Various robots from various SF ranges, going back to McEwan's "Starguard" line of figures. I think you can get really accurate ones from The Tekumel Project; ask Howard.
As Gronan said, Dave always tried to use minis of any kind as 'tactical displays', as did a lot of us. Phil loved to use miniatures, and we often did, but not every game session; we used them when we had more then one-to-one encounters, or where we needed to have tactical displays and/ or battles. Both Phil and I loved to make them, and we frankly would 'show off'. I normally carried our PC figures to all our game sessions, and they got used quite a lot. Big battles took a little more planning ahead, so I could get the miniatures off to Phil's for the game.
The 'other group' was, in the early days, very into playing with miniatures when they were on campaign. After they left, that group didn't use miniatures very often if at all. The TF people are not miniatures people, and have very little interest in the genre.