Welcome to The Trouble with Rose, a story telling and role playing game. Gather up 3-7 friends, dig out some cards and dominoes, and grab a play set or create your own worlds and characters. In this folder/package you will find a collection of files in addition to the read_me text. The_Trouble_with_Rose is the main rules. They're quick and easy to learn. You don't have to digest the full document to play. Files that begin with TTwR are play sets. These are pre-generated story seeds, props, and characters to get you started around the kitchen table, over Skype, or at a convention. Files that begin with Xtra are just those little extras that might help. One file contains a set of dominoes that you can print if you forgot to bring some. Some of the others help you to create random characters or NPC if you need to give your creativity a nudge. The XLS sheet uses a macro to roll up random charcters with the push of a button. Interested in playing online? If everyone has Table Top Simulator, there is a The Trouble with Rose setup in the Stream Workshop. If you prefer Roll20, check out https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/3693/the-trouble-with-rose . -- Todd Zircher