I'm going to break this into two replies as well, if you don;t mind...
Agreed! One of the really cool things about the Tekumel track of programming at our local game con is the literal wall of artwork put up by Steve Vossler; he's done a great job of promoting Tekumel through this and other displays he's done.
If I may toot our own horn, all know Tekumel artwork is indeed gathered in one place - my files. My wonderful Missus routinely scours the Internet to find things, and updates out archives weekly.
No, not underground - way too powerful! I did use one of them once inside a building, but the idea was to collapse the place with my foes inside it. Worked like a charm, and I made sure that the last Tsolyani Imperial Governor went off to the Isles of Teretane with a lot of enemies to serve him in the afterlife. Me, I made sure to have an archway over my head, and all I got was some dings on the top of my helmet from falling debris. If I may say, it was one of the most satisfying spells I ever cast.
The 'M' series are major military spells, and very potent; they do drain all of the Other-planar power in an area, too, so when I do my thing it's pretty spectacular. Magic users specialize in retail slaughter; I specialize in wholesale slaughter.
No; it is not approved for use with Official and Authorized Tekumel. Only the TF has the right to authorize and approve material for use with Tekumel; artists like Craig Smith, Dave Sutherland, Kathy Marshall, Chris Huddle, Ken Fletcher, Karen Engleson, Jim Garrison and others have not had their work approved by the TF. Information on Tekumel by one M. A. R. Barker is also not approved, unless it has been - and I quote - "properly interpreted" for you by the TF.
They baffle me, they really do. I've had half-a-dozen people and groups who want to do business with them in here at the house asking me where their heads are at, and I have to confess that I really don't know.
I'm intrigued, what are these M spells all about? Are they unique to Phil's games, or were they published somewhere? Would it be possible to provide a listing of these spells, perhaps the one's your alter ego knows?
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain
They were published in John Tiehen's "Art of Tactical Sorcery", which he did in cooperation with Phil. We used this in Phil's games, which is where I got them.
I'm told that this little booklet is the rarest of all our publications. I have multiple copies, if you wanted to get one.
I can also do a list of them, if you like, but I'm off to IKEA to rescue my daughters - too big a load of furniture for their car! Back later!