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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal - part II

  1. #801
    Invincible Overlord Baron's Avatar
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    I spent a day with Lin Carter at an SF club outing. He was a gentleman and a lot of fun. I also enjoyed his books.

  2. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    No, sorry I understand it isn't really one question, its several and potentially big, but this is a lovely portrait thank you. I think I've seen one of the photos you mention, where you are all in costume around him and he has a big smile on his face and his arms spread wide in a sort of "isn't life great!" gesture. Sounds like he was quite involved. I expect he felt too much the elder institutional academic to quite get in costume himself anymore, but I have a feeling he was joining you vicariously.
    He really did enjoy it; I think his advancing arthritis was a reason why he didn't get into costume himself - which is why we were all so surprised and I was so touched when he and his wife showed up to my 25th birthday party in costume; he wore the robes he'd worn on pilgrimage to Mecca, and she was dressed to the nines in full Mughal array.

    It does have to be said that Phil was terribly afraid be being laughed at, which made him more then a little insecure. We tired very hard not to seem to be doing this, and laughing with him instead.

  3. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    I don't have anything to compare it to, but that seems to me like quite a large group of people, I can imagine how impressive it was when everyone got together!

    Anyway, stay in and hydrated as long as you must, I expect you still have a long sultry summer in front of you
    Yep; we could fill a pretty good-sized stage, back in the day, and we won more then a few prizes along the way.

    Stayed in the shade today, and chugged electrolytes. Feeling much better, thank you!

  4. #804
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    He really did enjoy it; I think his advancing arthritis was a reason why he didn't get into costume himself - which is why we were all so surprised and I was so touched when he and his wife showed up to my 25th birthday party in costume; he wore the robes he'd worn on pilgrimage to Mecca, and she was dressed to the nines in full Mughal array.

    It does have to be said that Phil was terribly afraid be being laughed at, which made him more then a little insecure. We tired very hard not to seem to be doing this, and laughing with him instead.
    Yes to both.

    And Phil was also terrified that his interests might reflect poorly on his professional life. It makes me a bit sad to remember.
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

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  5. #805
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    Quote Originally Posted by GameDaddy View Post
    Well That's interesting! Here is some black & white shots of Lin Carter in EPT costumes in the 1970's...

    Lin Carter was well known fantasy and sci-fi author who is well known for finishing up a number of Conan stories as well as stories from H.P. Lovecraft. As an editor he published anthologies many, many other famous authors in his Flashing Blades series, I had no idea he was an EPT fan!

    Chirine in Costume (from Der Spiegel)

    Tekumel circa 1988...

    Tekumel for Warband
    Pinterest Page

    Chirine with his dancing girls, from his own blog...

    Chirine also has other pictures in the archives from the WorldCon 70's and 80's costume shows including M.A.R. Barker.

    Zhu Bajie / Tekumel
    Pinterest Page

    Nicole Patricia Malina (Photographer)

    Art done up my Don Maitz (Not sure if this is for EPT, though)
    Very cool pictures, and thank you!

    The Don Maitz art is indeed connected with Tekumel - a lot of the people on the three 'of the Empire' books are drawn from the Ral Partha figures that I sent to Don at Daw by his request; he'd also asked for a copy of my 'Miniatures for Tekumel' book, and he told me that he's circulated both rather widely to F/SF artists after the cover for MoG hadn't met with Phil's approval. That's why so many of the classic 25mm figures appear on FS's cover.

  6. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    Yes! some of those are the costume images I was thinking about. Lin Carter though, I hadnt seen that. Is that a Tekumel costume? hard to say, he did correspond with the Professor, so maybe. Do we have context for those Lin Carter photos?

    Yikes, I saw a couple of my own illustrations on the pinterest pages too. Bizarre. But in a good way

    BTW Chirine, after your post, I did find an image of Forrest Ackerman in costume in 1939. Not exactly full-on Raymond Massey but still pretty classic!
    He exchanged a lot of letters and documents with Phil, and I have copies of some of them through the courtesy of a friend.

    Glad you saw 4SJ in all his glory!

  7. #807
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    Quote Originally Posted by bconsidine View Post
    That sounds like a lot of fun.

    I think so, too. I'd run this as a timed event, with each team allowed ten to fifteen minutes of real time to search the room. I'd also isolate each team from the others, so that all of the players would come to the room 'cold'. 'The Rules' would be Free Kriegspiel, with a GM - preferably Gronan, for the most laughs - in the room and adjudicating as needed. I'd have the traps, if any, done with Post-it notes, and turn the players loose. Between each teams' runs, I'd have the stagehands reset the room to the start position, so that each group would have the same chances.

    It'd be a scream; it'd be 'The Adventure of the Mummified Pot-roast' writ large, and my kind of gaming in all it's glory. After the first few runs, and word got out, we'd have them waiting in line clear round the block.

    And, just to make it ever funnier, I'd invite all the D&D etc. people to run their own PCs and groups through the game. I think it'd be hysterical, watchign the mayhem. And, speaking of watching, I'd use my video gear and wire the room like the proverbial pinball machine, so that non-playing spectators could see and hear all the screaming and shouting. (I have a good stick of rubber scorpions, remember.)

    Did a trial run of this too, where the people in my group were trying to get into a locked chest. I simply handed the antique Chinese lock to the party, and told them to have at it. Best eight minutes and thirty-four seconds of gaming you can imagine, as one player worked the lock over - she did get it open - while I had the rest of the party roll percentile dice every sixty seconds to see if the guards happened by...

    Oh, I am such a nasty man...

  8. #808
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron View Post
    I spent a day with Lin Carter at an SF club outing. He was a gentleman and a lot of fun. I also enjoyed his books.
    Yep. He's sorely missed.

  9. #809
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    Yes to both.

    And Phil was also terrified that his interests might reflect poorly on his professional life. It makes me a bit sad to remember.
    Oh, yes, very much so. We always kind of felt that we were participating in some sort of secret club or something. These days, he'd have been seen as mildly eccentric, nothing more.


  10. #810


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