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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal - part II

  1. #591
    Bloody Weselian Hippy AsenRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neshm hiKumala View Post
    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the Tekumel one-shot I mentioned here a few days ago.

    You may find it here:
    No need to sign up to Dropbox. You can download it directly.

    It's a very simply little thing (convention-style) that I put together after reading reports on Patrick Brady's convention one-shots.
    The adventure could be run just by reading its summary and its "About This Adventure" section, which reveals its twist. The rest is just notes that most people familiar with the world don't need.
    I ran the adventure twice, each time with players completely unfamiliar with Tekumel. The two sessions were great successes as people wanted more. So it should work with other players too.

    After the above link expires, you'll be able to find it on Brett Slocum's Yahoo Group page, where I'm going to upload it shortly, after yet another round of revisions and typo corrections.

    Great premise, man, it practically has a big neon sign "one-shot" hanging over it!
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky

  2. #592
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Hello Uncle,

    Question. To expand on the "fresh off the boat" scenario, if said "Barbarians" where hired by clan xyz to do a, b, c. Would they be given any sort of "papers" giving them the ability to move about(knowing Tsolyani zenophobia)?



  3. #593
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemek hiTankolel View Post
    Excellent adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I might use it one day soon, but with the roles reversed: My players are all followers of the Flame Lord. Having them chase the Sarku priest and his minions would be fun. I'll have to see how I can slip it in.

    Oh, that sounds good. It could end up being a very dangerous mission too, if your players ever ended up in the city of Sarku if, say, their chasing the Worm priest and his shedras got out of hand. It would really be an eye-opening experience then, as regards some of the activities of the followers of Sarku! Yikes.

  4. #594
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsenRG View Post
    Great premise, man, it practically has a big neon sign "one-shot" hanging over it!
    Yes, it does have "one-shot" written all over it! It's a simple chase, but it works.
    From what I understand, Patrick Brady has other similar one-shots in his arsenal of convention-style adventures, like one where the players get to be hlakas, which is really intriguing to me.

    Anyway, this one's a fun one, with an ending that suddenly expands the scope of the adventure, if only briefly.
    Last edited by Neshm hiKumala; 06-13-2017 at 08:13 AM.

  5. #595
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    I have a few, hopefully specific questions about Dlash. I haven't read "The Lords of Tsamra" so forgive me if some of the following questions have answers in that book.

    01 - Who has juridiction over Dlash? Is it an independent city? Their dealing with other-planar stuff must give them a great deal of power.

    02 - Has a map of the city ever been published? The answer is probably "no" but I wanted to confirm this with you.

    03 - Is the city organized like other cities of the same size: with a nobles quarter, a foreign quarter, a market, etc?

    04 - What's sold there? Other planar stuff, sure, but what sort? Animals? Spices? Plants? Objects? Slaves? Do they specialize in anything special?

    05 - Who are the "masters" of the city? You mentioned a few days ago that the Dlash city leaders are as close to being direct descendants of the Ancients as one can be. What specific reason do you have to say that?

    06 - How do you get in, legally. I'm sure there are many ways of getting in illegally, but what about legally? I assume it's easier to get in as a Livyani, but is that even true? Would the Empire of the Petal Throne be able to send in an official delegation, even though the city probably has an important strategic value for Livyanu, which means that they would be very interested in controlling which foreigners get in and why?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Neshm hiKumala; 06-13-2017 at 08:11 AM.

  6. #596
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    I don't use sound effects during my game sessions, but some referees do. If you're one of them, and if your players ever end up visiting the core of Tekumel, where the great machines of the Ancients still whir, consider using this track for ambiance: 12 hours of the ambient sounds heard in the Krell underworld in Wilcox's "Forbidden Planet".

  7. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hrugga View Post
    Oh wow!!! Priest of Thumis. I see you cut the top of the head to make the skullcap and of course the custom paint job. Nice.

    What kind of creatures were the big guys brought in by the Qol.


    The headless guys are, I believe, Tsughiyar by DAD and soon to be available via the Tekumel Project. The Qol are metal from the TP range.


  8. #598
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by altfritz View Post
    The headless guys are, I believe, Tsughiyar by DAD and soon to be available via the Tekumel Project. The Qol are metal from the TP range.

    Thanks. They remind me of Akephaloi or Blemmyes. Would you have any more info on where they come from? I looked in my EPT and Bethorm books and I saw nothing about them. Maybe some stats...

    Thanks again,


  9. #599
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hrugga View Post
    Oh wow!!! Priest of Thumis. I see you cut the top of the head to make the skullcap and of course the custom paint job. Nice.

    What kind of creatures were the big guys brought in by the Qol.


    Thanks! I'm glad you like him; he was one of the first Tekumel figures that I did for our group.

    (If I may make a side comment, I've gotten quite a bit of grief from hardcore miniature figure collectors for these conversions that I did back in the day - I'm told that I should have never used these Collectable and Valuable figures, ruining them for collectors, and that I should be ashamed of myself for doing so. I take it all with a bucket of salt; the last guy who was berating me for my disgusting conversion habit hadn't been born when I did this figure. Apparently, there are quite a few collectors out there who can;t quite get their heads around the notion that I'm really that old, and bought my figures back when they first came out...)

    I'll have to look them up - but I see that Howard answered this.

  10. #600
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    Stale Model Supplies in St. Paul now has Humbrol paints. The owner says that people who try them love them, so maybe they've recaptured their early 1970s quality!
    Yep. The Part One of this thread had a link to the Stockholm IPMS page with charts giving the old and new Humbrol paint numbers. Phil used the 'Historical' range intended for wargame figures, and I think that most of the paints in that line have been reissued under different names and numbers. Easy to match very closely in acrylics, too.


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