for gosh sakes! If he doesnt have one, let me know; I can use playtesters.
    Just fired off an email to him. He has it listed on his website, but that that list is from Sept 2015 so we'll see.
    BTW, what are you planning with the 2nd edition? Will it have the same basic mechanics and what not?


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