DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!!! You, gentle reader of this massive thread, are literally the very first person to ask me this question in forty years. Consider yourself given the big prize!
A long, long time ago, I set myself the primary objective of being Phil's archivist, documenting the creative process that engendered Tekumel. My primary goal was to get a complete
copy of all his work, and catalog and index it for future fans. Nothing more, nothing less. I made copies, I made notes, I collected artifacts, and now - all these years later - I've done it. I have everything; not the originals, as I'm not a 'collector' , but all the data. It's all in digital format, and we keep it all very, very safe.
As I got into gaming Tekumel, I set myself the goal of having all the miniature figures we'd need for any particular scenario or adventure; this is why there are over 5,000 miniatures in my basement, only about 200 of which are not intended primarily for use in game set in Tekumel. I've done that, too; I have anything and everything I need to run my games, and to do so in the kind of 'grand manner' that Phil and I dreamed and talked about for years. No masking tape on bare tables, here; I've brought my years of railway modeling experience to bear, and I'm told I do pretty cool-looking tables.
I set myself the goal to do the best I could do at anything I did, after some advice by a senior NCO; I think I've managed that, too. My wife has a roof over her head, plenty to eat, and health care for her many ills. I've had five young people become my daughters, and they've brought into our extended family a goodly number of other young people to be sons and daughters. I'd call that one a success, too.
I have set myself the goal of telling you our story as our alter-egos in Tekumel, and that's moving along; 128,000 words, and still being written.
My goals, all those years ago, were - and still are - to paint my figures, run my games, and tell my stories. Nothing more, and nothing less. looking back on it over the past forty years, I think it's been a success. Sure, there have been some bad patches, but I did get my Missus of some 27 years, and five really cool kids out of it all.
So, there we are. I win. Hands down.