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Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Weaponsmith
[Abate Curse] The Abate Curse talent allows a character to temporarily nullify any curses on a weapon so that someone can handle the weapon without suffering the effects of the curse. The character must use Abate Curse on the weapon before touching it, however. The character must be within 3 yards of the weapon to use Abate Curse, and he must remain within that distance while using the talent or the effect ends. To use this talent, make an Abate Curse Test against the weapon's Spell Defense. A successful test temporarily negates the curse. Abate Curse lasts a number of hours equal to the result of the test. Abate Curse cannot be used to help a character cursed by a weapon.

See Adventuring in Earthdawn for more on curses.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
Characters use the Acrobatic Strike talent to make impossibly graceful, leaping, spinning attacks. In combat situations, use Acrobatic Strike for the character's Attack Test. Add the ranks of Acrobatic Strike to the character's Physical Defense Rating for the rest of the Combat Round.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: None
The Air Dance talent allows a character to walk on air, about 1 inch above the surface of the ground. Air Dance does not allow a character to stand suspended in midair, and can only be used in combination with Combat Movement. Air Dance makes it possible for a character to perform quick, gliding movements and rapid attacks. Roll the Air Dance Talent dice in place of the character's normal Initiative dice for that round (see Initiative in Combat). Air Dance may be used in the same round as other attack talents. If the Air Dance result equals at least twice an opponent's Initiative, the character using the talent can make an extra attack that round following his opponent's attack.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Sky Raider
Air Sailing is the art of maneuvering the great flying ships used by Sky Raiders. With this talent a character knows how to work the rigging, tiller, or oars of the ships. Any character who wishes to join a crew must have at least Rank 1 Air Sailing Talent. Command ranks require higher ability: a mate must have at least Rank 4, a captain at least Rank 7, and a navigator at least Rank 8. Not all ships have navigators.

Characters use Air Sailing for the rowing that propels airships through the sky. To help row an airship, a character must roll a 4 on an Air Sailing Test. An above-average successwill permit the character to take the place of more than one rower: a Good success counts as 2 rowers. An Excellent success means the character can replace 3 rowers. An Extraordinary success counts as 4 rowers.

For a ship to stay airborne, at least one-fourth of its rowers must make successful Air Sailing Tests. If at least half the rowers make successful tests, the ship can maneuver at its current altitude, dive, or climb slowly in a straight line. If three-fourths of the rowers are successful, the ship can speed up, maneuver while climbing, or perform aerobatics. A ship with a rowing crew of 20 needs at least 5 rowers to succeed at Air Sailing Tests in order to stay afloat. This might also be an equivalent number, such as 2 rowers, 1 of whom achieved an Extraordinary success on the Air Sailing Test (thereby replacing 4 rowers).


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Air Speaking talent is unique to Elementalists. This talent allows them to communicate with others of their Discipline without actually vocalizing the words. An Elementalist may use Air Speaking to speak to any other Elementalist, including those of lower Circles. He moves his lips slightly but makes no actual sound. Other Elementalists hear Air Speaking as normal conversation. The range for this talent is the result of the Air Speaking Test x 5 yards; master Elementalists can lecture entire gatherings with Air Speaking. An Elementalist without the Air Speaking talent can hear another Elementalist using this talent, but must reply through normal communication channels.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
The Animal Bond talent creates a bond of trust between an animal and a character. The character must work with the animal for a week previous to each use of the Animal Bond talent, treating the animal well during this time. The character then makes an Animal Bond Test against either the animal's Social or Spell Defense, whichever is higher.

After the Beastmaster has successfully used this talent one time, the animal takes a neutral attitude ("live and let live") toward him or her. A second successful use makes the animal friendly enough to the character that he will play with the character. The character cannot further attach the animal to him until he improves his Animal Bond talent to at least Rank 4. Once a character has Animal Bond at Rank 4 or more, he can begin to train the animal. When training becomes possible, a successful Animal Bond Test makes the animal loyal to the character as long as the character remains loyal to the animal. The animal willingly takes risks for the character and expects appropriate rewards for doing so. (This is more easily accomplished than for human friends. All a dog really wants is lots of affection and enough food.) A loyal animal will accompany a character on adventures if the character so desires.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 2
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
The Animal Possession talent allows a character to place his or her spirit into the body of an animal. Make an Animal Possession Test against the Willpower step of the animal. This talent only works if the character is touching the animal. If the character makes a successful Animal Possession Test, his spirit takes possession of the animal's body and the animal's spirit goes into the character's body. The character now controls the animal's body, but not vice versa. While using Animal Possession, the character's physical form slumps into a coma-like state. He retains his own intelligence while in the animal body, but cannot perform any actions of which the animal is not normally capable.

The character's control lasts for a number of hours equal to his Animal Possession rank or until the animal and character touch again. When the possession ends or the animal and character touch, both spirits return to their proper bodies. If either the animal's or the character's body is killed, the spirits and bodies will both die.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
The Animal Training talent allows a character to train animals to obey simple commands such as "scout ahead for creatures," "smell that rock," and "go home," as well as the more usual "stop," "heel," "fetch," and "kill." Each command requires a separate, successful use of Animal Training. Each use takes 1 week, during which time the character must treat the animal well. The character makes an Animal Training Test against either the creature's Social or Spell Defense, whichever is higher. A successful test means the animal understands and obeys the command given by the character; the animal will not obey that same command given by any other character. The effects of Animal Training last for a number of months equal to the character's rank. Repeated uses of the Animal Training Talent can extend the duration of the effect (somewhat like a refresher course).


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Warrior
The Anticipate Blow talent allows a character to better defend against an incoming attack. The character must have a higher Initiative in order to use Anticipate Blow against an attacking opponent. A character may use Anticipate Blow in the same round that he makes an Attack Test, but not in the same round as Air Dance. Before making an Attack Test, the character makes an Anticipate Blow Test against the target's Spell Defense. If the test is successful, the character adds his talent rank to both his Physical Defense Rating and to the result of the Attack Test.

Taranya has Rank 3 Anticipate Blow Talent. Using the talent successfully adds +3 to her Physical Defense Rating for that round as well as +3 to the result of her Attack Test. Anticipate Blow allows her to add +3 to this result, increasing her chance of hitting her opponent. (See Combat.)


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Wizard
The Arcane Mutterings talent allows a character to confuse others by uttering dire and largely incomprehensible warnings. Arcane Mutterings has no effect when used against targets engaged in combat.

[Arcane Mutterings] The character makes an Arcane Mutterings Test against the target's Social Defense. If the character is attempting to use the talent against more than one character, he makes the test against the highest Social Defense Rating among the group, +1 for each additional character. That becomes the Difficulty Number for the test. On a Good success or better, the target characters become confused and feel a slight unease. They will take no hostile action while under the effects of Arcane Mutterings as long as no one takes hostile action against them. The effect of Arcane Mutterings lasts a number of rounds equal to the character's Arcane Mutterings Rank. During this time, the character must continually "mutter" or else the effect ends. While suffering from the effects of Arcane Mutterings, the characters are disheartened, which makes them easier to affect using other social talents. If other characters are also attempting to overcome the Social Defense of the targets, add a bonus equal to the wizard's rank in Arcane Mutterings to any tests he makes for social interaction.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Nethermancer, Wizard
The Astral Sight talent allows a character to see into the astral plane. The magician must roll at least a 6 on an Astral Sight Test to see into the astral plane. Compare the result of that test to determine the Spell Defense Ratings of any other characters or objects within range. Astral Sight will allow him or her to see all objects and characters with a Spell Defense Rating equal to or less than the Astral Sight Test result. A character or object with a Spell Defense greater than the test result remains invisible to your character. Astral Sight has a range of the character's Astral Sight Rank x 10 yards. The character cannot see anything outside that range. Astral Sight lasts for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in Astral Sight. The character takes Strain each time he or she attempts to use the talent.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Thief, Troubadour, Warrior
The Avoid Blow talent allows a character to dodge blows directed at him in combat at the last minute. Any time an opponent attacks a character with the Avoid Blow talent, the attacked individual makes an Avoid Blow Test to dodge the blow before it causes damage. If he rolls a result equal to or higher than that of the opponent's Attack Test, the target avoids the blow. This means that he or she saw the attack coming and dodged out of the way at the last minute. Your character cannot use the Avoid Blow Talent to dodge blind-side attacks, however. Avoid Blow can only be used once per Combat Round. A character who attempts and fails to use Avoid Blow is knocked down, whether or not the blow would normally have done so (See Make Knockdown Test in Combat.). Avoid Blow can be used in the same round as an Attack Test.

Poorht, windling Thief, has a Physical Defense Rating of 8. The jehuthra attacking him rolls a 12 on the Attack Test, which is higher than Poorht's Physical Defense of 8. The blow would normally have landed, but Poorht sees it coming and decides to use his Avoid Blow talent. He rolls a 12, just enough for Poorht to dodge and take no damage.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Archer, Thief
The Bank Shot talent allows a character to ricochet missile and thrown weapons off obstacles on the way to their target. A character need not have line of sight to the target in the round during which he uses Bank Shot, but must have had line of sight to the target during his last action. The character points out the objects off which he intends to ricochet his shots, then uses his Bank Shot step to make the Attack Test. If successful, his shot makes a number of banks equals to the character's rank in Bank Shot. A failed Attack Test using Bank Shot means the missile flies completely off target. A bank shot destroys arrows and bolts used to make the shot. Though the bank shot nicks and scratches daggers and other throwing weapons, these remain usable.


Step: Rank + Charisma Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Sky Raider
[Battle Bellow] The Battle Bellow talent allows a character to intimidate his foes and inspire his companions. The character makes a Battle Bellow Test against the Social Defense of the target. If the character is attempting to use Battle Bellow against more than one target, add 1 to the highest Social Defense Rating in the group for each additional target character. The character using Battle Bellow must be involved in combat or threatening to engage in combat. Battle Bellow may be used in the same round as an Attack Test.

A successful test reduces all the target's steps for 1 round by a number equal to the character's rank in Battle Bellow. Rank 4 Battle Bellow, for example, reduces all the target's tests by -4 steps. A target can only be affected by one Battle Bellow at a time.

A character can also use Battle Bellow to inspire his companions. If the character rolls a Good success or better in the Battle Bellow Test, it also adds a positive modifier to any Battle Shout Tests by all friendly Sky Raiders within a distance of the Battle Bellow Rank x 10 yards of the character. The bonus is equal to the character's Battle Bellow Rank; a Rank 3 Battle Bellow, for example, adds 3 steps to all Battle Shout Tests.


Step: Rank + Charisma
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Sky Raider
The Battle Shout talent allows a character to intimidate foes. The character makes a Battle Shout Test against the Social Defense of the target character. If the character is attempting to use Battle Shout against more than one target, add +1 to the highest Social Defense Rating in the group (the Difficulty Number) for each additional target character.

A troll uses Battle Shout against a group of 6 soldiers, one of whom is a sergeant. The sergeant's Social Defense is highest, so it becomes the Social Defense for the group. Because the troll is also targeting 5 additional characters, he adds the +5 to the sergeant's Social Defense to get the Difficulty Number for the Battle Shout Test.
The character must be involved in combat or threatening to engage in combat in order to use Battle Shout. Battle Shout may be used in the same round as an Attack Test. The character must roll a Good success or better for Battle Shout to succeed. A successful test reduces all the target's steps by a number equal to the character's Battle Shout Rank for a period of 1 round. A Rank 4 Battle Shout, for example, would reduce the steps for all the opponents' tests by 4 steps. A character may be affected by only one Battle Shout at a time.


Step: Rank + Toughness Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Blood Share talent allows a character to transfer damage between his mount and himself. First, the character makes a small cut somewhere on himself and on his mount, then touches the two cuts together. Then he makes a Blood Share Test. The result is the number of Damage Points that can be transferred between himself and his mount. Depending on the situation, the character might want to transfer the full number of Damage Points or transfer only a portion. Again, depending on the situation, he will transfer the damage either from his mount to himself or vice versa. For example, a character might decide to transfer only 7 Damage Points on a test result of 10, or he might choose to use the whole number. Transferring only 7 points from his mount to himself, for example, would reduce the mount's damage by only 7 points, not the full 10. Transferred damage never causes a Wound, but if the transferred damage sends either the character's or the mount's (whichever is taking the transfer of damage) Current Damage higher than his Death Rating, the affected character or mount still dies.

Blood Share talent normally does not require the character to spend Karma, but if a Cavalryman wants to use this talent on another willing character, he can do so by spending 1 Karma Point. Roll the Karma dice at the same time as the Blood Share Test is made, as normal. Using Blood Share in this way requires that deep trust exist between the character and his volunteering comrade. Members of the Cavalryman Discipline almost universally honor this trust, and have coined the term "blood betrayer" to refer to anyone who uses Blood Share to transfer so much damage to another character that the second character dies. Other Cavalrymen shun blood betrayers.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Wizard
The Book Memory talent allows a character to memorize knowledge from a book. The character need make only one Book Memory Test per book, using the book's Spell Defense as the Difficulty Number. The Spell Defense of most grimoires is at least equal to the Casting Difficulty of the highest-ranking spell it contains. For the purposes of using Book Memory, one grimoire equals one book. Normal books have a Spell Defense of 5 against memorization.

The character can memorize a number of pages per round equal to his Book Memory Rank. The character must memorize the entire book at one sitting. If he or she performs any other action while memorizing, the character's concentration breaks and the memorization is lost. The character need not be able to read the language to memorize a book.

The knowledge of a memorized book stays in the character's memory for a year and a day before fading. A character can use the Book Recall talent to retrieve this knowledge later. The maximum number of books the character can hold in memory at any one time equals the character's Book Memory Rank. A character may voluntarily discard memorized knowledge in order to memorize new knowledge.


Step: Rank + Perception
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Wizard
The Book Recall talent retrieves information a character once memorized via the Book Memory talent but which subsequently faded. The Difficulty Number for remembering the information after the passage of a year and a day is based on the number of books the character currently has memorized, as follows:

Difficulty Number
for Remembering
For every book
more than 5


Using the Book Recall talent takes 1 round. An Average success on a Book Recall Test retrieves one page of information. For each success level beyond Average, the character remembers the information on an additional page.

Jerreck, an elven Wizard with Rank 3 Book Recall, is attempting to recall some information from a grimoire that he had previously memorized. Jerreck currently has a total of 5 books memorized, which the above table indicates as a Difficulty Number 11. Jerreck's player rolls an 18 on his Book Recall Test. Because this is a Good success, Jerreck can recall 2 pages from the book.
Once he retrieves the information, the character can write it down using either the Read and Write Languages talent or skill, or the Read and Write Magic talent, as appropriate. The information retrieved fades after 24 hours or whenever the character uses Book Recall again, whichever comes first.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
Using the Borrow Sense talent, a character temporarily takes one of an animal's five senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, or sight for use as his own. The animal loses that sense for the duration of that borrowing. For this reason, only animals loyal to the character or those under the effect of a spell or the Dominate Beast talent will submit to Borrow Sense. The Beastmaster makes a Borrow Sense Test against the animal's Spell Defense. If the character tries to take a sense from an unwilling animal, increase the creature's Spell Defense by +5. Successful use of Borrow Sense earns the character all the benefits of the borrowed sense. The effect lasts a number of minutes equal to the character's Borrow Sense Rank.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Archer
The Call Arrow talent allows a character to retrieve fired arrows by spending 1 round to call back arrows he has fired. The talent works on any arrows the character fired that remain within 100 yards of him or her. The called arrows fly toward the character, tumbling and rotating into proper position, then drop into the quiver. Call Arrow only retrieves the arrows; the character cannot also tie or attach the called arrows to another object in an attempt to retrieve that object. Call Arrow also extracts arrows from targets and returns them to the character. To use this talent, the character makes a Call Arrow Test; the result is the maximum number of arrows returned. If the character fired fewer arrows than that number, he or she simply gets back all the arrows she fired.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Archer, Swordmaster
A character can use the Called Shot talent to impress onlookers with a display of targeting accuracy. The character announces his attack aloud, naming his target and roughly where the shot will strike. The character makes a Called Shot Test instead of a standard Attack Test. A successful test means the shot hit in approximately the called spot. Opponents who see this display of skill are suitably impressed. A successful test affects a number of characters equal to the character's Called Shot talent, modifying the next test the onlookers make by -1 step. For example, if a character engaged in combat successfully calls a shot, the opponents preparing to attack his companions would make their next Attack Test at -1 step. The character using the talent chooses the characters to be affected. The affected characters must understand the language the character is speaking in order to be affected by a successful Called Shot. Called Shot can only impress opponents; the talent does not increase the damage from an attack.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
The Cat's Paw talent permits a character to move quietly. Make a Cat's Paw Test, then use the result as the Difficulty Number for tests by anyone else attempting to detect the character. Because Cat's Paw makes a target even harder to detect than normal, a detecting character must roll a Good success or better to discern a character using the Cat's Paw.


Step: Rank + Strength Step
Action: NoSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Cavalryman
The Charge talent increases the damage of a mounted attack (see Mounted Combat). The attacker must spend the preceding round riding toward the target to build momentum. The magic fueling the talent increases the damage for any type of physical attack, be it by spear, club, sword, fist, and so on. Use the Charge step in place of the Strength step to make the Damage Test. Add the Charge steps to the Strength dice of the mount or the rider, whichever is greater. The spell can also help a character stay on his mount (see Combat).


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
Using the Claw Frenzy talent, a character can make more effective, and possibly, multiple attacks using the Claw Shape talent . When using Claw Frenzy to attack with Claw Shape, the character uses the Claw Frenzy talent instead of Unarmed Combat.

In one round, a character may attack using Claw Shape a number of times equal to his rank in Claw Frenzy. For example, Rank 3 Claw Frenzy would give the character 3 Claw Shape Attack Tests. The character must spend the Karma Point required to use Claw Frenzy on the first Attack Test. He may spend an additional Karma Point on each subsequent Claw Frenzy Test, and may also spend Karma on the Claw Shape Damage Tests. For each Claw Shape attack made during Claw Frenzy, use the Claw Shape damage step (see Claw Shape) to make the Damage Tests.


Step: Rank + Strength Step + 3
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
[Claw Shape The Claw Shape talent changes a character's dominant hand into a fearsome clawed weapon. The character uses his Unarmed Combat talent or skill to make Attack Tests with Claw Shape. Make the Damage Test using the Claw Shape step, plus the required Karma dice. If using Claw Shape with Claw Frenzy, the character may use a Karma Point for each Damage Test. Claw Shape lasts until it does damage, then immediately fades away.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: None
The Climbing talent allows a character to climb up the sides of various surfaces and objects. A character makes a Climbing Test against the climb's difficulty, a number determined by the gamemaster (see Adventuring in Earthdawn ). If the result is equal to or higher than the Difficulty Number, the character climbs successfully. A character can climb at a rate of (3 + Climbing Rank) yards per round, i.e., a character with Rank 2 Climbing Talent could climb 5 yards a round.


Step: Rank + Dexterity Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Warrior
The Cobra Strike talent allows a character to make incredibly quick attacks in the first round of combat. Cobra Strike only works for the first round of combat against any one opponent. Make a Cobra Strike Test instead of a standard Initiative Test for that one round. The magic powering the Cobra Strike Talent overcomes Initiative modifiers based on armor or shields. Ignore any applicable Initiative step decreases when using Cobra Strike. Cobra Strike can be used in the same round as an Attack Test. A character may also add a number of steps equal to his or her rank in Cobra Strike talent to one Attack Test during the round in which it is used. Cobra Strike cannot be used with other talents that augment Initiative.


Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Elementalist
The Cold Purify talent stops the effects of poison. Using this talent requires access to ice, snow, or chilled water. The character packs the ice (or cold material) around a poisoned character's wound. After one minute of concentration, the character makes a Cold Purify Test against the poison's step number. A successful test stops the effect of the poison, and the victim recovers a number of Damage Points equal to the difference between the Cold Purify result and the poison step number. The Cold Purify Talent only heals damage inflicted by poison.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Thief
A character can use the Conceal Weapon talent to use sleight of hand and illusion to hide weapons somewhere on his or her body. The character makes a Conceal Weapon Test and subtracts the size of the weapon (see the Goods and Services table) from the result. That number becomes the Difficulty Number for tests by any character attempting to detect the weapon. The concealment lasts for 24 hours, but ends immediately if someone discovers the weapon or if the character removes the weapon from its hiding place.

As long as the weapon remains concealed, use of this talent gives the character an Initiative bonus equal to his rank in Conceal Weapon when drawing and striking with a concealed weapon.


Step: Rank + Perception Step
Action: YesSkill Use: Yes
Requires Karma: No     Strain: 1
Discipline Talent: Beastmaster
The Creature Analysis talent allows a character to use scholarship and divination magic to gain information about a creature he is observing. If the character makes a successful test against the creature's Spell Defense Rating, he may ask the gamemaster one specific question about the creature. For the purposes of this talent, the player can ask a specific question that would reveal one of the creature's game statistics or abilities. The gamemaster should, however, cheerfully disallow questions comparing more than one statistic, such as "Is this beast tougher than I am?" or "Which is higher, its Physical Defense or Spell Defense?"


Step: Rank + Strength Step
Action: NoSkill Use: No
Requires Karma: Yes     Strain: None
Discipline Talent: Sky Raider
[Crushing Blow] The Crushing Blow talent is a fearsome attack used to inflict maximum damage. When a character uses Crushing Blow against an opponent, he uses his Crushing Blow step instead of his Strength step for the Damage Test. The required Karma die is spent on this Damage Test. The character must use Battle Shout in the same round against the target of the Crushing Blow. If the Battle Shout Test succeeds, add +3 steps to the step of the Damage Test. If the Battle Shout Test fails, the opponent takes standard Crushing Blow damage.

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