This morning around 4:35am before heading out to work, I listened to wind chimes(metal and bamboo) on Youtube. That combined with a nice mixture of 3parts cinnamon/1part nutmeg(used to flavor my coffee made in an Italian Coffee Pot)creeped me out(it was still dark outside)!!!
It's going to be fun one day to use props(wind chimes and my cinnamon mixture) to mess with my kids!!!
H ;0)
Question about Hluss Hive ships...How big are they? Are there different types/classes of ship? How many Hluss can they carry? Are they always armed with lightning bringers? What makes those suckers move? When you hear that low humming sound pay attention...
H :0)
How did they start the Zu'ur trade to begin with? And how do you know what a Hlyss wants?
The Temple hierarchy you describe really opens my eyes. My mistaken notion of the High Priest acting almost like a Tekumel Pope with leadership reaching across borders I got from the novels, where personages like Misenla seemed to be treated as such. Being more like Patriarchs makes things more complicated, and interesting.
I was just reading a bit of the Blue Room Archives. It was a discussion about Ssu, Hluss, Hokun. All three are able to communicate with ease. Hokun are able to communicate with humans. Hokun seem to be trouble makers and behind many of the woes on Tekumel. I would not be suprised to see the Hokun playing both sides(Ssu/Hluss and Humans)against each other to suit their own needs.
Besides nobody likes those bugs...There are rumors about what they are doing to Humankind on the other side of the world.
Just some food for thought.
H :0)
Last edited by Hrugga; 01-08-2016 at 07:54 AM. Reason: Spelling error
As the saying goes, Montressor, "I can't make this shit up."
And another place
in which we discover a "war game" is different from a "strategy game." Apparently, war does not have strategy in it.
Hmm, much suddenly becomes clear...
I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.
Formerly known as Old Geezer
I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.
The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.
Reluctantly, I must confess that I was caught totally flat footed.
You see, it was a BIG battle. A HUGE battle. We had moved together either four or six standard schoolroom folding tables, so we had something like a 7 x 12 foot battlefield.
Now, other than the overeager Germans using an 88 from a mile and a half away to shoot at a jeep (the single worst possible choice; even worse the woods were CRAWLING with German infantry, and every damn squad has an MG34! One short burst and the poor lads in the jeep would have been done for.) Anyway, other than that, the Germans were playing compentently... perhaps even well.
But Chirine, honestly, is a fucking brilliant tactician.
He excels at reading the terrain from the ENEMY point of view. As in, "If I were the Germans and wanted to give me a nasty surprise, where would I put my weapons?"
Chirine is also the man who taught me about "bounding overwatch." That is, while Element A moves Element B is watching likely attack zones, and vice versa. So 3rd Platoon of Easy 8s is watching that woods there as one tank... ONLY one tank... from 1st Platoon zips out to those abandoned buildings. If the lead tank makes it, the rest of 1 Platoon follows. Et cetera.
So when 2 platoon moves its lead unit, 1 Platoon is watching the abandoned factory, and when the German tank pegs the lead tank of 2 Platoon, all 5 of 1 Platoon's Easy 8s open fire.
And because Chirine is very good indeed, 2 Platoon's tank moved in a way that made the Panther expose its turret side to 1 Platoon. And at 400 yards an Easy 8s' 76 will punch through the side of a Panther's turret.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
The net effect, to summarize, is that Chirine and his subcommanders were giving the Germans one hell of a shellacking. As in, the Germans were losing a tank for virtually every American tank they knocked out. I've never seen anything like it, and I had simply subconsciously assumed that the Americans were taking the usual 3:1 or so losses.
So when Chirine said "That's why I've kept my reserves over here" and popped the boxes open, my jaw hit the floor. Too bad digital cameras weren't around yet, my expression must have been pretty choice.
On the other hand, I'm happy to know that the memory of the look on my face still keeps you warm at night.
I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.
Formerly known as Old Geezer
I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.
The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.
It's been interesting reading the asides about miniatures gaming in the old days from the General and Chirine. As a long time miniatures gamer (as well as RPG'er) I can empathise with their points.
I was once playing in a Vietnam wargame in the early 80's being run by Paddy Griffiths (that Paddy Griffiths) and was accused of being a ringer who had taken the Platoon Commanders course at Sandhurst (British West Point) due to my tactical handling of the US Grunts. I pointed out to Paddy that I'd learned my tactics from the WW2 Infantry manuals available to my Cadet Force at school (sort of OTC for teens) in the later 60's and not from being in the British Army. So even professionals (Paddy was then a lecturer at Sandhurst) can be fooled by applying hard won knowledge learned from books.
Well done, that lad!
I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.
Formerly known as Old Geezer
I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.
The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.