Great questions - let me hit them in order, if I may.
System-less - The concept didn't exist, back then, in the early 1980s. The S&G Sourcebook was systemless, as there were no rules in it at all - that was for Volumes II and III. Everybody, back then, wanted to be the next biggest thing in the industry - after all, if those two idiots could be a success, then MY system will make millions. Lots and lots of people all thought that they could write the perfect RPG, and use Tekumel as the point-of-purchase display to sell their systems.
And when we did tell people about Phil's preferred 'you roll, I roll' method, they tended to freak out. "Too simple", "Too loosey-goosey", "Too handwavy" are the current terms of art that I've been hearing for the past several years. If you have a look at the videos I have up on YouTube, you'll see this style of play in action; I still run things this way, and it seems to work.
I do agree with your points, too; Tekumel is a world-setting, not a system, and it can be used with any RPG you want to. I don't know much about RPGs; I have never played anything newer then AD&D, and I didn't play much OD&D - Gary and Dave were not 'rules lawyers'. I think you'd be better able to answer the question then I could , or other folks could - I simply have no data, as I have never played anything; people have always asked to run games for them! Well, one exception: we had Kyrinn Eis in for a weekend, and he ran her world for us. Wonderful time, and I really enjoyed myself.
Stuff - Yes, to all of the above. It all depends on one's connections. As a PC, I routinely 'borrowed' stuff from the Imperial museums, storehouses, Temple treasuries, you name it. You make sure that it's understood that you're not liable if you lose it in the course of your adventure, but beyond that it's considered 'noble' to properly equip your agents. Ask your clan or Temple to help you; You'd be amazed at what you can get if you ask nicely.
I once got issued a tubeway car by the Imperium, for example. One owner, good paint, and I could borrow it for as long as I wanted to.
'Museum' / 'living' - Agreed. Phil's campaign was a living, breathing thing that sometimes ran off in directions he didn't expect it to. We extended that in our fanzines, including dispatches from campaigns all over the world.
Does any of this help? I worry...