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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal

  1. #1381
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greentongue View Post
    Please explain the Meshqu and their impact on the game from your experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hrugga View Post
    You beat me to it!!! I was going to ask too. I remember it being mentioned in The Professor's books at least in The Man of Gold. Otherwise not sure if it is discussed elsewhere.)
    Well, all right, if you both insist. You're sure, now?

    Meshqu are a manifestation of the Tsolyani love of visual display; the plaques that make up one's broad collar, for example, which show one's clan, temple, and status are another. High-class people - or those with pretensions to same - have sets of these square plaques which they display by the door of their personal rooms; these are in various colors and designs, and are intended to depict to visitors the mood, emotions, status, or activities of the person within. They have rather elaborate names, like "The Plaque of Serene Alimentation" (the resident is having a quiet dinner) and are quite often used to display all sorts of things. (In houses where these are not used, a visitor would ask the major-domo for this kind of information.) There are something like 26 plaques in the 'basic set', and while there are may obscure ones, these are the most common - and of these, perhaps 12 to 18 are usually to be seen.

    Phil first wrote about these in "The Tekumel Journal", back in 1977 or so, and used them as 'local color' in his novels. The 'zine article had drawings of the most common plaques, and I made a set for myself which got some use at my apartment. Visitors could see if they were welcome or not. We also did sets for Carl Brodt, back some years ago, but you'd have to ask him if he has any left.

    In our games at Phil's, these would occasionally come up in the game play; we would, as a matter of politeness, always check to see if these were displayed before we tried to go into somebody's private quarters. It's a matter of politeness; we'd also ask the servants or the major-domo, as we thought appropriate.

    They would also come up as part of the 'table talk'; when somebody wanted to indicate their status, they would say "I'm displaying the Plaque of (insert name here)." As we were also terrible comedians and ham actors, we'd also come up with very imaginary plaques to amuse Phil; we'd use the same flowery and elaborate words, but they'd be pretty silly - like the time Vrisa set out on her first ocean voyage, and announced that she was displaying The Plaque Of Upset Tummies next to her spot at the ship's rail.

    And they also provided some of the very best moments in our games, too. We were being besieged in Castle Tilketl by the Yan Koryani, and they summoned us to surrender; The Glorious General gave them a suitable reply, all soldierly, dignified, and defiant, and then I unrolled a green tarp freshly painted with six white ovals over the battlements of the gatehouse in their faces. This is 'The Plaque Of One Being Unavailable', and which indicates that the resident is at home, but not seeing or entertaining visitors. In short, they could get stuffed.

    Phil was so astonished that his jaw dropped to his chest, his cigar fell to the table (I think Kathy had to put it out before it set the table's carpet on fire), and after a few moments he started laughing. He laughed so hard, he actually had to put his head down on the table and gasp for breath. The other players seemed to think it was funny, too; Gronan was laughing so hard his face turned bright red...

    We were very serious people back in those far-off days...

    (By the way, you can see a replay of this game in miniature on my Photobucket page. Just saying.)
    Last edited by chirine ba kal; 12-05-2015 at 02:25 AM. Reason: typo, sorry

  2. #1382
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    3. Yep. it's supposed to be One Of The Big Secrets of Tekumel, but we worked in out pretty early on.
    What gave it away? In-game information or out-of-game knowledge of Phil and how his mind worked?

  3. #1383
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    Quote Originally Posted by nDervish View Post
    What gave it away? In-game information or out-of-game knowledge of Phil and how his mind worked?
    Well, it all got pretty well aired when Eyloa fussed around with the Egg of the World and brought Tekumel back into Humanspace. After the Space Marines landed and took over, the players mutinied and told Phil that if they wanted to play 'Traveller', they'd go and play at the Fifth Precinct. Phil grumped about it a lot, but faced with the prospect of no players 'reset' the campaign and things were off and running again.

    It was a combination of both sources of information; over the years we found out a lot about the gods, as well as talking to Phil about Tekumel and his time in F/SF fandom in the late 1940s and early 1950s. We just absorbed it, as it really was fascinating, but we mainly just got on with the business of surviving on Tekumel and furthering our careers.

    Out of game, we did know a lot more about the world-setting then our PCs did in game; we always tried to play as out PCs, and not let our knowing about the meta-game affect what we did.

    Does this help?

  4. #1384
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    Quote Originally Posted by nDervish View Post
    What gave it away? In-game information or out-of-game knowledge of Phil and how his mind worked?
    Lord of Light was published in 1968 and most of us read it in the early 70s. If you've read it, the "Twenty" of Tekumel are pretty obvious.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

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  5. #1385
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    And they also provided some of the very best moments in our games, too. We were being besieged in Castle Tilketl by the Yan Koryani, and they summoned us to surrender; The Glorious General gave them a suitable reply, all soldierly, dignified, and defiant, and then I unrolled a green tarp freshly painted with six white ovals over the battlements of the gatehouse in their faces. This is 'The Plaque Of One Being Unavailable', and which indicates that the resident is at home, but not seeing or entertaining visitors. In short, they could get stuffed.

    Phil was so astonished that his jaw dropped to his chest, his cigar fell to the table (I think Kathy had to put it out before it set the table's carpet on fire), and after a few moments he started laughing. He laughed so hard, he actually had to put his head down on the table and gasp for breath. The other players seemed to think it was funny, too; Gronan was laughing so hard his face turned bright red...

    We were very serious people back in those far-off days...

    (By the way, you can see a replay of this game in miniature on my Photobucket page. Just saying.)
    Phil usually reacted to our jokes with a "very funny." ( Often our jokes were more "winceworthy" than funny.)

    Once in a while he'd chuckle, or let out a brief "Ha!"

    That's the only time I saw him totally lose it. And I thought they were going to have to give me oxygen.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

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  6. #1386
    Se�or Member Bren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    And I thought they were going to have to give me oxygen.
    Oxygen deprivation. That explains so much...
    Currently playing: WEG Star Wars D6
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    Gronan now owes me 7 beers and I owe him 1 beer.

  7. #1387
    Bloody Weselian Hippy AsenRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    Lord of Light was published in 1968 and most of us read it in the early 70s. If you've read it, the "Twenty" of Tekumel are pretty obvious.

    Yeah, that explains a lot. I'd read it years before Tekumel and didn't register more than a casual connection.
    (Besides, to me Lord of Light was published in the 90ies, because I remember the Bulgarian edition, of course!)

    Also, it makes me better-inclined towards the Ten of Change, and kinda explains why a lot of you seemed to favour them. Or maybe it doesn't. But at least it explains to me why I would want to follow any god but those of Stasis!

    (I should've paid more attention to the part where the gods of stasis aim for absolute stasis. But I was going for the Creation-Existence-Destruction cycle of the ancient Hindu myths, and the Twenty don't fit well there).
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky

  8. #1388
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    Well, humans being humans the Lords of Stability on Tekumel did not represent absolute statis. I was a follower of Karakan, for instance, which fit well with my career as a soldier and my lack of political ambition.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

    I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.

    The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.

  9. #1389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    Lord of Light was published in 1968 and most of us read it in the early 70s. If you've read it, the "Twenty" of Tekumel are pretty obvious.
    Agreed! This is part of the shared world / mental map that you and I inhabit(ed) and apply to our gaming, and one which I think may be largely forgotten or unknown today. I think all of us at Phil's table, at least in the original Thursday Night Group, had read this book - I don't remember if Phil said that he had, but I would not be surprised if he did. (Maybe Ken Fletcher would know.) He did really like the "Lord of Light" aircar model that I did, with you as Sam and me as Yama...

  10. #1390
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    Phil usually reacted to our jokes with a "very funny." ( Often our jokes were more "winceworthy" than funny.)

    Once in a while he'd chuckle, or let out a brief "Ha!"

    That's the only time I saw him totally lose it. And I thought they were going to have to give me oxygen.
    We did manage to 'get' him, once in a very great while. This was one, if not the best, of the very very best 'gotchas' we ever managed to pull off...


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