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Thread: Questioning chirine ba kal - part II

  1. #1071
    Se�or Member Voros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Yes, I have. Brett Slocum, the author, is an old friend.
    Brett is a good guy.

  2. #1072
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    He's now had a heart attack and a stroke. Considering he has no real bad habits, it seems hardly fair!
    Agreed. Heard from his Missus last night; he's doing well, she says.

  3. #1073
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    So, Tuesday I leave for GenCon to help with "Legends of Wargaming."

    A place to sleep, a ticket to the con, and a modest per diem for food in exchange for working like a navvy for four days. Sounds familiar!
    Well, go forth and have fun!

    Not to be a wet blanket - I really do hope and think you'll have a grand time! - better you than me. I think that Paul's 'Legends' concept is a good one, but his parameters for what he wants to include are too limited to allow me to participate. I do agree with his limits of 'anything prior to' or 'at the time of the publication of D&D', but as a way to get new people into the TTRGP hobby it's a little problematic. I don't fall inside his time limits; while I do have all of my old Ral Partha and other companies' figures, they are mostly 1976 and 1977 vintage and not what Paul wanted to see when I was talking to him about going to Gary Con a while back. I do hope he gets some interest, and you have some fun.

    Me, I'm just pleased as punch that I don't have to load up the van and drive until I puke. Been there, done that, and got pretty disenchanted with gaming as a result. I've been asked at appear at conventions - Gamehole Con in Madison asked me while I was at Cinncy Con, for example - and tell then what I always say: Get something organized, and we'll talk. They never seem to be able to, and I'm just as glad, especially when you factor in the TF's screaming and shouting that occurs when I do show up at some convention.

    <shrug> Not really my problem anymore, by fiat of the TF. They do send out the dumbest letters. And it saves me a ton of energy and money, too.

    Give me a shout if and when you breeze through. You need my phone number or anything?

  4. #1074
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voros View Post
    Brett is a good guy.
    He is indeed! Runs a great programming track for Tekumel at the local gaming con, too.

  5. #1075
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    Quote Originally Posted by chirine ba kal View Post
    Give me a shout if and when you breeze through. You need my phone number or anything?
    The way out will be rapid, but I'll have more leisure on the way back. Perhaps we can share some gribble-grubs and a bit of hoob-melon juice.

    The only reason I'm so happy to do the "Legends of Wargaming" thing is that Paul provides everything I need. The poor bastard even hauls several hundred pounds of sand. All I have to pack is my copy of the rules plus a few handout sheets I provide for new players.

    Well, plus clean undies and a toothbrush.

    I fully understand the lack of enthusiasm for packing up Ye Van et al; been there, done that, right next to you. I think Paul must be crazier than a bedbug, myself, but heck, it's a chance to play CHAINMAIL with 40mm Elastolins! Where the heck am I gonna get a chance like THAT?
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

    I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.

    The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.

  6. #1076
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    The way out will be rapid, but I'll have more leisure on the way back. Perhaps we can share some gribble-grubs and a bit of hoob-melon juice.

    The only reason I'm so happy to do the "Legends of Wargaming" thing is that Paul provides everything I need. The poor bastard even hauls several hundred pounds of sand. All I have to pack is my copy of the rules plus a few handout sheets I provide for new players.

    Well, plus clean undies and a toothbrush.

    I fully understand the lack of enthusiasm for packing up Ye Van et al; been there, done that, right next to you. I think Paul must be crazier than a bedbug, myself, but heck, it's a chance to play CHAINMAIL with 40mm Elastolins! Where the heck am I gonna get a chance like THAT?
    Sounds good; we'll be here.

    Agreed! If you can get help with the costs, then go for it, and no gear means a much better trip as we both know.

    Agreed about the chance to play; go for it!

  7. #1077
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    By the way, after two years of running 'Cavaliers and Roundheads,' Jeff Perren has nicknamed me "King Charles" and Kevin Maurice as "Prince Rupert."
    I don't care if you respect me, just buy my fucking book.

    Formerly known as Old Geezer

    I don't need an Ignore List, I need a Tongue My Pee Hole list.

    The rules can't cure stupid, and the rules can't cure asshole.

  8. #1078
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronan of Simmerya View Post
    By the way, after two years of running 'Cavaliers and Roundheads,' Jeff Perren has nicknamed me "King Charles" and Kevin Maurice as "Prince Rupert."

    This is one of the times I miss my ECW miniatures; Essex did their personalities as the actors from "Cromwell" (1970) and did them very well indeed. I painted their costumes from surviving portraits. Had some French regiments too, with A Certain Company of the Royal Bodyguard represented along with their hated rivals in red. Had a great time setting up the Tangier campaign, one of the very early battle honors of the British army as well as one of the goofiest possible 'colonial' campaigns that can possibly be run. Historically accurate, and wonderfully silly.

    Ask Mr. Perren to get some Arabs and fight for the bastions!!!

  9. #1079
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    Just to get the conversation going again: How many of you have created your own clan? How much detail have you put into it? Was there a practical reason for it, or was it mere fan-wankery?

    I developed mine, Sky Blue Water (Hamm's was beer of choice on a limited college budget back in the day), before I acquired the Sourcebook so the "off the boat" PCs could have a place to call home. It's high enough status that it can afford to send people off on adventures, yet not so high that PCs can lord it over NPCs. Over the years, it has developed into 28 lineages, of which only 3 or 4 mid-grade lineages contain PCs. The rest are either NPCs or window dressing. Based out of Jakalla, it has houses up the river to Bey Su.

  10. #1080
    What about my Member? Shemek hiTankolel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bconsidine View Post
    Just to get the conversation going again: How many of you have created your own clan? How much detail have you put into it? Was there a practical reason for it, or was it mere fan-wankery?

    I developed mine, Sky Blue Water (Hamm's was beer of choice on a limited college budget back in the day), before I acquired the Sourcebook so the "off the boat" PCs could have a place to call home. It's high enough status that it can afford to send people off on adventures, yet not so high that PCs can lord it over NPCs. Over the years, it has developed into 28 lineages, of which only 3 or 4 mid-grade lineages contain PCs. The rest are either NPCs or window dressing. Based out of Jakalla, it has houses up the river to Bey Su.
    Very nice. I'll might "borrow" this clan if my party ever make it to Jakalla. What type of clan are they professional, warrior ...?

    I have always only used the Tsolyani clans from the Sourcebook, and other publications. Seeing as there are so many which have already been detailed I didn't see the need to reinvent the wheel.
    I have developed quite a few Pechani clans/lineages though.

    Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
    Mark Twain


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