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Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Taunt talent allows a character to enrage an opponent, thereby distracting him. The character makes a Taunt Test that round rather than an attack, using an opponent's Social Defense as the Difficulty Number. A successful Taunt Test means the opponent is so angered that he must reduce all his dice steps by a number equal to the character's Taunt Rank, for a number of rounds also equal to the rank. Only one Taunt can affect a character at any time.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
The Temper Other talent allows a character to toughen another character, making him more resistant to physical attacks. The character draws forth icy ether from astral space, rolling the chilling substance over the recipient character. This ritual requires one half-hour of intense meditation by both the character and the target character. The character using the talent makes a Temper Other Test against the target's Toughness step. If the character makes a successful Talent Test, the recipient's Death Rating, Wound Threshold, and Unconsciousness Ratings all increase by the character's rank in Temper Other. Temper Other lasts for 24 hours from the end of the ritual.

If the Temper Other Test fails, the target automatically takes a number of Damage Points equal to his Wound Threshold, taking both the Damage Points and a Wound. Physical armor does not protect against this damage, and the character can suffer knockdown.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
The Temper Self talent allows a character to toughen himself and become more resistant to physical attacks. The character draws icy ether from astral space and rolls the chilling substance over himself. This ritual requires one half-hour of intense meditation. The character makes a Temper Self Test using his own Toughness step as the Difficulty Number. A successful test increases the character's Death Rating, Wound Threshold, and Unconsciousness Ratings by the character's rank in Temper Self. Temper Self lasts for 24 hours from the end of the ritual.

If the Temper Self test fails, the character automatically takes a number of Damage Points equal to his Wound Threshold, taking both the Wound and the damage. Physical armor does not protect against this damage, and the character can be knocked down.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Temperature talent allows a character to control the temperature within a room or small shelter, up to 10 by 10 by 8 feet in size. For each rank of the Temperature talent, the character can raise or lower the temperature by 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The character makes a Temperature Test against the Spell Defense of the room (minimum of 2). The effects of Temperature last for a number of hours equal to the Temperature Test result. The character may cancel the effect any time he is in or adjacent to the room.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: All
Characters use the Thread Weaving talent to create and weave magical threads. A character can only have a number of threads active equal to his Thread Weaving Rank. For example, a character with Rank 3 Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once. This limit does not apply to threads woven into spell patterns. See the Workings of Magic section for more information about threads and spell patterns.

Each Discipline has a unique variation of the Thread Weaving talent, as listed below.

DisciplineThread Weaving Talent
ArcherArrow Weaving
BeastmasterBeast Weaving
CavalrymanRider Weaving
Sky RaiderSky Weaving
SwordmasterBlade Weaving
ThiefThief Weaving
TroubadourStory Weaving
WarriorWar Weaving
WeaponsmithThread Smithing

Record the appropriate Thread Weaving talent on the Character Record Sheet. For example, the Character Record Sheet for an Archer would list Arrow Weaving.

The Thread Weaving talent also gives characters a limited version of the Astral Sight talent. The astral sight provided by Thread Weaving allows characters only enough vision to see threads and patterns. See the Workings of Magic section for more information on threads, thread weaving, and True Patterns.

Using the Versatility talent, human characters may purchase ranks in Thread Weaving talents other than the one listed for their Discipline. These talent ranks cost the same as normal for Thread Weaving.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Thief
A character uses the Throwing Weapons talent to attack with rocks, daggers, spears, and other thrown weapons. The character makes a Throwing Weapons Test against the Physical Defense of the target. A successful test result means the attack hits the target.


Step: Rank p> /b>
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Tiger Spring talent allows a character to react more quickly than normal in combat situations. The character may add her Tiger Spring Rank to her Initiative step. For example, Rank 3 Tiger Spring would add 3 steps to a character's Initiative step. Tiger Spring can be used with other talents that increase Initiative, such as Air Dance.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
[Throwing Weapons] The Tracking talent allows a character to track people and animals across great distances using her keen senses and divination magic. To use the Tracking talent, the character touches a visible track and makes a Tracking Test against the target's Spell Defense. If the trail is more than a day old, increase the target's Spell Defense by +3. If the trail is more than a week old, add 10 to the target's Spell Defense. A successful test imprints faint, luminous images of the tracks on the pupils of the character using the talent. The character sees these same luminescent prints on the ground, allowing him to follow the tracks of the target, even those obliterated by the weather. The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the character's rank in Tracking.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1 (2, see below)
Discipline Talent: Thief
The Trap Initiative talent allows a character to react more quickly to traps. When a character with this talent accidentally triggers a trap, the character makes a Trap Initiative Test against the Initiative of the trap. If the character's Initiative is higher than the trap's, he can react before it goes off, perhaps avoiding the effect of the trap. The Trap Initiative talent can be used against both mechanical and magical traps.

During combat, if the character triggers a trap after his normal Initiative, this talent allows the character to make an additional Initiative Test to see if he can avoid the trap. Using Trap Initiative in this way causes 1 additional point of Strain to the character.

Marcon is a Thiefwith Rank 2 Trap Initiative. While investigating an old kaer, Marcon and his companions encounter a group of ghouls. Opting to flee, Marcon runs down a corridor, declaring Full Movement as his combat action, which will allow him to get as far away from the ghouls as possible. While running, Marcon triggers a pit trap located in the corridor. Though Marcon has already taken his action for the round, he can use Trap Initiative to try and avoid the pit trap. Marcon makes a Trap Initiative Test with a result of 12. The trap has an Initiative of 14. Poor Marcon falls into the trap, thinking he might have been better off with the ghouls.


Step: Rank+Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Trick Riding talent allows a character to perform acrobatics on his mount. The character may use this talent instead of the Avoid Blow talent to defend either himself or his mount from an attack, and may also use Trick Riding to jump fences, chasms, flames, or other obstacles. The character makes a Trick Riding Test against a Difficulty Number determined by the gamemaster, based on the maneuver attempted. Jumping a short fence would be a Difficulty of 4, while jumping over a 10-foot-wide chasm would have a Difficulty Number of 12. If any of these acrobatics require a Dexterity Test, substitute the Trick Riding result for the mount's Dexterity step.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The True Shot talent allows a character to make a very accurate missile attack. The character makes an Attack Test using the True Shot step instead of the Missile Weapons step. The character must spend at least 1 Karma Point on the Attack Test, and may spend a total number of Karma Points equal to her rank in True Shot on the Attack Test. When using this talent, a character must continue to spend Karma Points, 1 at a time, until the Attack Test result is higher than the target's Physical Defense Rating, or until the character can spend no more points. Once the attack hits, the character cannot spend additional Karma Points to increase the success level of the test.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Illusionist
The True Sight talent allows a character to penetrate illusions. The character makes a True Sight Test using the illusion's Sensing/Disbelief Difficulty (see the Spell Magic section). A successful test result allows the character to penetrate the illusion.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Warrior
A character uses the Unarmed Combat talent when attempting to hit a defender with his hands, feet, or any other part of his body. The character makes an Unarmed Combat Test against the target's Physical Defense. A successful test result means the attack hits the target.


Step: Rank + Strength Step + 5
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Unshakable Earth talent makes a character more resistant to knockdown by allowing him to attach himself to the ground, actually blending with parts of the earth. The Unshakable Earth talent can only be used on natural ground, earthen, or stone surfaces. The character makes an Unshakable Earth Test instead of a Strength Test when resisting the effects of knockdown. A character may not move from the spot where he stands in the same round in which he uses the Unshakable Earth talent.


Step: Rank p> /b>
Action: NASkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
Versatility is a human racial talent, available to all human characters at First Circle. A human character with ranks in Versatility may learn talents from Disciplines other than his own, paying the same Legend Point costs as would a member of that Discipline to gain those talents. The character must be trained for each talent he learns. A human may learn a number of talents equal to his rank in Versatility. A character cannot learn a talent from a Circle higher than his current Circle. For example, if the character is Third Circle, he can learn talents from other Disciplines available at Third Circle or lower.

The Versatility talent and talents bought with Versatility do not count toward the requirements to advance to a higher Circle. This means that characters who consistently purchase talents from other Disciplines using the Versatility talent will take much longer to advance through the Circles of their own Discipline.

Characters with Versatility may buy ranks in variations of the Thread Weaving Talents. For example, a human Wizard could buy ranks in the Elementalism variation of Thread Weaving.

A character cannot use the Versatility talent to purchase talents available in his own Discipline. This includes talents available to the character at a higher Circle. For example, a First Circle human Archer could not purchase the Melee Weapons talent using Versatility because Archers have access to the Melee Weapons talent at a higher Circle.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
The Warp Missile talent allows a character to reduce the effectiveness of an opponent's missile weapon. The character makes a Warp Missile Test against the Spell Defense of the missile weapon or the firer, whichever is higher. If the test is successful, reduce the Damage step of every missile fired from that weapon by the character's rank in Warp Missile. For example, Rank 2 Warp Missile reduces the missile Damage Tests for each attack by 2 steps. The effects of Warp Missile last a number of rounds equal to the character's Warp Missile Rank.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
The Weapon History talent allows a character to learn the history of a weapon, either enchanted or mundane. The character must carry the weapon on his person for at least a week, studying it carefully for one hour each night. At the end of seven nights of study, the character makes a Weapon History Test against the Spell Defense of the weapon. The success level determines the amount of knowledge gained.

An Average success reveals one of the weapon's Key Knowledges from its history. A Good success provides two Key Knowledges from its history, an Excellent succcess reveals three Key Knowledges, and an Extraordinary success reveals four Key Knowledges from the history of the weapon. The Weapon History talent can be used multiple times on the same weapon, each time after a week of study. On each subsequent effort to learn additional information about a weapon, the test result represents the number of additional Key Knowledges from the weapon's history the character discovers.The character's rank in Weapon History is the maximum number of Key Knowledges that a character can learn through this talent. Once he increases his rank in Weapon History, he can then learn more Key Knowledges. The rank of Weapon History is also the maximum thread rank of any Key Knowledge that can be learned from a weapon.

Thom Hammerblade, a dwarven Weaponsmith, has devoted some weeks of study to a weapon known as Grag's Battle-axe. His previous studies have revealed to Thom three Key Knowledges from the weapon's history. On his latest attempt, Thom gets an Excellent success, earning him knowledge of 3 more Key Knowledges from the axe's past. This means Thom now knows 6 Key Knowledges from the history of Grag's Battle-axe. But because Thom has only Rank 5 in Weapon History, he can only learn up to 5 of the Key Knowledges.
As a character learns pieces of a weapon's history, he also learns the Pattern Knowledge of the weapon. The character may use this knowledge to weave a thread to the weapon. The character may tell other characters the Pattern Knowledge, and they also may use it to weave a thread to the weapon. The maximum rank thread a character can weave to a weapon equals the number of Key Knowledges he has learned. See The Workings of Magic section for more information regarding threads and Pattern Knowledge.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Wheeling Attack talent allows a character to make a mounted attack and move away a distance equal to a Full Movement. When making an Attack Test while using this talent, a character substitutes the Wheeling Attack step for the Melee Weapons or Missile Weapons step. Wheeling Attack may be used with the Charge talent.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Wheeling Defense talent increases the Physical Defense of a rider and his mount. The character urges his mount into a whirling circle, confusing his attackers with the moving, shifting targets. Make a Wheeling Defense Test, and increase the Physical Defense of the mount and character by the character's rank in Wheeling Defense for a number of rounds equal to the test result.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: NASkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Willforce talent provides the punch for spells. Because Willforce has a Default Attribute, a character does not need Willforce to cast a spell. However, spells cast by characters with this talent are usually more effective. Each rank of Willforce talent increases the effect of spells cast by the character. The character may substitute the Willforce step for the Willpower step to resist any effect targeted against his or her Spell Defense.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Wind Catcher talent gives a character a chance to control his fall from a height. The character makes a Wind Catcher Test, using the test result to determine what effect the talent had on his or her descent. A result of 6 - 12 allows a character to land safely and take no falling damage. A result of 13 or more allows the character to direct his descent, though his landing point cannot be farther from his natural landing site than the distance he fell. For example, a character who falls 50 yards could use Wind Catcher talent to land up to 50 yards away from where he would have landed unassisted. A single use of the Wind Catcher talent can protect a character from a fall of 100 x the character's rank in Wind Catcher in yards. Falling 100 yards takes one Combat Round (10 seconds). Elite Sky Raiders use the Wind Catcher talent to make precise assaults on enemy positions.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Winning Smile talent causes a character to appear more attractive to members of the opposite sex. The character makes a Winning Smile Test against the Social Defense of the target. A successful result means the target finds the character's appearance very pleasing, and for the next 24 hours, the character using the talent receives a step bonus equal to his rank in Winning Smile for tests against the target's Social Defense.

[Winning Smile] A character may attempt to use Winning Smile against any single target a maximum of three times in one 24-hour period. After the third attempt, the character must wait 24 hours before trying to use the talent again on the same target.

Though effective most often against members of the same race, characters can use the Winning Smile talent successfully on members of other races. The gamemaster should judge such attempts to be either Hard or Very Hard on the Success Level Table (see Gamemastering Earthdawn), using the target's Social Defense as the Average Difficulty. For example, a human trying to impress a dwarf of Social Defense 7 might be thought of as attempting a Hard task, increasing the Difficulty Number to 12. That same human attempting to impress a t'skrang would have a Very Hard task, raising a Social Defense of 7 to a Difficulty Number of 15. See Gamemastering Earthdawn for more information on Interaction Tests.


Step: Rank + Toughness Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Warrior
The Wood Skin talent increases a character's resistance to physical damage by causing the character's skin, and portions of the muscles and ligaments, to become tougher. When using this talent, the character's skin takes on the appearance of wood or bark.

The character must use one of his available Recovery Tests for Wood Skin each day the talent is used. The character can only use the Wood Skin talent once per day, but the effect lasts for a full 24 hours, or until the character ends it. The character makes a Wood Skin Test, adding the test result to both her Death Rating and Unconsciousness Rating. The character can now take more damage before dying or falling unconscious.


Step: Rank + Strength Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Wound Balance talent improves a character's ability to resist knockdown. The character uses the Wound Balance step in place of the Strength step when making a Knockdown Test after taking a Wound.

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