Also, a thought for those who want to run a game on Tekumel:
Phil had been creating Tekumel for some thirty years BEFORE I introduced him to OD&D at the U of MN in 1973.
NONE of us will ever, ever have that fully developed a world. DON'T TRY.
Pick a general genre like I mentioned above, and think of the Tekumelyani aspects as seasoning on the meal. Almost like take your standard D&D world, scratch out "troll" and write in "Ahoggya" in red crayon...
Simply set it in the framework of five large, ancient, bureaucratic, and rather decadent empires with a huge network of extended families going over, under, around, and through these boundaries, and go nuts.
It'll be fine.
Hell, you could even use PENDRAGON. Just like a major theme of
Le Morte d'Arthur is family loyalty vs loyalty to the Round Table, you could play a game of clan loyalty vs loyalty to your political home.