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[Spike Bombs]


Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 8
Spike Bombs are small (four inches in diameter) metal balls covered with magical symbols. These symbols are usually arcane markings of no particular significance.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 100
Key Knowledge: Spike bombs were first invented by the t’skrang alchemist Vreesfyr, but the technique eventually spread throughout Barsaive.

Spike bombs are throwing weapons. Throwing a spike bomb costs 1 point of Strain. A spike bomb with low-rank threads can affect only one target. A spike bomb is destroyed as soon as it is used, but the wielder can recreate a bomb attached to high-rank threads. The character makes a Willforce or Willpower Test against the Spell Defense of the target character (or the highest Spell Defense Rating among multiple target characters). Success re-forms the spike bomb and returns it to the thrower’s hand. A character may try to recreate the spike bomb whenever the target character is in throwing range. The wielder must learn the Name of the alchemist who created the spike bomb.
Effect: Add +6 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests. The range in yards is short 2–10; medium 11–20; long 21–30. The spike bomb affects the closest character within 3 yards of the blast.

Rank 2 Cost: 200
Effect: Add +8 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests.

Rank 3 Cost: 300
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the name of the battle in which this alchemist’s spike bombs had the greatest impact. For most living alchemists, this battle was the Siege of Throal.
Effect: Add +8 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests. The spike bomb now affects all characters within 3 yards of the blast.

Rank 4 Cost: 500
Effect: Add +8 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests. The range in yards is increased to short 2–15; medium 16–40; large 41–100.

Rank 5 Cost: 800
Deed: The wielder must wound a Horror or Horror construct with the spike bomb. Spike bombs were invented during the previous Scourge to help battle the Horrors. Wounding a Horror is worth 800 Legend Points; killing one is worth 1,300 Legend Points.
Effect: Add +8 steps to the character’s Willforce for Damage Tests. The spike bomb may be recreated as described above.

Rank 6 Cost: 1,300
Effect: Add +9 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests.

Rank 7 Cost: 2,100
Effect: Add +10 steps to the character’s Willforce step for Damage Tests.

[Spike Gauntlets


Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 14
Spike Gauntlets are metal gauntlets bristling with many small, slender, steel spikes. These spikes are usually highly polished and sharply pointed.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: Spike gauntlets are made from metal mined in the Caucavik Mountains, despite earth elemental objections to the mining activities. The gauntlets draw power from the mountains themselves. The wielder must learn the Name of the gauntlets.
Effect: Add +1 to the character’s Physical Defense Rating.

Rank 2 Cost: 300
Effect: Add +1 to the character’s Spell Defense Rating.
Rank 3 Cost: 500
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name of the person who created the gauntlets.
Effect: Add +2 each to the character’s Physical Defense and Spell Defense Ratings.

Rank 4 Cost: 800
Effect: For a cost of 1 point of Strain, the gauntlets increase the length of the spikes for one attack. Add 6 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests. The character may try to increase his chance of making an Armor-Defeating Hit by taking more Strain. Each point of Strain taken adds 1 step to the Attack Test. The maximum amount of Strain that a character can take for the spikes is equal to the gauntlets’ thread rank. For example, at Thread Rank 4, a character could take a maximum of 4 points of Strain to use the gauntlets. One point allows the wielder to project the spikes, the other 3 add steps to the character’s Unarmed Combat talent or skill for the Attack Test.

Rank 5 Cost: 1,300
Key Knowledge: The character must learn the Name of the previous owner of the gauntlets.
Effect: Add +3 to the character’s Physical Defense and Spell Defense Ratings.

Rank 6 Cost: 2,100
Effect: Add +8 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 7 Cost: 3,400
Key Knowledge: The character must learn the Name of the mountain that produced the metal used to create the gauntlets.
Effect: Add +4 to the character’s Spell Defense Rating, +1 to his Social Defense Rating.

Rank 8 Cost: 5,500
Effect: Add +4 to the character’s Physical Defense Rating, +2 to his Social Defense Rating.

[Warhelm of Landis]


Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 9
The War Helm of Landis is a metal helmet adorned with the symbol of the ancient human kingdom of Landis. The helm has a faceplate that can swing down or up, depending on whether the wearer wants to protect his face or wishes to see better.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 100
Key Knowledge: Mages and weaponsmiths worked together to provide this protection to important military commanders of the kingdom of Landis. Many of these helmets were lost in the battles against the mindless ravagers who were the forerunners of the Horrors and marked the beginning of the Scourge. The wearer must learn the Name of the helmet.
Deed: The character must polish and repair the helmet. Replacing the unit insignia on the helmet reactivates the magic within the helmet. The Deed is worth 800 Legend Points.
Effect: Add +1 to the character’s Armor Rating. The helmet’s magic also increases the wearer’s Social Defense Rating by +1 and adds +1 step to his Charisma step.

Rank 2 Cost: 200
Effect: Add +2 to the character’s Social Defense Rating and add +2 steps to his Charisma step.

Rank 3 Cost: 300
Key Knowledge: The character must know what military unit was under the command of the helmet’s original owner.
Effect: The helmet adds +1 to the wearer’s Spell Defense Rating.

Rank 4 Cost: 500
Effect: Add +2 to the character’s Physical Armor Rating.

[Whip of Defense]


Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 13
A Whip of Defense can be made from a variety of different materials. The most common is leather, but some are made of espagra skin, lizard skin, and very infrequently, dragon skin. The main cord of the whip is 12 feet long, composed of several strands of skin braided together. On certain rare whips, each strand is of a different skin, giving the whipcord an unusual appearance.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: These whips are made from leather and more exotic skins. The whip has one main cord, 12 feet long, used for attacking. The wielder must learn the Name of the whip.
Effect: The whip produces a number of cords of vibrant magical energy equal to its thread rank. Each energy cord can help the wielder deflect or block one attack while he or she is using the whip. These cords add +1 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating. This increase protects against only 1 attack per Combat Round. Add +4 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 2 Cost: 300
Effect: The energy cords add +2 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating. This increase protects against 2 attacks per Combat Round.

Rank 3 Cost: 500
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name of the person who created the whip.
Effect: The energy cords add +1 to the character’s Spell Defense Rating.

Rank 4 Cost: 800
Effect: Add +5 to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests. The energy cords add +3 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating. This increase protects against 3 attacks per Combat Round.

Rank 5 Cost: 1,300
Key Knowledge: The character must know all the types of skins used to make the whip.
Effect: The energy cords add +4 to the wielder’s Physical Defense. This increase protects against 4 attacks per Combat Round. The whip also adds +2 to the wielder’s Spell Defense Rating.

Rank 6 Cost: 2,100
Effect: The energy cords add +5 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating. This increase protects against 5 attacks per Combat Round. The whip also adds +3 to the wielder’s Spell Defense Rating.


This section describes magical items that are unique in the world. Only one of each item exists; if one of these items is destroyed, it will never exist in this world again (unless magic spontaneously reproduces its True Pattern to answer a threat that only this item can destroy. . .). If a thread rank provides only a Deed, the character must perform the Deed.

[Devastator Spear]


Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 8
Frightening in appearance, this spear is an eight-foot length of dark brown wood lined with runes that depict its origins. Rumor claims that the spear was constructed using the blood of a Horror as the source of its enchantment. The tip of the spear is made of chiseled obsidian, polished to a blinding sheen. The magic of the spear maintains the shine of its tip, which never dulls.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 100
Key Knowledge: The wielder must know that this spear is the Devastator Spear.
Effect: Add +4 steps to the wielder’s Strength step for Damage Tests. When thrown, the spear splits into a number of spears equal to its thread rank. The wielder may choose to throw fewer than the maximum number of spears. These spears may be targeted against one character or against different characters.

The thrower makes only one Attack Test against the highest Physical Defense of any target. The result of this test applies to all the image-spears. All the spears either hit or miss. After the attack, all the image-spears disappear, and the Devastator returns to the hand of its wielder. Throwing the Devastator Spear costs a character 1 point of Strain for each spear thrown. For example, a character must take 3 points of Strain if he or she throws the Devastator and has it split into 3 spears.

Rank 2 Cost: 200
Effect: Add +5 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 3 Cost: 300
Key Knowledge: The wielder must know the Name of the first victim slain by the spear.
Effect: Add +6 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 4 Cost: 500
Effect: Add +6 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests. The spear also adds +1 to the wielder’s Throwing Weapons talent step.

Rank 5 Cost: 800
Deed: The wielder must defeat a monster in single combat. The wielder may throw the Devastator Spear only once, and that attack must either kill or knock the creature unconscious. Accomplishing the Deed earns the character the Legend Points for the creature as well as the same number of points for the Deed. In effect, he or she earns double the Legend Points for defeating the creature.
Effect: Add +7 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 6 Cost: 1,300
Effect: The spear increases the wielder’s nimbleness for avoiding missile attacks. Add +2 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating.

Rank 7 Cost: 2,100
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name of the person who created the spear.
Effect: Add +8 steps to the wielder’s Strength step for Damage Tests. The spear also adds +2 steps to the wielder’s rank in the Throwing Weapons talent.

[Kegel's Sword] KEGEL’S SWORD

Maximum Threads: 2
Spell Defense: 13
Kegel’s Sword is a broadsword of shorter-than-average length. The sword’s hilt contains a small ruby that glows when the sword’s magic is activated. The blade is a dull steel-gray, with fine runes carved along it. These runes describe some of Kegel’s adventures. The tip of this sword is blackened, as if by long exposure to soot and ash.

Thread Ranks

Rank 1 Cost: 200
Key Knowledge: The dwarven warrior Kegel used this sword for nearly 20 years. It was buried with him when he died, but stolen by tomb robbers. Rumors of its subsequent appearances and disappearances still make the rounds of tavern gossip. The character must know that the sword is Kegel’s and must also know the name of Kegel’s beloved, to whom he pledged the sword.
Effect: Kegel’s Sword is a broadsword. It adds +7 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 2 Cost: 300
Effect: The tip of the sword can blaze into flame as if it were a torch. This ability costs the wielder 1 point of Strain. Each use of this effect lasts up to an hour or until the flame is extinguished. Add +8 steps to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests.

Rank 3 Cost: 500
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name of the weaponsmith who created the sword.
Effect: For a cost of 1 point of Strain, the character can more firmly attach himself to the earth. Add 6 steps to the wielder’s next Knockdown Test. This attachment lasts an hour or until used, whichever comes first. The sword also adds +1 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating.

Rank 4 Cost: 800
Effect: At a cost of 1 point of Strain, the character may take on a more fluid form. Though retaining his basic shape, the character can flow around an attacker’s blow. The character chooses when to flow; flowing reduces the damage taken from the blow by 6 points. The form lasts for an hour or until used, whichever comes first. The sword also adds +2 to the wielder’s Physical Defense Rating.

Rank 5 Cost: 1,300
Key Knowledge: The wielder must learn the Name of the elementals with whom Kegel bargained to empower his sword. Kegel undertook a quest for a fire elemental, an earth elemental, a water elemental, and an air elemental. The wielder must learn the names of all four elementals.
Effect: Add +9 to the character’s Strength step for Damage Tests. The power of the winds can chill the blade edge to bone-freezing cold. This costs the wielder a point of Strain. When used against targets affected by cold, add 6 steps to the Damage Test. The chilled edge lasts an hour or until used, whichever comes first.

Rank 6 Cost: 2,100
Effect: Add +2 to the wielder’s Spell Defense Rating.

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