1. Stuff ebay; Uncle Hugo's SF Bookstore is on-line, and will ship. Buy there; you won't be sorry.
2. Well,
finally; thank you.
The Pink Tree Of Death was a stock fixture in all of our games for a very long time. Back in those far-off days of yesteryear, nobody made wargame scenery worth discussing. So, seeing as Woodcraft Hobby was right across the street (and later on, right next door) to The Little Tin Soldier Shoppe, we raided their stocks of model railroad suppiles. A company called 'Life-Like' made sets of 'train set' trees that weren't very good, but were cheap and practically indestructable - the two biggest and most important factors in gaming, at that time. One of the sets was supposed to be "Spring Trees", and featured a shockingly pink tree in the set. Being cheap, we put it on the table.
We had a player who, in
every single game where the pink tree was on the table, would put his most powerful and deadly thing under that tree. He did this no matter the period, the rules, the genre, whatever; he always put his best unit/PC/whatever under the pink tree.
Every single game. Period.
So, we not being
entirely stupid, on the very first turn/move/combat round of the game, would cut loose with everything and anything we had. Arrows, energy bolts, cannon shells, spitwads, you name it - the Pink Tree took it. The tree would be instantly destroyed, of course, being only a tree, and this guy's very bestest Thing Of Doom would be revealed to all of the players - who would then cut loose on the next possible moment, and eradicate the Thing of Doom. After about a year of this - the tree became known as The Pink Tree Of Death, and anything put underneath it was instantly wiped out.
And the guy
kept on doing it for years; he never could figure out why we were all laughing so hard every time we had this tree on the table...