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Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Illusionist
A character uses the Dead Fall talent to feign death. As the character collapses, he makes a Dead Fall Test against the highest Spell Defense of any character who sees him. If the test succeeds, he uses minor illusion magic to exaggerate the appearance of any wound, poison, or disease effect to persuade observers that he is really dead. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in Dead Fall. The Dead Fall talent may be used repeatedly by making additional Talent Tests to maintain the illusion each time the duration of the talent ends. If the character's Dead Fall Test is not successful, at least one observer realizes that the character is faking.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Detect Trap talent allows a character to uncover hidden traps, both mechanical and magical. The average Difficulty Number for mechanical traps is 5, though some may be as high as 9. The Difficulty Number for magical traps is equal to the trap's Spell Defense. A successful Detect Trap Test enables the character to notice some aspect of the trap, usually the trigger.

A better-than-Average success level provides the character with additional information about the trap. On a Good success, the character can pinpoint the trap's trigger and figure out how to avoid setting it off. An Excellent success tells the character what type of effect (i.e., crushing, smashing, poison, and so on) the trap uses. An Extraordinary success gives the character a step bonus equal to the character's rank in Detect Trap when disarming the trap. The character adds the bonus to any tests he or she makes when attempting to disarm the trap.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Detect Weapon talent allows a character to notice hidden weapons, whether concealed by normal or magical means. The character makes a Detect Weapon Test against the weapon's Concealment Difficulty Number (see Conceal Weapon). With a successful test, the character spots the weapon and knows its type. The character cannot detect a weapon's magical abilities using this talent.

Once the character detects a weapon, he becomes alert to possible treachery. This alertness lasts for a number of minutes equal to the result of the Detect Weapon Test. If the character carrying the detected weapon tries to initiate combat, the alerted character has a first-round Initiative step bonus equal to his rank in Detect Weapon.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 4
Discipline Talent: Archer
Using the Direction Arrow talent, a character can locate another character or an object. The character must first possess a piece of clothing or a piece of wall from a building or something else directly connected to the person or object he seeks. The character fires an arrow straight up into the air. The arrow rises to its full height, then plummets to the earth. When it hits the ground, it shatters and sparks into an flaming arrow 1 yard long. The character makes a Direction Arrow Test against the Spell Defense of the person or object being sought. If the test succeeds, the arrow points in the right direction. Each success level beyond Average reduces the amount of Strain the character takes when using this talent. For example, a Good success reduces the Strain to 3 points, an Excellent success reduces the Strain to 2 points, and so on.

The person or object must be within a number of miles equal to the character's rank in Direction Arrow for the talent to work. Thus, a character with Rank 4 Direction Arrow could look for a person who is up to 4 miles away.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Swordmaster
The Disarm talent uses a combination of flashing swordplay and instinctive levitation magic to help a character to knock the weapon from an opponent's hand. After first declaring that he intends to use the Disarm talent, the character makes his Attack Test using the Disarm talent step. A successful result sends the weapon spinning away from the opponent in the direction the Disarming character chooses. Make a Damage Test for the number of feet the weapon flies. The Disarm talent does not effect any weapon that is part of the defender, such as an animal's claws.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Thief
Characters with the Disarm Mechanical Trap talent use deduction, dexterity, and a magical touch to render mechanical traps inoperative. The character makes a Talent Test against the trap's Difficulty Number (determined by the gamemaster when creating the trap; see Adventuring in Earthdawn for information about traps). A successful result disables the trap's trigger, preventing it from going off.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Disguise talent allows a character to use costumes and make-up to portray other people. The character needs make-up, clothing, jewelry, and other physical components of the disguise to use this talent. If the character is disguising himself as a specific individual, he must have seen a painting or other image of that individual. When using the disguise, the character makes a Disguise Test against the target's Spell Defense. If attempting to fool more than one character, use the highest Spell Defense of the group +1 for each additional character targeted. A successful test result means the targeted characters believe the disguise. The Disguise talent lasts for a number of hours equal to the character's rank in Disguise, but the character must pay the Strain cost each time he makes a Disguise Test to see if another character believes the disguise.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Illusionist
The Disguise Self talent allows a character to use illusion magic to disguise herself as any human-like being, within the limits of the talent. The disguised being can weigh up to twice the character's weight, but not less than half. The character may not vary the height, width, or length of any part of his body by more than 25 percent. For example, a human character trying to disguise himself as a t'skrang would have an awfully short tail.

The character makes a Disguise Self Test. The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the result of the Disguise Self Test or until the character chooses to drop the disguise.

The required Karma Point is not spent for the Talent Test. Instead, the disguised character rolls the Karma dice and adds the result to the Sensing and Disbelief Difficulty Numbers of the illusion (see Spell Magic). For the purposes of Sensing and Disbelief Tests against the disguised character, consider the Disguise Self Talent a Circle 3 illusion spell.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
[Aligator Beast] The Dominate Beast talent allows a character to temporarily subdue and control an animal, wild or trained. If the character makes a successful Dominate Beast Test against the animal's Spell Defense, he can establish dominance over the animal for a number of minutes equal to his or her rank in Dominate Beast. An animal under the effect of Dominate Beast will not take any hostile action against the character using the talent. The character may command the creature to perform one simple task that requires less time than the duration of Dominate Beast. The task cannot pose more danger to the animal than to the character.


Step: Rank + Strength Step + 3
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Warrior
The Down Strike talent allows a character to inflict greater-than-normal damage on a target in combat. The character must be using the Gliding Stride Talent or using another talent to move at least 6 feet above the head of his opponent. The character must scream like a bird of prey as he drops onto his target. If he hits his opponent, the Down Strike step substitutes for the Strength step in the Damage Test, causing the blow to inflict extra damage.


Step: Rank p> /b>
Action: NASkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
Each rank of the Durability talent permanently increases a character's Death and Unconsciousness Ratings. The character's Discipline determines the amount of this increase. The list below gives each Discipline and the appropriate increase per Durability Rank listed as two numbers separated by a slash. The number to the left of the slash represents the increase to the character's Death Rating. The number to the right is the increase to the character's Unconsciousness Rating.

Sky Raider8/6
List this talent on the character record sheet as "Discipline Name" Durability (i.e., Archer Durability, Sky Raider Durability, and so on).

A player assigns his Archer character Rank 3 Durability. According to the list, this will increase an Archer's Death Rating by 6 points per rank of Archer Durability and his Unconsciousness Rating by 5 points per rank. This character permanently adds 18 points to his Death Rating and 15 points to his Unconsciousness Rating.


Step: Rank p> /b>
Action: NASkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Durability (Mount) talent is a variation of the Durability talent (see above). Each rank of Durability (Mount) increases a mount's Death Rating by 5 and its Unconsciousness Rating by 4. A character may transfer this talent from one mount to another, but only one mount at a time may benefit. The Durability (Mount) Talent only works for living mounts, not mechanical, undead, or spirit mounts.


Step: Rank + Perception
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Archer
A character uses the Eagle Eye talent to aim at distant targets. If the character makes a successful test against the Spell Defense of the target, Eagle Eye will enable him to fire at the target as if it were at close range, ignoring any range modifier penalties that would normally apply. Each use of the Eagle Eye talent lasts a number of rounds equal to the character's talent rank. The talent takes effect in the first round after the successful Eagle Eye Test. The Eagle Eye talent only gives a character a better chance of hitting a target; it does not actually increase the range of missile weapons.


Step: Rank
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Earth Skin talent makes a character much more resistant to damage. Earth Skin requires one of the character's Recovery Tests each day it is used. The character can only use this talent once per day, and must have ranks in the Wood Skin talent in order to use Earth Skin. The character's rank in Earth Skin may not exceed his or her rank in Wood Skin. The character must use the Wood Skin talent on the same day he uses Earth Skin. Earth Skin lasts for a full 24 hours, until Wood Skin wears off or until the character ends the effect.

Earth Skin adds to the effectiveness of a character's Wood Skin talent, making the character's skin even tougher. Earth Skin allows the character to take even more damage before falling unconscious or dying. Its primary magic increases the character's Spell Defense. As with Wood Skin, the character's skin still appears bark-like or wood-like, but with veins the color of dark earth.

The character's Spell Defense and Death Ratings increase by a number equal to his rank in Earth Skin.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Elemental Hold talent allows a character to prevent an elemental from moving or taking any action other than communicating. The character must possess the Elemental Tongues talent and be able to speak the elemental's language to use this talent. The elemental must be within 40 yards of the character. The character boldly faces the elemental and orders it to halt, then makes a Talent Test against the Spell Defense of the elemental. A successful test holds the elemental for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in Elemental Hold. The character must concentrate to hold the elemental; he cannot move, cast spells, or take any action other than communication.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Elemental Tongues talent allows a character to speak the languages of air, earth, fire, and water--the four elemental tongues. Characters cannot communicate with wood or plant elementals using this talent, because it requires a special spell to unravel their peculiar tongue. Each rank in Elemental Tongues gives the speaker an additional elemental language. Rank 1 Elemental Tongues allows the character to speak one elemental language of his choice. At Rank 4, he can speak all four basic elemental languages. When speaking the language, the character makes a Talent Test against the Spell Defense of the elemental. The success level determines how well the character communicates with the elemental. On an Average or Good success, the elemental basically understands what the character is talking about, but the character is not able to ask complex questions or make requests. An Excellent or better success means the elemental completely understands the character. The character can discuss complex topics with the elemental and ask it detailed questions.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Troubadour
[Emotion Song] The Emotion Song talent uses a character's powerful voice to sing songs that arouse an audience to a basic emotion such as fear, love, hate, happiness, anger, and joy. The audience directs the basic emotion at the subject of the song; if the character sings about a king, the audience feels the emotion about the king.

To perform Emotion Song requires at least half an hour. At the end of each half-hour the character makes a Talent Test against the highest Social Defense among the members of the audience. The success level determines how many members of the audience the character affects. An Average success indicates that one-quarter of the audience is affected by the song. A Good success affects half the audience, an Excellent success affects three-quarters, and an Extraordinary success means the entire audience is affected by the song.

Consecutive uses of Emotion Song create a cumulative effect. For example, two consecutive Average successes have the same effect as one Good success, two Good successes create the same effect as one Excellent success, and so on.

The effects of the song last a number of days equal to the character's rank in Emotion Song. During this time, affected characters are more susceptible to suggestions related to the emotion of the song. Characters making such suggestions add +1 step to any Interaction Tests. Characters making suggestions counter to the Emotion Song suffer a -1 step to Interaction Tests. See Gamemastering Earthdawn for information about Interaction Tests.

If a character fails an Emotion Song Test, he or she must immediately stop performing. The crowd has grown weary of the performance, and the character may not use Emotion Song again until the following morning.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Empathic Command talent allows a character to command a mount through emotion and mental images. The character need not speak the commands, but must be in contact with the mount to use Empathic Command. The talent will not affect any other animal except his mount. A mount uses the character's Empathic Command step instead of its own Willpower step when making a Willpower Test to resist fear, charm, or spells directed at the mount or its rider


Step: Rank + Charisma Step nt or its rider
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Troubadour

The Empathic Sense talent allows a character to sense the feelings or emotions of another character. In order to use Empathic Sense, the character must "attune" the talent to a target character. This attuning remains in effect for a year and a day, or until the character changes the attunement. A character may attune to one character per rank of Empathic Sense. For example, a character with Rank 4 Empathic Sense could attune to up to four characters. To attune with a target character, the character must spend three minutes of quiet meditation with that character.

To use Empathic Sense, the character makes an Empathic Sense Test against the Spell Defense of the attuned target character to sense emotions or feelings. Empathic Sense also gives a character a vague sense of the location of an attuned character, within a 90-degree arc, but does not reveal distance. Empathic Sense is effective up to a range of miles equal to the character's Empathic Sense Rank.


Step: Rank + Toughness Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Endure Cold talent allows characters to withstand damage caused by ice or cold temperatures. Each time a character takes freezing or cold damage, the character should immediately make an Endure Cold Test. A successful test result immediately reduces the damage by that amount, up to the amount of cold damage taken. Reduce the damage before determining Wounds, unconsciousness, or death.

Cedric takes 9 points of cold damage from a Blizzard Sphere spell. His player rolls an 11 on an Endure Cold Test, removing all 9 points of damage, and so Cedric takes no damage from Blizzard Sphere. The remaining 2 points worth of the Endure Cold talent cannot be used to reduce any other damage Cedric may have taken.
A character can use Endure Cold a number of times each day equal to his talent rank. For example, a character with Rank 4 Endure Cold could use the talent 4 times per day.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Troubadour
The Engaging Banter talent allows a character to use his charming style and a touch of magical suggestion to distract an opponent. The target character must be able to understand what the character is saying in order for the talent to work. Engaging Banter may also be used in combat. The character makes an Engaging Banter Test against the target's Social Defense. If the test is successful, the target and the character spend time in witty, idle chatter. The banter lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in Engaging Banter. During this time, the target is distracted, suffering a -1 step to all tests and reducing all combat ratings (Physical Defense and so on) by -1. The character using Engaging Banter may end the banter any time, but this will also end the effect.

The talent can be used against targets under attack, but a successful attack that causes a Wound negates the effect of Engaging Banter, making the target character immune to further Engaging Banter for the next 24 hours.


Step: Rank p> /b>
Action: NASkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
Magicians learn the Enhanced Matrix talent to make better use of spells requiring threads. An Enhanced Matrix holds the pattern of a spell. Unlike a regular spell matrix, an Enhanced Matrix also holds one spell thread as well as the spell pattern. The magician weaves this thread when he attunes the Enhanced Matrix. This allows him to cast the spell without weaving the held thread.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Wizard
A character uses the Evidence Analysis talent to examine physical evidence. This examination consists of equal parts observation, logic, and divination. A character might be able to examine a bed, for example, and determine that its occupant had not slept well, or he might be able to identify a weapon as a murder weapon. As a general rule, Evidence Analysis can only answer questions [Evidence Analysis] regarding what happened to an object or place or how something happened to an object or place. The character makes an Evidence Analysis Test against the Spell Defense of the person responsible for the physical evidence. In the above example, he would use the Spell Defense of the person who had slept in the bed. If the activity occurred in the previous 24 hours, the character using the talent can get a general impression of when the event happened (i.e., morning, afternoon, or evening). When using the Evidence Analysis talent to evaluate evidence more than 1 day old, add +1 to the target's Spell Defense for the Difficulty Number. This talent cannot help the character answer the questions of "who" or "why."


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Illusionist
The False Sight talent allows a character to intensify his illusions, making them more difficult for observing characters to penetrate. A character can use False Sight only on illusions he creates himself, not on those cast by other characters. The character using this talent must be able to see his target for False Sight to work. The character makes a Talent Test against the target's Spell Defense. If using False Sight against multiple targets, make a test against the highest Spell Defense in the group +1 for each additional target character. A successful test result increases the Difficulty Number for characters attempting to penetrate, Sense, or Dispel the illusion by a number of points equal to the character's rank in False Sight. This increase only applies to the actions of the target character, and it lasts for a number of minutes equal to the character's rank in False Sight.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Fast Hand talent lets a character move items from one place to another or to switch items between one character and another without being observed. All target items and characters must be within 2 yards of the character using the talent. The target items must measure 6 inches or less along their longest dimension. For his Talent Test, the character adds the number of items switched to the highest Spell Defense among his targets to find the Difficulty Number.

Callera wants to switch the purses of 3 merchants, so that each merchant ends up with another merchant's purse. The merchants have Spell Defenses of 4, 6, and 5, respectively. The highest is 6, + 3 for the number of items being switched, resulting in a Difficulty Number of 9.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 2
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Fearsome Charge talent allows a character to intimidate an opponent when making a charging attack. Fearsome Charge can also make opponents flee in fear. Only a mounted character may use Fearsome Charge.

[Fearsome Charge] A character using the talent transforms when he is charging. His eyes grow larger or glow, his teeth become pointed or the canines become longer, and his hair stands away from his head in a wild tangle. The character makes a Fearsome Charge Test against the Social Defense of his opponent. On an Average success, the opponent is frozen with fear and cannot move. On a Good success or better, the opponent flees at his fastest movement rate. The Fearsome Charge talent works against all opponents who see the charge. Compare the result of the Fearsome Charge Test to the Social Defense of any other characters who witness the charge (as above) to determine their actions.

An opponent affected by Fearsome Charge may overcome its effects on any subsequent round. The opponent must make a Willpower (or other fear-resisting talent) Test against the character's Fearsome Charge step number. A successful test means the opponent overcomes his fear in that round.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Thief
The Fence talent helps a character get a better price for stolen or illegal goods. Shady merchants usually buy stolen or illegal goods for 10 percent of their cost (see Goods and Services). If the character can make a successful Talent Test against the merchant's Social Defense, it raises the price the merchant will pay by 5 percentage points of the cost. The character may continue to make additional Fence Tests until one fails. If that happens, the merchant drops the last negotiated price by 5 percent of the cost, and negotiations are over. The merchant never offers less than 10 percent of the cost, and so the character has nothing to lose by making the first Fence Test. The maximum number of Fence Tests a character can make for any transaction is equal to his talent rank. The Fence talent can only be used for one transaction per day against any one character.


Step: Rank + Toughness Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Sky Raiders
The Fireblood talent allows the character to make one of his available Recovery Tests in the middle of a Combat Round, substituting the Fireblood step for his Toughness step in the test. The character cannot make an attack in the same round he uses the Fireblood talent, but he may also still be engaged on the field of battle. Fireblood makes the blood oozing from a character's scratches, cuts, and wounds bubble and hiss; during the round in which Fireblood is used, the blood steams, cleaning and partially healing the character's damage.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Fire Heal talent poses certain risks for low-Circle magicians, who generally begin with relatively low Wound Thresholds and Death Ratings. Successful use of the Fire Heal talent grants a character extra Recovery Tests. A failed Fire Heal Test burns the character. To use the Fire Heal talent, the character must build an open fire large enough to completely engulf him or her.

The character declares how many extra Recovery Tests he is attempting to gain with this talent. Fire Heal requires 30 minutes for each additional Recovery Test the character desires. He or she must attempt to gain at least 2 Recovery Tests. The character makes a Fire Heal Test using a Difficulty Number determined by the gamemaster. Then the gamemaster rolls 1D6 for each Recovery Test the character attempts to gain. If the character's Fire Heal Test is equal to or higher than the gamemaster's dice roll for the fire, the character earns the Recovery Tests and makes them normally. The Recovery Tests remain available for 24 hours after the successful Fire Heal Test. If the gamemaster's dice result is greater, the character automatically takes a Wound, plus a number of Damage Points equal to the difference between the Fire Attack Test and the Fire Heal Test. This damage can result in a second Wound.

The Fire Heal talent requires that the character be in full contact with the elemental power of fire. If a spell or item protects the character from fire, the Fire Heal Talent has no effect.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The First Impression talent helps a character to favorably impress characters he or she has just met. The character makes a First Impression Test against the target's Social Defense. A successful First Impression Test gains the character a bonus equal to his rank in First Impression for all Charisma Tests. For example, a character with Rank 3 First Impression adds a +3 step bonus to all Charisma Tests made against a favorably impressed character. The effects of First Impression last a number of days equal to the amount by which the First Impression Test exceeded the target's Social Defense. The First Impression talent may only be used once against any one character.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step + 3
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: 2
Discipline Talent: Archer
The Flame Arrow talent allows a character to create a flaming arrow from a normal one, transforming his arrow into a missile of fire. This process destroys the arrow. Use the Flame Arrow step number when making the Damage Test for this talent. Add the Karma dice to the Damage Test.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
With the Forge Blade talent, a character can improve the Damage step of any melee weapon. To use this talent, the character must spend at least 1 week working on the weapon at a blacksmith's forge. At the end of that time, he makes a Forge Blade Test against the weapon's Damage step (see Goods and Services). A broadsword with Damage Step 5, for example, would have a Difficulty Number of 5. If the test is successful, increase the Damage step of the weapon by +1. In the case of the above broadsword, the Damage would increase to Step 6. A character may use Forge Blade on a single weapon a number of times equal to his rank in Forge Blade. This limit includes failed uses of the talent on that weapon.

Characters with this talent often charge others for the time they spend using it. The base rate to forge a special weapon is 50 x a number of silver pieces equal to the character's talent rank per week. This charge is in addition to the actual cost of the weapon. For example, a character with Rank 3 Forge Blade would charge 150 silver pieces a week to forge a weapon. Buying a broadsword that such a character improved by 2 Damage steps would cost at least 325 silver pieces.

Despite its name, the Forge Blade talent may be used to improve any melee weapon, not just bladed weapons. The name came because people with this talent originally made their reputations by forging swords and daggers.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
[Frighten] The Frighten talent allows a character to scare another character. Stepping in front of his target, the character stares silently at the target character for 1 round. For the talent to have effect, the character must see the eyes of his target or else the target must be able to see the character's eyes. In the next round, the character using Frighten makes a Talent Test against the Spell Defense of the target. If the test is successful, the target character stays away from the frightening character for a number of rounds equal to the character's talent rank. If Frightened characters are not able to completely escape from the immediate area, they will at least move as far away as possible.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster, Cavalryman
The Frighten Animal Servants talent allows a character to terrorize servant animals. The talent focuses magic through the animals' master, making him the source of the animals' fear. The character makes a Talent Test against the highest Social Defense among the target animals. A successful test means all animal servants of a particular master flee from him or her in terror. Hounds will desert a hunter, a mount will throw its rider, guard tigers will flee from their ward. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in Frighten Animal Servants.

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