This is your registered copy of EDGE, the Earthdawn Character Generator software for the PC. EDGE is shareware, and is available in registered and unregistered versions. The registered version includes the following additional features: printed copy of the EDGE User's Manual, printing of spell and talent lists, a set of thirteen EDGE files for the archetype characters, and technical support. All files are in this disk's root directory in uncompressed form. You will have the following files: EDGE.EXE SPELLS.DAT TALENTS.DAT README.TXT In addition, you will have .EDC files for each of the thirteen archetype characters. These archetypes can be used as is for NPCs, or you can build them into player characters. We suggest that you make copies of the original files before making any changes; also make sure that you save the changed file to a different filename. Follow the directions in the EDGE User's Guide to install EDGE. Basically, you need to create a subdirectory on your hard drive, then copy EDGE.EXE and the two .DAT files into that directory. While you can store the .EDC files in the program directory, we suggest that you create a subdirectory to hold only character files. 12/01/93 ERRATA (this isn't necessarily in the manual). 1) If you are printing to a laser printer, turn the Page Perforation option off. If it is enabled, it will cause the last 5 or so lines of your Character Sheet to print on a second page. Consult your printer manual to find out how to turn this off. 2) The Character Sheet has only limited space to list talents and spells, so only those that will fit on the Character Sheet will be printed. EDGE does track ALL talents and spells, regardless of whether there is room to print them. If you run into problems installing or running EDGE, consult the EDGE User's Guide (sections on installation and troubleshooting) first, then contact FASA if you cannot resolve the problem on your own. See the EDGE User's Guide section on Technical Support for phone numbers and FASA's address. We hope you find EDGE easy to use and an exceptionally useful tool in running and/or playing Earthdawn. Earthdawn and EDGE are trademarks of FASA Corporation.