Originally Posted by
chirine ba kal
Understood. Phil was pretty upfront about this when they brought Tekumel back into normal space in '75; he announced that the Space Marines (in their snappy silver armored suits) were landing to restore Tekumel back to the rule of the lords of Humanspace and that, having won the battle as it were, the campaign was over and they could play something else. Mayhem ensured around the game table, and in the discussion Phil let it out that the Goddess of the Pale Bone was actually trying to restore all of the 772 'lost worlds' back into normal space - he had a really good laugh over the PCs being the minions of the 'bad guy aliens', and not the handsome good guys that they had all assumed that they were. The Twenty had dumped the worlds into pocket universes as part of their war against the Arisians; we serve the Boskones. See also the works of Phil's good friend, one E. E. 'Doc' Smith, if you want the background to Phil's 'sword and planet romance' / space opera thinking.
Now, to answer your actual question, is this the One True Reason? Or was Phil doing his usual "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" routine? There is no Certified, Notarized, Authentic source document that states all this, signed by the Professor and witnessed by anyone. What we have, like so many of Tekumel's more recondite mysteries, consists of scattered fragments of texts, Blue Room posts, and interviews he gave over the years. He loved to watch the fans speculate and bicker over their theories, and heartily encouraged it - he was right up front abut not knowing the True Secrets of Tekumel himself, and saw no reason why people could not figure it all out for themselves. The answers are there; you just have to dig them out.
Now, my first paragraph is not considered to be 'canon' by a lot of people; it's what he told me, and his players at the time confirmed. (They were pretty upset about it, actually.) All Phil did was leave us lots and lots of data points in his published and unpublished works, and figured that we'd be smart enough to connect the dots. I've got my copy of all Phil's files; there's nothing explicit in them on this, but we do have things like the seating plan of the Twenty+ at the meeting after Dormoron Plain. Which, by the way, was an internal dispute amongst the Twenty, Phil noted.
My problem with trying to explain all of this is that, unlike just about anyone else, I have all the dots to hand; I have my collections and notes, Phil's collection and notes, all my conversations with Phil over the years, and a huge amount of material that was generated - like the Blue Room posts - over the years. As a result, 'data mining' and 'data correlation' are a whole lot easier for me.
So, I don't know; does that help you at all, of have I just confused things more?