Some questions on and related to the Shunned Ones (Tsolyáni: Vlé'shgayal; Yán Koryáni: Blá'shagh).
Shunned Ones:
01 - In the Sourcebook (top, page 63), it is stated that the few zoos that exist in the Five Empires don't have any of these beings on display, when they have Ssú, Hlüss, etc. Do we know why Shunned Ones are not seen in zoos?
02 - Is it conceivable that the Vlé'shgayal would send a mission to rescue one of theirs, captured by an enterprising collector of inimical race specimens, say, an ambitious yet foolhardy priest of Ksárul or Thúmis wanting to make a name for herself/himself?
Zoological gardens:
03 - Who maintains them?