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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal - part II

  1. #581
    Member Neshm hiKumala's Avatar
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    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the Tekumel one-shot I mentioned here a few days ago.

    You may find it here:
    No need to sign up to Dropbox. You can download it directly.

    It's a very simply little thing (convention-style) that I put together after reading reports on Patrick Brady's convention one-shots.
    The adventure could be run just by reading its summary and its "About This Adventure" section, which reveals its twist. The rest is just notes that most people familiar with the world don't need.
    I ran the adventure twice, each time with players completely unfamiliar with Tekumel. The two sessions were great successes as people wanted more. So it should work with other players too.

    Last edited by Neshm hiKumala; 07-12-2017 at 03:59 AM.

  2. #582
    Ancient modeler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    Aha! bet you're right, in the Islamic calendar 1374-1375 would be more-or-less 1953-1954

    Which would make a lot of sense
    Agreed. I once asked him about this, and he simply smiled and said "Look it up." So, I think you're right.

  3. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    thanks! I'm curious to know more. At the moment it looks like these drawings mostly or entirely date after his first trip to India, not before.
    I think so, too; there's nothing in the files about them, so we'll never know for sure. It would, I think, fall in the period when he was active in fandom and / or the start of his time at Berkeley.

  4. #584
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirunel View Post
    It almost seems like at first (when I say "at first," I guess I mean in the early 70s in "game" Tekumel), he adopted Firu as his in-country alter-ego/observer on the ground in Tekumel.....but it also seems like later, he shunted Firu off to the sidelines and reverted to unnnamed or unspecified "informants" to be his eyes and ears in the world.
    Agreed. Firu was Phil's way to getting us into the social whirl of any location; no matter where on Tekumel you went, Firu - the retired Priest of Sarku - would be sitting on his mat in the shade regaling the people in the marketplace with tales of wonder and adventure. We'd drop a couple of coppers in his little copper bowl - copper being most pleasing to the Lord of Worms - and he'd tell us all the local gossip, what and who to know, and where to find the good stuff. And tell a few stories in, to boot. Later on in the campaign, as we got familiar with the world, we saw and used Firu less and less, and he kind of dropped out of the game sessions.

    However, he's still down in the marketplace, still telling his tales, and being there for all of us to enjoy...

  5. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hrugga View Post
    Hello Uncle,

    Great pictures of the action on your blog. Could you tell me about the bearded magic-user/priest type mini in the grayish green robes? Who he was in-game and the miniature used. I would like to send him to "my Tekumel".

    PS Also a bit about the Qol reinforcements...
    Thank you! I love to game this way - I just think it's fun, myself, and I'm glad that people enjoy what I do.

    The bearded figure is a very out-of-production Dragontooth P-10 'Sorcerer' that I did as a Priest of Thumis in the summer of 1976 for our games out at Phil's; we didn't have any clerical figures aside from the Old Guard "Priest of Vimuhla" and "Priest of Hry'y", so I had to do The Twenty via a lot of knife and putty work. I still have all of them, and they've served us well in games for some forty years. ( I suppose I should get up off my lazy butt and do a photo shoot with all of them.) As for a modern version, may I suggest the Iron Wind Metals reissue of this figure, which I also used a lot of in Phil's games after painting him up as a Priest of Hnalla:

    He's the middle figure of the three, the one with his arms outstretched to either side. I also used the other two figures in the set for various priests, too.

    The Qol's reinforcements are from David Allan, available through Howard Fielding - I think; check with him.

    The mercenary guards are Asar from Crocodile Games; I have three of this particular set, each set with different shields so you can tell them apart. The stock shields are just fine, by the way.

    The glowing cubes are glass 'ice cubes' from the local surplus emporium, and cost a whole .25 each. I have fifty. (Just in case.) Working portcullis by TRE Games; floor tiles are MDF with paper applied; walls are wooden block sets from IKEA; mysterious statues are from cheesy gift shops, New Age shops, roadside stands, and garage sales. See also Gronan's comments on my talent for finding stuff...

  6. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neshm hiKumala View Post
    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the Tekumel one-shot I mentioned here a few days ago.

    You may find it here:
    No need to sign up to Dropbox. You can download it directly.

    It's a very simply little thing (convention-style) that I put together after reading reports on Patrick Brady's convention one-shots.
    The adventure could be run just by reading its summary and its "About This Adventure" section, which reveals its twist. The rest is just notes that most people familiar with the world don't need.
    I ran the adventure twice, each time with players completely unfamiliar with Tekumel. The two sessions were great successes as people wanted more. So it should work with other players too.

    After the above link expires, you'll be able to find it on Brett Slocum's Yahoo Group page, where I'm going to upload it shortly, after yet another round of revisions and typo corrections.

    Very, very cool! Thank you!!!

  7. #587
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neshm hiKumala View Post
    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the Tekumel one-shot I mentioned here a few days ago.

    You may find it here:
    No need to sign up to Dropbox. You can download it directly.

    It's a very simply little thing (convention-style) that I put together after reading reports on Patrick Brady's convention one-shots.
    The adventure could be run just by reading its summary and its "About This Adventure" section, which reveals its twist. The rest is just notes that most people familiar with the world don't need.
    I ran the adventure twice, each time with players completely unfamiliar with Tekumel. The two sessions were great successes as people wanted more. So it should work with other players too.

    After the above link expires, you'll be able to find it on Brett Slocum's Yahoo Group page, where I'm going to upload it shortly, after yet another round of revisions and typo corrections.




  8. #588
    Senior Member Hrugga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Thank you! I love to game this way - I just think it's fun, myself, and I'm glad that people enjoy what I do.

    The bearded figure is a very out-of-production Dragontooth P-10 'Sorcerer' that I did as a Priest of Thumis in the summer of 1976 for our games out at Phil's; we didn't have any clerical figures aside from the Old Guard "Priest of Vimuhla" and "Priest of Hry'y", so I had to do The Twenty via a lot of knife and putty work. I still have all of them, and they've served us well in games for some forty years. ( I suppose I should get up off my lazy butt and do a photo shoot with all of them.) As for a modern version, may I suggest the Iron Wind Metals reissue of this figure, which I also used a lot of in Phil's games after painting him up as a Priest of Hnalla:

    He's the middle figure of the three, the one with his arms outstretched to either side. I also used the other two figures in the set for various priests, too.

    The Qol's reinforcements are from David Allan, available through Howard Fielding - I think; check with him.

    The mercenary guards are Asar from Crocodile Games; I have three of this particular set, each set with different shields so you can tell them apart. The stock shields are just fine, by the way.

    The glowing cubes are glass 'ice cubes' from the local surplus emporium, and cost a whole .25 each. I have fifty. (Just in case.) Working portcullis by TRE Games; floor tiles are MDF with paper applied; walls are wooden block sets from IKEA; mysterious statues are from cheesy gift shops, New Age shops, roadside stands, and garage sales. See also Gronan's comments on my talent for finding stuff...
    Oh wow!!! Priest of Thumis. I see you cut the top of the head to make the skullcap and of course the custom paint job. Nice.

    What kind of creatures were the big guys brought in by the Qol.



  9. #589
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neshm hiKumala View Post
    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the Tekumel one-shot I mentioned here a few days ago.

    You may find it here:
    No need to sign up to Dropbox. You can download it directly.

    It's a very simply little thing (convention-style) that I put together after reading reports on Patrick Brady's convention one-shots.
    The adventure could be run just by reading its summary and its "About This Adventure" section, which reveals its twist. The rest is just notes that most people familiar with the world don't need.
    I ran the adventure twice, each time with players completely unfamiliar with Tekumel. The two sessions were great successes as people wanted more. So it should work with other players too.

    After the above link expires, you'll be able to find it on Brett Slocum's Yahoo Group page, where I'm going to upload it shortly, after yet another round of revisions and typo corrections.

    Excellent adventure! Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I might use it one day soon, but with the roles reversed: My players are all followers of the Flame Lord. Having them chase the Sarku priest and his minions would be fun. I'll have to see how I can slip it in.

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  10. #590
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    Stale Model Supplies in St. Paul now has Humbrol paints. The owner says that people who try them love them, so maybe they've recaptured their early 1970s quality!
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