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[Age of Legend]
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The World of Earthdawn

Earthdawn is a roleplaying game designed for two to eight players. Like many other roleplaying games, Earthdawn has an open-ended style of play. That is, the game has no definitive ending, no preset time limit or number of turns of play, and no single goal that, when achieved, marks the end of the game. Unlike other types of games, however, there is no winner or loser. The object of the game is to have fun while exercising your imagination. When this happens, everybody wins.

The world of Earthdawn is one of legend. Its people and places are larger than life, the stuff of song and saga. Heroes fight the monsters of this and other worlds; their bold exploits light a beacon of hope for the future, as word of their deeds spreads across the troubled, fearful land. Earthdawn is a world of high adventure, high magic, and terrible danger. Those dangers lurk not only within long-forgotten kaers, but also within the minds of people forever corrupted by the Horrors. To rebuild its heart and soul as well as its outward aspect after the devastation of the Scourge, the world needs heroes. The players of Earthdawn, by creating their characters and playing the game, provide these heroes.

[Cow Skull]

In contrast to many other roleplaying games, characters in Earthdawn do not simply survive each adventure and become a little smarter or a little richer. Earthdawn adds another dimension to roleplaying; its characters become heroic figures, accomplishing deeds so impressive that generation after generation will honor their memory in song and story. The world of Earthdawn brims over with legends, heart-stirring tales of famous adventurers told by the fireside to while away the night. Earthdawn player characters can become the figures in those legends. As they build their characters' legends through play, they create the fireside tales that their descendants will tell about them. Gaining this heroic stature through daring deeds is as important a part of playing Earthdawn as any lesser gain in riches or experience.

For those with experience in roleplaying, some of the following explanations will sound familiar. Those readers might want to skip ahead to Game Concepts or to How It Came To Pass and dive right into the history and background of Earthdawn. The opening short story, Inheritance, provides atmosphere and a taste of the language and style of Earthdawn. Specific sections following cover every aspect of the game and how to play it, beginning with Game Concepts.

For those who are new to roleplaying, the following text introduces the concept. This introduction will not answer all your questions, because most roleplaying games are more easily learned from other players than from reading a book. This brief overview will give you the idea behind roleplaying; to learn more, find others who are familiar with roleplaying games and learn by playing. Together you can explore the world of Earthdawn, and discover the fun of roleplaying in the Age of Legend.

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