Thank you both, and to everyone who drops by to ask questions!
If I may digress for a moment, I had one of those 'road to Tarsus' moments at the convention. I'd been sort of planning to take advantage of the wonders of digital publishing by including illustrations on our adventures using photos of the miniatures we used in those games; I still have them, as I've noted, and I thought that it would be fun to show people what we often saw on the game table at Phil's. Okay, so far, so good...
That got me to thinking about the game sessions themselves, and a comment made by a friend about all the very talented artists we had playing at the table and the quick little drawings that our game play would inspire them to do. The north-west corner of the north side of the table was 'Artists' Row', where Dave, Ken, Kathy, Chris, and Jim would sit over the years; every now the then, one of them would start laughing and drawing when they had an inspiration - we published those drawings in our 'zines. It made the game sessions something truly special, as we all added to Phil's bubbling stew of creativity.
So, I'm looking at the multitude of tables with artists at the convention offering "Drawing Of Your Player-character!" for very, very reasonable rates. It struck me like the proverbial bolt of lighting that since I don't need to budget for all of the typesetting and key-lining that used to be involved with doing a project like this, I could instead put the money into artists - they can use the money, I can use the artwork, and the readers get a sense of what gaming with Phil in the 1970s and 1980s was like. What I'm going to do is give the artists the book, and let them draw what they are inspired by; all I'm going to do is - like what Phil did for us - give them the basic information, and turn them loose.
I got a really positive response from the artists, when I suggested this, so I have hopes of being able to convey to everyone what those times were like.