Barebones Fantasy Character Sheet - Landscape by Brock Cusick This README.txt explains some of the terminology on the character sheet (BBF Character Sheet - landscape.pdf), which I have changed from the BBF sheet found in the back of the book. Purely for aesthetic reasons there are no changes to the rules. Find out more about BBF here: or myself here: PRIMARY & SECONDARY Record your primary and secondary Skills here, as if they were classes in a class-based game. For instance, "Wizard or Thief", etc. Optionally use these fields to use your Rank title beginning on page 9. For instance, "Initiate", "Recruit", etc. ABILITIES I just thought Might and Agility sounded cooler. Might = Strength Agility = Dexterity Logic, Will - unchanged SKILLS Renamed to sound more like something you "do", rather than something you "are". No changes to the rules or skills. I also changed "Cleric" to "Mysticism" to create a more ancient-world feel. Enchantment = Enchanter Leadership = Leader Lore = Scholar Mysticism = Cleric Survival = Scout Thievery = Thief War = Warrior Wizardry = Spellcasting TREASURE I have included here several different types of coins which are often used in fantasy adventure RPGs. Below are the explanation for the abbreviation on the sheet and a suggested conversion value (expressed in gold pieces). Name GP Value -------------------------------- PP - Platinum pieces 10.0 GP - Gold pieces 1.0 EP - Electrum pieces 0.5 (2 EP equals 1 GP) SP - Silver pieces 0.1 (10 SP equals 1 GP) CP - Copper pieces 0.01 (100 CP equals 1 GP) "Bars" refers to "Trade Bars", which may be worth 50 or 100 coins (or more!) of the same metal. So you might record "3 gold and 1 silver bar".