Copyright © 1958 by Mrs. E. R. Eddison First American Printing: April, 1969 Printed in the United States of America. BALLANTINE BOOKS, INC. 101 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10003 W. G. E. TO YOU, MADONNA MIA, AND TO MY MOTHER AND TO MY FRIENDS JOHN AND ALICE REYNOLDS AND TO HARRY PIRIE-GORDON a fellow explorer in whom (as in Lessingham) I find that rare mixture of man of action and con' noisseur of strangeness and beauty in their protean manifestations, who laughs where I laugh and li\es the salt that I li\e, and to whom I owe my acquaintance (through the Ortyieyinga Saga) with the earthly ancestress of my Lady Kosma Parry I DEDICATE THIS BOOK Let me not to the marriage of true mindes Admit impediments, love is not love Which alters when it alteration findes, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no, it is an ever fixed marke That lookes on tempests, and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandring barke, Whose worths unknowns, although his higth be taken. Love's not Times foole, though rosie lips and cheeks Within his bending sickles compasse come, Love alters not with his breefe houres and weekes, But beares it out even to the edge of doome: If this be error, and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved. Shakespeare And ride in triumph through Persepolis! Is it not brave to be a King, Techelles? Usumcasane and Theridamus, Is it not passing brave to be a King, And ride in triumph through Persepolis? Marlowe / cannot conceive any beginning of such love as I have for you but Beauty. There may be a sort of love for •which, without the least sneer at it, I have the highest respect and can admire it in others: but it has not the richness, the bloom, the full form, the enchantment of love after my own heart. Keats PREFATORY NOTE My brother Eric died on 18 August 1945. He had written the following note in November 1944; "Of this book, THE MEZENTIAN GATE, the opening chapters (including the Praeludium) and the final hundred pages or so which form the climax are now completed. Two thirds of it are yet to write. The following Argument with Dates summarizes in broad outline the subject matter of these unwritten chapters. The dates are Anno Zayanae Conditae; from the founding of the city of Zayana. The book at this stage is thus a full-length portrait in oils of which the face has been painted in but the rest of the picture no more than roughly sketched in charcoal, As such, it has enough unity and finality to stand as something more than a fragment. Indeed it seems to me, even in its present state, to contain my best work. If through misfortune I were to be prevented from finishing this book, I should wish it to be published as it stands, together with the Argument to represent the unwritten parts. E. R. E. 7th November, 1944." Prefatory "J^ote Between November 1943 and August 1945 two further chapters, 28 and 29, were completed in draft and take their place in the text (pages 123-52). A letter written in January 1945 indicates that in the •writing of Books II to V my brother might perhaps have "unloaded" some of the detail comprised in the Argument with Dates. In substance, however, there can be no doubt that he would have followed the argument closely. My brother had it in mind to use a photograph of the El Greco painting of which he writes at the end of his letter of introduction. 1 am sure that he would have preferred and welcomed the drawing by Keith Henderson which appears as a frontispiece. The photograph has been used, by courtesy of the Hispanic Society of America, as a basis for the drawing. We are deeply grateful to my brother's old friend Sir George Rostrevor Hamilton for his unstinted help and counsel in the preparation of THE MEZENTIAN GATE for publication. We also warmly appreciate the generous assistance given by Sir Francis Meynell in designing the form and typographical layout for the book. The maps were originally prepared by the late Gerald Hayes for the other volumes of the trilogy of which THE MEZENTIAN GATE is a part. C. R. E. Contents LETTER OF INTRODUCTION PRAELUDIUM: LESSINGHAM ON THE RAFTSUND BOOK I. FOUNDATIONS 1 Foundations tn Rerek 2 Foundations in Fingiswold 3 Nigra Sylva, where the Devils Dance 4 The Bolted Doors 5 Princess Marescia 6 Prospect North from Argyanna BOOK II. UPRISING OF KING MEZENTIUS 7 Zeus Terpsikeraunos 8 The Prince Protector 9 Lady Rosma in Acrozayana 10 Stirring of the Eumenides 1 1 Commodity of Nephews 12 Another Fair Moonshiny Night BOOK HI. THE AFFAIR OF REREK 13 The Devil's Quilted Anvil 14 Lord Emmius Parry xi 3 18 34 44 49 56 71 79 82 83 85 87 95 97 £'. The books and chapters shown in italics were not written, but are f represented by the author's own full summary ARGUMENT WITH >" DATES Contents BOOK IV. THE AFFAIR OF MESZRIA 15 Queen Rosma 16 Lady of Presence 17 Akkama brought into Dowry 18 The She-Wolf tamed to Hand 19 The Duchess of Memison BOOK V. THE TRIPLE KINGDOM 20 Dura Papilla Lupae 21 Anguring Combust 22 Pax Mezentiana 23 The Two Dukes 24 Prince Valero 25 Lornra Zombremar 26 Rebellion in the Marches 27 Third War with Akkama BOOK VI. LA ROSE NOIRE 28 Anadyomene 29 Astarte 30 Laughter-loving Aphrodite 31 The Beast of Laimak 32 Then, Gentle Cheater 33 Aphrodite Helikoble pharos The Fish Dinner: Transitional Note BOOK VH. TO KNOW OR NOT TO KNOW 34 The Fish Dinner: First Digestion 35 Diet a Cause 36 Rosa Mundorum 37 Testament of Energeia 38 Call of the Night-Raven 39 Omega and Alpha in Sestola Genealogical Tables Map of the Three Kingdoms 103 105 107 109 111 117 118 120 122 124 129 131 133 137 145 173 174 177 178 179 185 197 198 213 224 236 271 275 Letter of Introduction TO MY BROTHER COLIN DEAR BROTHER: Not by design, but because it so developed, my Zimiamvian trilogy has been written backwards. Mistress of Mistresses, the first of these books, deals with the two years beginning "ten months after the death, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, in his island fortress of Sestola in Meszria, of the great King Mezentius, tyrant of Fingjswold, Meszria, and Rerek." A Fish Dinner in Memison, the second book, belongs in its Zimiamvian parts to a period of five weeks ending nearly a year before the King's death. This third book, The Mezentian Gate, begins twenty years before the King was born, and ends with his death. Each of the three is a drama complete in itself; but, read together (beginning with The Mezentian Gate, and ending with Mistress of Mistresses), they give a consecutive history, covering more than seventy years in a special world devised for Her Lover by Aphrodite, for whom (as the reader must suspend unbelief and suppose) all worlds are made. The trilogy will, as I now foresee, turn to a tetralogy; and the tetralogy probably then (as an oak puts on girth and height with die years) lead to further growth. For, certain as it is that the treatment of the theme comes short of what I would, the theme itself is inexhaustible. Clearly so, if we sum it hi the words of a philosopher who is besides (as few philosophers are) a poet in bent of mind and a master of art, George Santayana: "The di- xii Letter of Introduction vine beauty is evident, fugitive, impalpable, and homeless in a world of material fact; yet it is unmistakably individual and sufficient unto itself, and although perhaps soon eclipsed is never really extinguished: for it visits time and belongs to eternity." Those words I chanced upon while I was writing the Fish Dinner, and liked the more because they came as a catalyst to crystallize thoughts that had long been in suspension in my mind. In this world of Zimiamvia, Aphrodite puts on, as though they were dresses, separate and simultaneous incarnations, with a different personality, a different soul, for each dress. As the Duchess of Memison, for example, She walks as it were in Her sleep, humble, innocent, forgetful of Her Olympian home; and in that dress She can (little guessing the extraordinary truth), see and speak with her own Self that, awake and aware and well able to enjoy and use Her divine prerogatives, stands beside Her in the person of her lady of the bedchamber. A very unearthly character of Zimiamvia lies in the fact that nobody wants to change it. Nobody, that is to say, apart from a few weak natures who fail on their probation and (as, in your belief and mine, all ultimate evil must) put off at last even their illusory semblance of being, and fall away to the limbo of nothingness. Zimiamvia is, in this, like the sagatime; there is no malaise of the soul. In that world, well fitted to their faculties and dispositions, men and women of all estates enjoy beatitude in -the Aristotelian sense of cvepyeia KOT* dpir^ dfrcr-friv (activity according to their highest virtue). Gabriel Flores, for instance, has no ambition to be Vicar of Rerek: it suffices his lust for power that he serves a master who commands his dog-like devotion. It may be thought that such dark and predatory personages as the Vicar, or his uncle Lord Emmius Parry, or Emmius's daughter Rosma, are strangely accommodated hi these meads of asphodel where Beauty's self, in warm actuality of flesh and blood, reigns as Mistress. But the answer surely is (and it is an old answer) that "God's adversaries are some way his owne." This ownness is easier to accept and credit in an ideal world like Zimiamvia Letter of Introduction xm than in our training-ground or testing-place where wom-anish and fearful mankind, individually so often gallant and lovable, in the mass so foolish and unremarkable, mysteriously inhabit, labouring through bog that takes us to the knees, yet sometimes momentarily giving an eye to the lone splendour of the stars. When lions, eagles, and she-wolves are let loose among such weak sheep as for the most part we be, we rightly, for sake of our continuance, attend rather to their claws, maws, and talons than stay to contemplate their magnificences. We forget, in our necessity lest our flesh become their meat, that they too, ideally and sub specie aeternitatis, have their places (higher or lower in proportion to their integrity and to the. mere consciencelessness and purity of their mischief) hi the hierarchy of true values. This world of ours, we may reasonably hold, is no place for them, and they no fit citizens for it; but a tedious life, surely, in the heavenly mansions, and small scope for Omnipotence to stretch its powers, were all such great eminent self-pleasuring tyrants to be banned from "yonder starry gallery" and lodged in "the cursed dungeon." The Mezentian Gate, last in order of composition, is by that very fact first hi order of ripeness. It in no respect supersedes or amends the earlier books, but does I think illuminate them. Mistress of Mistresses, leaving unexplored the relations between that other world and our present here and now, led to the writing of the Fish Dinner; which book in turn, at its climax, raised the question whether what took place at that singular supper party may not have had yet vaster and more cosmic reactions, quite overshadowing those affecting the fate of this planet I was besides, by then, fallen in love with Zimiamvia and my persons; and love has a searching curiosity which caa never be wholly satisfied (and well that it cannot, or mankind might die of boredom). Also I wanted to find out how it came that the great King, while still at the height of his powers, met his death hi Sestola; and why, so leaving the Three Kingdoms, he left them in a mess. These riddles begot The Mezentian Gate. With our current distractions, political, social and eco- xiv Letter of Introduction nomic, this story (in common with its predecessors) is as utterly unconcerned as it is with Stock Exchange procedure, the technicalities of aerodynamics, or the Theory of Vectors. Nor is it an allegory. Allegory, if its persons have life, is a prostitution of their personalities, forcing them for an end other than their own. If they have not life, it is but a dressing up of argument in a puppetry of frigid-make-believe. To me, the persons are the argument. And for the argument I am not fool enough to claim responsibility; for, stripped to its essentials, it is a great eternal commonplace, beside which, I am sometimes apt to think, nothing else really matters. The book, then, is a serious book: not a fairy-story, and not a book for babes and sucklings; but (it needs not to tell you, who know my temper) not solemn. For is not Aphrodite |;f;prattle. That was fifty years ago, next October. And now A{ you are come again, but in your Black dress, as in Ve-&!;. lona. For the good-bye." :^-; She averted her face, not to be seen. "This is wild un- talk. Fifty years!" "Whether it be good sense or madhouse talk I am to know," he said, "before tomorrow night; or, hi l&the alternative, to know nothing and to be nothing. If that |§ alternative, so be it. But I hold it an alternative little wor-|f;lhy to be believed." •||. They were walking again, and came to a bench of "O, you have your dresses," he said, taking his seat her. His voice had the notes the deeps and the of a man's in the acme of his days. "You have •fjjour dresses: Red Queen, Queen of Hearts, rosa mundi; here and now, Black Queen of the sweet deep-curled k lily-flower, and winged wind-rushing darknesses of hearts' desires. I envy both. Being myself, to my great nvenience, two men hi a single skin instead of (as uld be) one in two. Call them rather two Devils in e bag, when they pull against one another or bite one other. Nor can I ever even incline to take sides with ei-Iber, without I begin to wish t'other may win." The fighter and the dreamer," she said: "the doer, the enjoyer." Then, with new under-songs of an ap-sionate tenderness in her voice: "What gift would you ve me give you, O my friend, were I in sober truth 'What you named me? What heaven or Elysium, what per- laU xxvi Praeludi'um sons and shapes, would we choose to live in, beyond the hateful River?" His gaze rested on her a minute in silence, as if to take a fresh draft of her: the beauty that pierced her dress as the lantern-light the doors of a lantern: the parting of her hair, not crimped but drawn in its native habit of soft lazy waves, as of some unlighted sea, graciously back on either side over the tips of her ears: the windy light hi her eyes. "This is the old story over again," he said. "There is but one condition for ail the infinity of possible heavens: that you should give me yourself, and a world that is wholly of itself a dress of yours." "This world again, then, that we live in? Is that not mine?" "In some ways it is. In many ways. In every respect, up to a point. But damnably, when that point is reached, always and in every respect this world fails of you. Soon as a bud is ready to open, we find the canker has crept in. Is it yours, all of it, even to this? I think it is. Otherwise, why have I sucked the orange of this world all my life with so much satisfaction, savoured it hi every caprice of fortune, waded waist-deep in this world's violences, groped in its clueless labyrinths of darkness, fought it, made treaty with it, played with it, scorned it, pitied it, laughed with it, been fawned on by it and tricked by it and be-laurelled by it; and all with so much zest? And now at last, brought to bay by it; and, even so, constrained by something in my very veins and heart-roots to a kind of love for it? For all that, it is not a world I would have you in again, if I have any finger hi the plan. It is no fit habit for you, when not the evening star un-nailed and fetched down from heaven, were fair enough jewel for your neck. If this is, as I am apt to suspect, a world of yours, I cannot wholly commend your handiwork." "Handiwork? Will you think I am the Demiurge: builder of worlds?" "I think you are not. But chooser, and giver of worlds: that I am well able to believe. And I think you were in a bad mood when you commissioned this one. The best I Praeludium can suppose of it is that it may be some good as training-ground for our next. And for our next, I hope you will think of a real one." While they talked she had made no sign, except that some scarce discernible relaxing of the poise of her sitting there brought her a little closer. Then in the silence, his right hand palm upwards lightly brushing her knee, her own Hand caught it into her lap, and there, compulsive as a brooding bird, pressed it blindly down. Very still they sat, without speaking, without stirring: ten minutes perhaps. When at length she turned to look at him with eyes which (whether for some trick of light or for some less acceptable but more groundable reason) seemed now to be the eyes of a person not of this earth, his lids were closed as in sleep. Not far otherwise might the Father of Gods and men appear, sleeping between the Worlds. Suddenly, even while she looked, he had ceased breathing. She moved his hand, softly laying it to rest beside him on the bench. "These counterfeit worlds!" she said. "They stick sometimes, like a plaster, past use and past convenience. Wait for me, hi that real one, also of Your making, which, hi this world here, You but part remembered, I think, and will there no doubt mainly forget this; as I, in my other dress, part remembered and part forgot. For forgetfulness is both a sink for worthless things and a storeroom for those which are good, to renew their morning freshness when, with the secular processions of sleeping and waking; We bring them out as new. And indeed, shall not all things in their turn be forgotten, but the things of You and Me?" Book I: Foundations Joundations in T(erek PERTISCUS PARRY dwelt in the great moated house beside Thundermere in Latterdale. Mynius Parry, his twin brother, was lord of Laimak. Sidonjus Parry, the youngest of them, dwelt at Upmire under the Forn. To Pertiscus it had long seemed against reason, and a thing not forever to be endured, that not he but his brother Mynius must have Laimak; which, seated upon a rock by strength inexpugnable, had through more than twenty-five generations been to that family the fulcrum of their power, making men regard them, and not lightly undertake anything that ran not with their policy. In those days, as from of old, no private man might live quiet in Rerek, for the envies, counterplottings, and open furies of the great houses, each against each: the house of Parry, sometimes by plain violence, other times using under show of comity and friendship a more mole-like policy, working ever to new handholds, new stances, on the way up towards absolute dominion; while, upon the adverse side, the princely lines of Eldir and Kaima and Bagort in the north laboured by all means, even to the sinking now and then of their mutual jealousies, to defeat these threats to their safeties and very continuance. Discontents in the Zenner marches: emulations among lesser lords, and soldiers of fortune: growing-pains of the free towns, principally in the northern parts: all these were wound by one 3 4 Foundations party and the other to their turn. And always, north and south, wings shadowed these things from the outlands: eagles in the air, whose stoops none might securely foretell: Meszria in the south, and (of nearer menace, because action is of the north but the south apter to love ease and to repose upon its own.) the great uneasy power of the King of Fingiswold. So it was that the Lord Pertiscus Parry, upon the thirty-eighth birthday of him and Mynius, which fell about winter-nights, took at last this way to amend his matter: bade his brother to a birthday feast at Thunder-mere, and the same night, when men were bemused with wine and Mynius by furious drinking quite bereft of his senses, put him to bed to a bear brought thither on purpose, and left this to work till morning. Himself, up betimes, and making haste with a good guard to Laimak swiftlier than tidings could overtake him, was let hi by Mynius's men unsuspecting; and so, without inconvenience or shedding of blood made himself master of the place. He put it about that it was the Devil had eat his brother's head off, coming in the likeness of a red bear with wings. Simple men believed it. They that thought they knew better, held their tongues. After this, Pertiscus Parry took power in Laimak. His wife was a lady from the Zenner; their children were Em-mius, Gargarus, Lugia, Lupescus, and Supervms. Emmius, being come of age, he set in lordship at Sleaby in Susdale. Lugia he gave in marriage to Count Yelen of Leveringay in north Rerek. Gargarus, for his part simple and of small understanding, grew to be a man of such unthrifty lewd and abominable living that he made it not scrupulous to lay hand on men's daughters and lawful wives, keep them so long as suited the palate of his appetite, then pack them home again. Because of these villainies, to break his gall and in hope to soften the spite of those that had suffered by him, his father forced him to pine and rot for a year in the dungeons under Laimak. But there was no mending of his fault: within a month after his letting out of prison he was killed in a Foundations in Rere\ 5 duello with the husband of a lady he had took by force in the highway between Swinedale and Mornagay. Lupescus grew up a very silent man. He lived much shut up from the world at Thundermere. Of all Pertiscus's children the youngest, Supervius, was most to his mind, and he kept him still at his side in Laimak. He kept there also for years, under his hand, his nephew Rasmus Parry, Mynius's only son. Rasmus had been already full grown to manhood when he had sight of his father's corpse, headless and its bowels ploughed up and the bear dead of her wounds beside it (for Mynius was a man of huge bodily strength) in that inhospitable guest-chamber at Thundermere; yet these horrid objects so much inflamed his mind that nought would he do thenceforth, day or night, save rail and lament, wishing a curse to his soul, and drink drunk. Pertiscus scorned him for a milksop, but let him be, whether out of pity or for fear lest his taking off might be thought to argue too un-manlike a cruelty. In the end, he found him house and land at Lonewood in Bardardale, and there, no great while afterwards, Rasmus, being in his drunken stupor, fell into a great vat of mead and thus, drowned like a mouse, ended his life-days. Seventeen years Pertiscus sat secure hi Laimak, be-graced and belorded. Few loved him. Far fewer were those, how high soever their estate, that stood not in prudent awe of him. He became in his older years monstrously corpulent, out-bellied and bulked like a toad, This men laid to the reproach of his gluttony and gormandizing, which indeed turned at last to his undoing; for, upon a night when he was now in his fifty-sixth year, after a surfeit he had taken of a great haggis garnished with that fish called the sea-grape putrefied in wine, a greasy meat and perilous to man's body, which yet he affected beyond all other, he fell down upon the table and was suddenly dead. This was in the seven hundred and twenty-first year after the founding of the city of Zayana, In the same year died King Harpagus in Rialmar of Fin- 6 Foundations giswold, to whom succeeded his son Mardanus; and it was two years before the birth of Mezentius, son of King Mardanus, in Fingiswold. Supervius was at this time twenty-five years of age: in common esteem a right Parry, favouring his father in cast of feature and frame of mind, but taller and without superfluity of flesh: all hardness and sinew. Save that his ears stood out like two funguses, he was a man fair to look upon: piercing pale eyes set near together, like a gannet's: red hair, early bald in front: great of jaw, and with a fiery red beard thick and curly, which he oiled and perfumed, reaching to his belt. He was of a most haughty overweeningness of bearing: hard-necked and unswayable in policy, albeit he could look and speak full smoothly: of a sure memory for things misdone against him, but as well too for benefits received. He was held for a just man where bis proper interest was not too nearly engaged, and a protector of little men: open-handed, and a great waster in spending: by vulgar repute a lycanthrope: an uneasy friend, undivinable, not always to be trusted; but as unfriend, always to be feared. He took to wife, about this time, his cousin Rhodanthe of Upmire, daughter of Si-donius Parry. Men judged it a strange thing that Supervius, being that he was the youngest born, should now sit himself down in his father's seat as though head of that house unquestioned. Prince Keriones of Eldir, who at this time had to wife Mynius's daughter Morsilla, and had therefore small cause to love Pertiscus and was glad of any dis-agreeings in that branch of the family, wrote to Emmius to condole his loss, styling him in the superscription Lord of Laimak, as with intent by that to stir up his bile against his young brother that had baulked him of his inheritance. Emmius returned a cold answer, paying no regard to this, save that he dated his letter from Argyanna. The Prince, noting it, smelt in it (what soon became generally opinioned and believed) that Supervius had prudently beforehand hatched up an agreement with his eldest brother about the heirship, and that Emmius's price for waiving his right to Laimak had been that strong key Foundations in Rere\ 7 to the Meszrian marchlands: according to the old Rerek saying: A brace of buttocks in A rgyanna Can swing the scales upon the Zenner. This Lord Emmius Parry, six years older than Supervius, was of all that family likest to his mother: handsomer and finelier-moulded of feature than any else of his kindred: lean, loose-limbed, big-boned, black of hair, palish of skin, and melancholic: wanting their fire and bestial itch to action, but not therefore a man with impunity to be plucked by the beard. He was taciturn, with an ordered tongue, not a swearer nor an unreverent user of his mouth: men learned to weigh his words, but none found a lamp to pierce the profoundness of his spirit. He was a shrewd ensearcher of the minds and intents of other men: of a saturnine ironic humour that judged by deed sooner than by speech, not pondering great all that may be estimate great: saw where the factions drew, and kept himself unconcerned. No hovering temporizer, nor one that will strain out a gnat and swallow a camel, neither yet, save upon carefully weighed necessity, a meddler in such designs as can hale men on to bloody stratagems: but a patient long-sighted politician with his mind where (as men judged) his heart was, namely south in Meszria. His wife, the Lady Deianeira, was Meszrian born, daughter to Mes-anges of Daish. He loved her well, and was faithful to her, and had by her two children: Rosma the first-born, at that time a little maid seven winters old, and a son aged four, Hybrastus. Emmius Parry lived, both before at Sleaby and henceforward in Argyanna, in the greatest splendour of any nobleman in Rerek. He was good to artists of all kind, poets, painters, workers in bronze and marble and precious stones, and all manner of learned men, and would have them ever about him and pleasure himself with their works and with their discourse, whereas the most of his kin set not by such things one bean. There was good friendship between him and his brother Supervius so long as they were both alive. Men thought it beyond imagina- 8 Foundations tion strange how the Lord Emmius quietly put up his brother's injuries against him, even to the usurping of his place in Laimak: things which, enterprised by any other man bom, he would have paid home, and with interest. For a pair of years after Supervius's taking of heirship, nought befell to mind men of the change. Then the lord of Kessarey died heirless, and Supervius, claiming succession for himself upon some patched-up rotten arguments with more trickery than law in them, when the fruit did not fall immediately into his mouth appeared suddenly with a strength of armed men before the place and began to lay siege to it. They within (masterless, their lord being dead and all affairs in commission), were cowed by the mere name of Parry. After a day or two, they gave over all resistance and yielded up to him Kessarey, tower, town, harbour and all. beine the strongest place of a coast-town between Kaima and the Zenner. Thus did he pay himself back somewhat for loss of Argyanna that he had perforce given away to his brother. Next he drew under him Telia, a strong town in the batable lands where the territories of Kaima marched upon those subject to Prince Keriones: this professedly by free election of a creature of his as captal of Telia, but it raised a wind that blew in Eldir and in Kaima: made those two princes lay heads together. Howsoever, to consort them in one, it needed a soltder danger than this of Telia which, after a few months, came to seem no great matter and was as good as forgot until, the next year, the affair of Lailma, being added to it, brought them together in good earnest. Lailma was then but a small town, as it yet remains, but strongly seated and walled. Caunas has formerly been lord of it, holding it to the interest of Mynius Parry whose daughter Morsilla he had to wife: but some five years before the death of Pertiscus Parry, they of Lailma rose against Caunas and slew him: proclaimed themselves a free city: then, afraid of what they had done, sought protection of Eldir. Keriones made answer, he would protect them as a free commonalty: let them choose them a captain. So all of one accord assembled together and put it to Foundations in Rere\ 9" voices, and their voices rested on Keriones; and so, year by year, for eight years. The Lady Morsilla, Caunas's widow, was shortly after the uproar matched to Prince Keriones; but the son of her and Caunas, Mereus by name, being at Upmire with his great-uncle Sidonius Parry and then about twelve years of age, Pertiscus got into his claws and kept him in Laimak treating him kindly and making much of him, as a young hound that he might someday find a use for. This Mereus, being grown to manhood, Supervius (practising with the electors in Lailma) now at length in the ninth year suborned as competitor of Keriones to the captainship. Faction ran high in the town, and with some blood-letting. In the end, the voices went on the side of Mereus. Thereupon the hubble-bubble began anew, and many light and unstable persons of the Parry faction running together to the signiory forced the door, came riotously into the council chamber, and there encountering three of the prince's officers, with saucy words and revilings bade them void the chamber; who standing their ground and answering threat for threat, were first jostled, next struck, next overpowered, seized, their breeches torn off, and in that pickle beaten soundly and thrown out of the window. Keriones, upon news of this outrage, sent speedy word to his neighbour princes, Alvard of Kaima and Kresander of Bagort. The three of them, after council taken in Eldir, sent envoys to both Laimak and Argyanna, to make known that they counted the election void because of intermeddling by paid agents of Supervius Parry (acting, the princes doubted not, beyond their commission). In measured terms the envoys rehearsed the facts, and prayed the Lords Emmius and Supervius, for keeping of the peace, to join with the princes in sending of sufficient soldiers into Lailma to secure the holding of new elections soberly, so as folk might quietly and without fear of duress exercise their choice of a captain. In both places the envoys got noble entertainment and good words; but as for satisfaction, they came bare and were sent bare away. Supervius rejected, as a just man wrongfully accused, the charges of coercion. As touching 10 Foundations their particularities of violence done by fools, frantics and so forth, if Prince Keriones misliked it, so too did he. But 'twas no new or unheard of thing. He could rake up a dozen injuries to match it, suffered by his friends in the same town within these nine years, and upon smaller provocation; they must have respect also that many still believed (as he had heard tell) that it was not without pulling of strings from Eldir that Caunas, his kinsman-in-law, got his death. But all such things, for peace sake, it were now unproper and unprofitable to pursue, and he had very charitably passed them by. For his own part (stroking his beard), enough to say that he upheld free institutions in the free cities of the north: would uphold them by force, too, if need were. Emmius, standing firm and unaffable in support of his brother, left the envoys in no doubt that, in case attempt were made to meddle with Lailma, he would immediately aid Mereus by force of arms. So far in audience; and this upon taking leave: "If the princes desire peace and amity, as I think they do and as we do, let's meet in some place convenient, not under either side's dominion, and hammer the thing to agreement. Tell them, if they will, I'll come and see them in Mornagay." With that, he gave them a letter to Supervius, that in their way home they might deliver it to him and (if he were of like mind) join him in this offer. The princes sat in Eldir, last week of June, to consider of their envoys' report. Judging the business, upon examination, to be a chestnut not easy to unhusk, or with un-pricked fingers, they thought fittest to accept the proffer of parley. Accordingly, after delays which all had show of reason but had origin, most of them, in Argyanna or Lai-mak, upon the twenty-fifth of August, in the wayside inn at Mornagay, both sides met. The Lord Emmius Parry, arm in arm with his brother upon the stairs in their way up to the chamber where their conference should be, stayed him a moment (the others being gone before). "You took all means that the answer, on that matter of yours, should be brought hither? not miss you by going past us to Laimak?" Foundations in RereJj 11 "All means. I am not a fool." "I like it not, seeing, by our last intelligence 'twas directly said the letter but waited signature and should be sent you by speedy hand within twenty-four hours from them. This, in Laimak yesterday afore breakfast. A master card to deal unto them today, held we but that in our hand." "I've plied every mean to hasten it, this two months past," said Supervius. "Much against my own nature, too: Satan sain them, sire and filly both. Ay, and I do begin to think I did ill to follow your counsel there, brother." Emmius laughed. "I may come upon you for this hereafter." "To cap and knee them, like some rascally suitor for a chipping; and so be thus trained. Even to putting away of my wife, too, not to miss of this golden chance, and she at the long last with child; and nought but black looks so from my uncle Sidonius, for that slight upon his daughter. 'Twas ill done. Would it were undone." "Go, I would have you resolute and patient: not as thus, full of vertibility. Nothing was lost for asking, and this an addition most worth your waiting for." Being set, they now fell to business. The princes, using mediocrity and eschewing all kind of provocation, first argued their case. Supervius, in answer, spoke much, full of compliment indeed but with small show of compliancy: later, when, leaving generalities, they fell to disputing of particular facts, he spoke little: Emmius, here a word and there a word. When they had thus spent near two hours but to tiffle about the matter, Prince Keriones, as a man wearied past bearing of these jugglings and equivocations, laid the question plump and fair: Were the Parry resolved to content them with nought less than leave things where they stood: Mereus in Lailma? There was no answer. Supervius looked at the ceiling. "You are a harsh stepfather, when his own people would have him back, to wish to put him out again; and with our help, God save the mark!" Emmius raised an eyebrow, then fell to tracing with his pen-point little jags and stars 12 Foundations on the paper before him. Keriones repeated his question. "Briefly so," said Supervius, and thrust out his jaw. "Will you stand upon that, my Lord Emmius Parry?" said the prince. And, upon Emmius's shrugging his shoulders and saying, "At least it conveniently brings us back to a base on which we can, maybe, by further debate frame some mean toward agreement," "then," said the prince, gathering up his papers, "our work is but waste work, for we will not for our part any longer endure this thing." Supervius opened his mouth for some damageful rejoinder, but his brother, checking him with a hand upon his arm, made for both: "I pray you yet have patience awhile. Nor I nor my brother desire troubles in the land. But if, spite of that, troubles be raised, we are not unprepared; men may wisely beware how they stamp upon our peaceful stockinged feet, be it hi the north there or nigher home." "You think to cow us," said Keriones violently, "with threats of war? seeing that by fraud, art and guile you can no further? But you shall find that neither are we unprepared. Neither are we without friends to fight beside us, if needs must, in our just quarrel. Yea, friends right high and doubtable: out of Fingiswold, if you goad us to that. We will call hi King Mardanus to aid us." There was a silence. One or two startled as if a rock had fallen from the sky. The Lord Emmius smiled, drumming delicately on the table with his fingers. "Our words, of both sides," he said at last, "out-gallop our thoughts: sign we are hungry. These be not matters to be swept up in a rage, as boys end a game of marbles. Let's dine and forget *em awhile. Then, with minds refreshed, chance our invention may devise a picture shall please us all." Kresander said beneath his breath, but Supervius, as catching the sense of it, reddened to the ears, "He that shaketh hands with a Parry, let him count the fingers a re-ceiveth back again." But Keriones, his brow clearing (as though that rude discourtesy, contrariwise to its sense and purpose, wrought in him but to second Emmius's pleasant words and with Foundations in Rere^ 13 potenter force than theirs), said to Emmius, "You have counselled well, my lord. Truly, he that will argue matters of state on an empty belly hath his guts in his brains." While they waited for dinner, there were brought in spice-plates and wines. Emmius said, "I pray you do me that favour as to taste this wine. I brought it north on purpose for our entertainment. It is of Meszria, of their fa-mousest vintage: a golden wine of Armash." With his own hand he filled round the goblets from the jewelled silver flagon. "Prince Kresander, I'll pledge you first: I know not why, unless 'tis because you and I have, of all of us, journeyed farthest to this meeting-place." With that, he drained his cup: "To our soon agreement." Kresander, flushing in the face with an awkward look, drained his. And now, carousing deep healths, the whole company pledged one another. They dined lightly on what the inn afforded: capon, neats* tongues, bacon pies, sallets, and round white cheeses pressed in the hill-farms above Killary. These things, with much quaffing down of wine, soon warmed them to quips and merriment, so that, dinner being done, they came again, with minds cleared and blood cooled, to their chief matter subject. "Ere we begin," said Emmius, "I would say but this. With what intent came we to this place, if not to seek agreement? Yet we spent the morning upon a dozen prickly questions, most of them not worth the reward paid to a courtesan for a night's lodging, and yet each enough by itself to stir up the gall of some or other of us and set us by the ears. How were it now if we set about it another way: talk first on those matters whereon we are at one? And, most worth of all, this: that we will have no foreign hand meddling in Rerek. That is an old tried maxim, profitably observed by us in all our private differences whatsoever, and by our fathers, and fathers' fathers." "Your lordship has well and truly said," said Kresander; "as myself, most of all, should feel the mischief, were outlanders to come in upon us from that quarter. So much the more, then, behoveth some not to bring things to that 14 Foundations pass that others may think it a less evil to fetch in help from without than to abide the injustices put upon them within the land" Emmius said, "Our private differences it is for us to untangle and set in order as we have had wont to: not by war, nor by threat of war, but by wise policy, giving a little back when need be, between ourselves. They cannot, unless we have ta'en leave of our sober wits, to be let hunt counter to that cardinal trending of our politic." "What of Kessarey?" said Keriones. "Was not that by war-stirring or war-threat? What of Telia? Nay, I cry you mercy, finish your say, my lord. I desire our agreement as much as you desire it." "As much as that?" Alvard said, behind his hand. "Mich *em God dich 'em! Fine agreement there, then!" "Kessarey," replied Emmius Parry, "was anciently of Laimak; we but fetched it back where it belonged. Telia, by full franchise and liberties, chose then- governor. We are here not to treat of things over and done with, but of this late unhappy accident in Lailma." "Good," said Prince Keriones. "There's yet comfort, if you say that. Afore dinner, it seemed you would have but one way in Lailma, and that your own way." "No, no. I never said so. I never thought so." "My Lord Supervius said it." Supervius shook his head. "I would not be taken altogether thus. Some way, there's ne'er a doubt, we shall patch matters together." "As for Lailma," said Emmius, "we shall be easily set at one, so we but hold by that overruling maxim of no foreign finger. If we are to treat, it must be upon that as our platform. We can affirm that, my lords? that, come what may, we will have no foreign finger in Rerek?" "I have been waiting these many minutes," said Supervius, looking across the table with a cold outfacing stare, "to hear Prince Keriones say yea to that principle." The prince frowned: first tune since dinner. "It is a principle I have resolutely stood upon," he said, "since first I had say in the affairs of this land. And that's since I first had a beard to my chin; at which time my Lord Su- Foundations in Rere\ 15 pervius Parry was but a year or two out ofs swaddling-clothes. And will you thus ridiculously pretend that I and my friends would go about to undo this wholesome rule and practice? When in truth it is you who, seeking to per-turbate these towns in our detriment and to undercreep my might and title in Lailma, hope so to drive us into a corner where we have the choice but of two things: either to give way to you at every turn and so be made at last your un-der-men in Rerek, either else (if we will maintain our right) to take a course which you may cry out against as violating the very principle we ourselves have made our policy and have urged upon you." Emmius said, "Nay, pray you, my lords, let's stick to our tacklings. Mutual imputations of working underhand do but put true matters aback. Let's pledge ourselves to Prince Keriones's policy: this knotty question of Lailma we shall then easily undo. Are we accorded so far?" "No," answered Keriones. "And, in frank plainness, for this reason. You have levies of armed men (we know this by our espials) in a readiness to march north and set upon us. I say not we are afeared of what you may do to us, but we mean not to tie our own hands and so fall in your hazard. Let's talk, if you please, of Lailma. But if in that obstinacy my Lord Supervius remains, then we sit out. And then will we assuredly bring in Fingiswold to help us, and the rebuke and damage of that will be yours, not ours." "It will be your very deed," said Supervius, "sprung from your own fury, howsoever you colour it." "O, no hot respectless speeches, brother," said Emmius. "These matters must be handled with clear eyes, not in a swimming of the brain. "Prince Keriones," he said then, sharpening his eyes upon him, "this is a very peremptory sentence plumped down of you. Well, I also will speak plain, and without offence. We have offered to treat with you upon your own avouched basis of no foreign finger. You will not engage yourselves so far. Upon this, then, we set up our rest, I and my brother. We accept that basis. More, we are minded to enforce it. The fortress of Megra, lying upon your (and our) northern border, and longing to Fingis- 16 Foundations wold, is threat enough. It is (with all humility) for you princes to govern well your realms and give example to the cities upon your confines: so do we with ours. I have friends and affines in the southland, but I would think scorn to call upon King Kallias to prop me. If you call upon King Mardanus, I will march with my brother to defend that northern frontier thus betrayed by you. And I think we can be upon you, and deal with you, before you have time to bring in your foreign succours; as in common prudence indeed we must, since you have so threatened us, unless you give us security of peace. That is to say, material pledges: fair words, spoken or written, can by no means suffice us now. "So much, since I would be honest, you left me no choice but to say. But surely it is not a thing unpossible or unlikely, that"— Here Kresander could contain no longer. "We had better never have come hither," he shouted, and smote the table with his fist. "This meeting was but to mock us and dally the matter off while they sharpened their swords against us. I'm for home." He pushed back his chair and was half risen, but Kariones pulled him down again, saying, "Wait. We will hear this out." Supervius, while his brother had been speaking, had broke the seal of a letter brought hastily in by his secretary. Keriones and Alvard watched him read it, as if themselves would read in his face something of its purport. But his face, haughty and imperturbable, showed not so much as a hairsbreadth movement of nostril or eyelid as he scanned the letter, neither at Kresander's outburst. "Tongues can outbrawl swords," said Emmius, chilling cold of voice; "but that is for rude beasts, not for men that be reasonable. I pray you, let me finish my say. And first, by your leave," as Supervius put the letter into his hands. He read it, folded it again thoughtfully, gave it back: his face like his brother's, not to be unciphered. "Let us," he said, "as great statesmen, hold fast by our common good, of all of us, which is peace in Rerek. History hath remembered the ruins of many estates and powers which have gone down in civil strife or, albeit victorious, got in the Foundations in Rere\ 17 end but a handful of smoke to the bargain. Let us live as friends. I unfeignedly wish it: so do my brothers and all that adhere to our interest. But others must do their part. This is my counsel: that we, of both sides, agree to go home, keep truce for a month, then meet again and, as I hope, determine of some new assured basis for our unluckily shaken friendship. Where shall we meet?" he said, turning to his brother. "Why, if it shall please your excellencies to kill two birds with one stone and add merry-making to crown our peace-making," said Supervius, "what happier meeting-place than Megra? upon the twentieth day of September, which is appointed there for the feast of my betrothal"— he paused, gathering their eyes—"to the Princess Mares-cia of Fingiswold. Nay, read it if you please: I had it but five minutes since." And with a wolvish look he tossed the letter upon the table. foundations in Jingiswo/d IT WAS eight months after that meeting in Moraagay: mid-March, and mid-afternoon. Over-early spring was busy upon all that grew or breathed in the lower reaches of the Revarm. Both banks, where the river winds wide between water-meadows, were edged with daffodils; and every fold of the rising ground, where there was shelter from north and east for the airs to dally in and take warmth from the sunshine, held a mistiness of faint rose-colour: crimp-petalled blossoms, with the leaf-buds scarcely as yet beginning to open, of the early northern plum-Higher in the hillsides pasque-flowers spread their tracery of soft purple petal and golden centre. A little downstream, on a stretch of shingle that lay out from this right bank into the river, a merganser drake and his wife stood preening themselves, beautiful in their whites and bays and iridescent greens. It was here about the high limit of the tides, and from all the marshland with its slowly emptying creeks and slowly enlarging flats (for the ebb was well on its way) of mud and ooze, came the bubbling cascade of notes as curlew answered curlew amid cries innumerable of lesser shore-birds; plover and sandpiper, turnstone and spoonbill and knot and fussy redshank, fainter and fainter down the meanderings of the river to where, high upon crags which rose sudden from water-level to shut out the prospect southwards, two-horned Rialmar sat throned. 18 Foundations in Fingiswold 19 Anthea spoke: "I have examined it, honoured sir: scented it, as you bade me, from every airt." Doctor Vandermast was sat a little above her on the rib of rock which, grown over with close-lying twigs and leaf-whorls of the evergreen creeping daphne, made for these two a dry and a cushioned resting-place. His left hand, palm-upward in white beard, propped his chin. His gaze was south, in a contemplation which seemed to look through and behind the immediate things of earth and sky, as through windows giving upon less alterable matters. Nothing moved, save when here and there, in a sparkle of black and white, a flock of shy golden-eye took wing, upstream or downstream, or a butterfly flight of terns rose and fell, drifting on air toward the unseen headwaters of the Midland Sea. "Rialmar town?" said the doctor, at last, without shifting his gaze. "No. This whole new world. I have quartered it over, pole to pole, so as I could (if you desired me) give you an inventory. And all since day dawning." "What make you of it? In a word?" "Something fair _and free," she answered. "Something immeasurably old. As old as myself." "Or as young?" "Or as young." "But a minute ago you called it new?" He looked down now, into this girl's staring yellow eyes: eyes whose pupils were upright slits that opened upon some inward quivering of incandescence, as of iron fired beyond redness; and his gaze grew gentle. "And you are becharmed by it: like a bee of the new brood come out to dance before the hive on a still sunshiny evening and taste open air for the first time and find your landmarks." Anthea laughed: a momentary disclosing of pointed teeth that transshaped, as with leap and vanishing again of lightning, the classic quietude of her features. "I knew it all before," she said. "Yet for all that, it is as new and unexperimented as last night's snowfall on my high glaciers of Ramosh Arkab. A newness that makes my heckles rise. Does it not yours?" 20 Foundations He shook his head: "1 am not a beast of prey." "What are you, then?" she said, but without waiting for an answer. "There is a biting taste to it: a scent, a stirring: and up there, especially. In the Teremnene palace." She lifted her nose towards the royal seat-town upon its solitary heights, as if even down wind her eager sense tasted its quality. Vandermast said, "There is a child there. You saw it no doubt? A boy." "Yes. But no past ordinary novelty in that. Unless perhaps that when, changing my smooth skin for my furred, I slunk in and made teeth at it behind the nurse's back, it was not scared but gave me a look, so that I went out and glad to be gone. And, now I think on it, 'twas that first set me scenting this newness at every corner. Beyond all, in the Queen." She looked at him, paused, then asked suddenly. "This Queen. Who in truth is she?" He made no reply. "Tell me, dear master," she said, drawing herself closer by a most unhuman self-elongating of body and limbs and rubbing her cheek, as might some cattish creature, against his knee. He said, "You must not ask questions when you know the answer." Anthea sat back on her heels and laughed. Upon the motion, her hair, loosely bound up with a string of clouded zircon stones of that translucent blue which is in the lip of an ice-cave looked up to from within, fell, in tumbled cataracts as of very sunlight, down about her shoulders and, in one of its uncoiling fulvid streams, over her breast. "She Herself does not know the answer, I suppose, in this present dress of Hers, She is asleep?" "In this present dress," said the ancient doctor, "She is turned outward from Herself. You may, if you choose, conceive it as a kind of sleep: a kind of forgetting. As the sunshine were to forget itself in the thing it shines on." "In that lion-cub of hers? I cannot understand such a forgetting in Her." "No, my oread. Nor I would not wish you able to un- Foundations in Fingisivold 21 derstand it, for that were to maculate the purity of your own proper nature." "And you would wish me be as I am?" "Yes,' answered he. "You, and all true beings else." The girl, silent, putting up her hair, met his look un- smilingly with her unquiet, feline, burning eyes. "We will go on," said the doctor, rising from his seat. Anthea with a lithe and sinuous grace rose to follow him. "Whither?" she asked as they came southward. "Up to Teremne. We will look upon these festivities." In the old Teremnene palace which, like an eagle's nest, crowns the summit ridge of the south-eastern and loftier of the twin steep rock bastions called Teremne and Mehisbon, on and about which has grown up as by accretion of ages Rialmar town, is a little secret garden plea-saunce. It lies square between walls and the living rock, in good shelter from the unkinder winds but open to the sun, this side or that, from fore-noon till fate evening. No prying windows overlook it: no intrusive noises visit it of the world's stir without: a very formal garden artificially devised with paved walks of granite trod smooth by the use of centuries, and with flights of steps going down at either side and at either end to an oval pond in the midst, and upon a pedestal in the midst of that pond a chryselephantine statue of Aphrodite as rising from the sea. At set paces there were parterres of tiny mountain plants: stonecrop, houseleek, rock madwort, mountain dryas, trefoils, and the little yellow mountain poppy; and with these that creeping evening primrose, which lifts up wavy-edged four-lobed saucers of a spectral whiteness, new every night at night-fall, to bloom through the hours of dark and fill the garden with an overmastering sharp sweetness. And at full morning they droop and begin to furl their petals, suffused now with pink colour which were white as a snowdrop's, and lose all their scent, and the thing waits lifeless and inert till night shall return again and wake it to virgin-new delicacy and delicious-ness. This was Queen Stateira's garden, furnished out 22 Foundations anew for her sake seven years ago by Mardanus her lord, who in those days made little store of gardens, but much of his young new-wedded wife. Shadows were lengthening now, as afternoon drew towards evening. In one of the deep embrasures of the east wall which look down the precipice sheer eight hundred feet, to the river mouth and the harbour and so through skyey distances to the great mountain chains, so blanketed at this hour with cloud that hard it was to discern snowfield from cloudbank, leaned King Mardanus in close talk with two or three about him. No wind stirred in the garden, and the spring sunshine rested warm on their shoulders. Away from them at some twenty yards remove, by the waterside, upon a bench of lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl, sat the Queen. The brightness of the sun shining from behind her obscured her features under a veiling mystery, but not to conceal an ambiency of beauty that lived in her whole frame and posture, an easefulness and reposefulness of unselfregarding grace. The light kindled to flame the native fire-colours in her hair, and the thrown shadow of that statue touched the furred hem of her skirt and the gold-woven lace-work on her shoe. Over against her on the same bench the Lady Marescia Parry, only child of Prince Carman of Fingiswold, and so cousin german to the King, faced the sun. She was at this time in the twenty-fourth year of her age: of a dazzling whiteness of skin: her eyes, busy, bold and eager, of a hot chestnut brown: her nose a falcon's, her yellow hair, strained back from her high forehead by a thin silver circlet garnished with stone and pearls, fell loose and un-tressed about her back and powerful shoulders, in fashion of a bride's. The Queen spoke: "Well, cousin, you are wedded." "Well wedded, but not yet bedded." " 'Las, when mean you to give over that ill custom of yours?" "HI custom?" "Ever to speak broad." "O, between kinsfolk. Tell me unfeignedly, what thinks Foundations in Fingiswold 23 your highness of my Supervius? Is a not a proper man?" "He belieth not his picture. And since 'twas his picture you fell in love with, and he with yours, I dare say you have gotten the husband of your choice." The Princess smiled with her lips: cherry-red lips, lick-erous, and masterful. "And by right of conquest," she said. "That sauceth my dish: most prickingly." "Yet remember," said the Queen, "we wives are seldom conquerors beyond first se'nnight." "I'll talk to your highness of that hereafter. But I spake not of conquest upon him. My blood tells me there's fire enough F the pair of us to outburn such cold-hearth rivalries as that. Dear Gods forfend I should e'er yield myself chattel to the man I wed: but neither could I be fool enough to wed with such a man as I could bring down to be chattel of mine. Nay, I spoke of my parents; ay, and (with respect) of yourself, and of the King." "Your conquest there," replied the Queen, "is measure of our love of you." "Doubtless. But measure, besides, of mine own self will. Without that," here she glanced over her shoulder and leaned a little nearer, "I am apt to think your love of me (the King's, at least) had played second fiddle to more deeper policies." The Queen said, "Well, fret not for that. You have had your way." Marescia lifted her superb white chin and her mouth smiled. "Truly, cousin," she said, managing her voice almost to a whisper, "I think you are to thank me, all of you. Put case I had fallen in with your fine design to match me to yonder outed Prince of Akkama. The man is well enough: personable, I grant: qualified out of all ho, I'd swear, to please a woman: but of what avail? With's father dead, and himself, driven away by the usurper, a landless exile still sitting on your door-step here. How shall such an one be ever a king, or lord of aught save's own empty imaginings and discontents? I swear the King (Gods send he live for ever) may get better purchase by this that, following my own natural lust o' the eye, I have brought hun, than by Aktor, be he ten times prince in- 24 Foundations deed. And Rerek, far nearer us in blood and custom. Wed with yonder foreign lick-dish! God's dignity, I'd sleep in the byre sooner and breed minotaurs." Queen Stateira laughed: honest lovely laughter, bred of sweet blood and the life-breath fancy free; "Come, you're too bitter." "Aktor is in your highness's books, I think." "Why think that?" "Strange else, professing so much cousinly love to me, you should a wished me give my hand there." The Queen looked away. "To tell you true, dear Marescia, 'twas the King's wish, and but therefore mine, as being my duty." "Duty?" said the Princess: "to be led blindfold by your husband? Go, they'll ne'er call me perfect wife a those terms." There was a pause. Then Marescia, sitting back again, her voice now at its ordinary strength and pitch: "What is this prognostic ator by the stars, this soothsayer, your highness keeps i' the palace?" "What do you mean? I keep none such." "O yes: a greybeard signior: long gaberdine, and capped magister artium: some compliment-monger, I would wager. Comes to me as I passed among the throng of guests not half an hour since on my Lord Supervius's arm, gives me a stare o' the eye turned all my backside to gooseflesh, and crieth out that I shall bear Supervius a son shall be greater than his father." "Heaven hold fast the omen," "And then to my Lord Emmius, whom I must now call brother-in-law: crieth out and saith that of the seed of Emmius Parry shall come both a queen of earth and a queen of heaven." "And what will he cry out at me, think you?" said the Queen. "Please you enter the hall of the Sea Horses, I can show him to you, and you may examine him." "Dear my Lord," said Stateira, as the King and those about him, their business being it seemed concluded, approached her, "here's diversion for you," and told him Foundations in Fingiswold 25 what Marescia had said. The King bluffly humouring it as child's talk, assented. "Yonder standeth the old man: there, that tall, lanky one," Marescia said in the Queen's ear, from behind, as they descended the great staircase into that vast hall and paused upon the last steps between the two sea-horses of dark blue rock-crystal well the height of a man's shoulder, there to take their stand and survey the company that, upon sounding of trumpets to a sennet to proclaim the King's presence, abode all motionless now and with all faces turned that way: "and the girl with beastly eyes," she said, "who is, I suppose his granddaughter. Or, may hap, his bona roba, if such a jack pudding have use or custom of such commodities." Supervius eyed his princess with the deepening satisfaction of a skilled rider who begins to know the paces of a new high-blooded but untried mare. "Speak within door, Marescia," said her father. The King sent a little page of his of six year old that was named Jeronimy, to bring the doctor before him. When that was done, and Vandermast made his obeisance, the King surveyed him a while in silence: then said, "Who are you, old sir? Of my folk or an outlan-der?" "I am," answered he, "your serene highness's life-long loyal faithful subject: my habitation many journeys from this, south on the Wold: my practice, that of a doctor in philosophy." "And what make you here i' the court?" "To pay my humble duty where most I do owe it, and to behold with mine eyes at last this place and the glory thereof." "And to seek a pension?" "No, Lord. Being entered now upon my ninth ten years I do find my lean patrimony sufficient to my livelihood, and in meditation of the metaphysicals food sufficient to sustain my mind. Over and above these things, I have no needs." 26 Foundations "A wise man," gently said the Queen, "by what he saith. For, to speak true, here is freedom indeed." "I ne'er heard philosophy filled a man's belly," said the King, with a piercing look still regarding him. "You are bruited to me, you, to have uttered here, this instant afternoon, prognosticks and probabilities (some would call 'em improbabilities, but let that pass) touching certain noble persons, guests at our wedding feast." Vandermast said, "I did so, my Lord and King, but in answer to interrogatives proposed to me by the persons in question." The King raised an eyebrow at Marescia. "O yes," said she: "we did ask him." "I gave but voice to ray thoughts that came me in mind," said Vandermast. "Neither spake I unconsiderately, but such things only as upon examination with mine inward judgement seemed likely and reasonable." The King was fallen silent a minute, glaring with his eyes into the eyes, steadfast and tranquil, of that learned doctor beneath their snow-thatched eaves, as though he would plumb some unsoundable darkness that underlay their shining and candid outward. Shifting his gaze at last, "You shall not be blamed for that," he said: then privately, to Prince Aktor, who was stood close on his right, "Here is a man I like: is able to look me in the eye without brave nor slavishness. Kings seldom have to deal but with the one or t'other." "Your serene highness hath never, I think," replied Aktor, "had to deal with the first." He glanced across to Queen Stateira who, upon the King's left hand, wide-eyed and with lovely lips half parted, was watching Doctor Vandermast with the intent and pleasure and wonder of a child. She caught the glance and looked away. "You have answered well," said the King to Vandermast. "These be days of mirth and rejoicing, and fitting it is folk show themselves open-handed on high holiday, to give somewhat of alms to poor needy persons, most of all when such do utter good words or in what other way soever do seem to merit it. Wear this from me," he said, taking a ring from his finger. "My grandfather's it was, King Anthyllus's upon whom be peace. 'Tis thought there Foundations in Fingiswold 27 be virtue in the stone, and I would not bestow it save on one in whom I seemed to smell some deserts answerable to its worth. But forget not, the law lieth very deadly against whoso shall make bold to prophesy concerning the King's person. Aim not therefore at me hi your conjectures, old man, bode they good or ill, lest a worse thing overtake you." "My Lord the King," said Vandermast, "you have commanded, and your command shall with exactness be obeyed. I have told your serenity that few and little are my possessions, and yet that there is nought whereof I do stand in want, nor will I be a taker of rewards. For it is a property universal of rewards that they can corrupt action, propounding to the actor (if the action be bad) a reason beyond the action's self, without which reason the action must have remained unacted. Because badness of itself is no reason. Contrariwise, be the action good, then the mere fact that it was acted for sake of reward can beget this bad habit hi a man: to have respect to cheap, decaying, extern rewards; which enureth in the end so to debauch his inmost understanding that he becometh unable to taste or to desire the true only costly everlasting and ever satisfying reward, which hath its seat in the good action itself. But this," he said, drawing onto his finger the King's ring, "cometh not as a reward but as a gift royal, even as great Kings have from the antique tunes been renowned and honoured as ring-scatterers: a noble example which I find your serene highness do make your own." "Be such as I think you to be," said the King, "and my friendship followeth the gift." The doctor, that audience being done, came and went for a while his leisurely to and fro, within door and without, and always upon the fringes of the company, not as member thereof so much as looker on rather and listener, remarking whatsoever in any person appeared of remarkable: carriages, aspects, moods, manners, silences, little subtleties of eye, nostril, lip. And about and above him, at every succeeding step of his progress through this palace upon the southern horn of Rialmar, the greatness and 28 Foundations the ancientness of the place hung heavier. Even as, to a climber, the mere vastness of the mountain becomes, as he goes higher, a presence, unite and palpable, built up of successive vastness of slabbed rock-face, vertiginous ice-cliff, eye-dazzling expanse of snow-field, up-soaring ultimate cornice chiselled by the wind to a sculptured perfection of line, sun-bright and remote against an infinite remoteness of blue heaven above it, so here was all gathered to an immobility of time-worn and storied magnificence: cyclopaean walls and gateways; flights of stairs six riders abreast might ride down on horseback and not touch knees; galleries, alcoves and clerestories cut from the rock; perspectives flattening the eye down distances of corbel and frieze and deep-mullioned windows six times the height of a man; colonnades with doric capitals curiously carved, supporting huge-timbered vaulted roofs; and domed roofs that seemed wide as the arch of day. All of which, apprehended in its wholeness, might cast a wise mind into oblivion not of its own self only and of all mankind but even of the everlasting mountains themselves; in the sudden apprehension that this Rialmar might be the nursery or breeding-place of a majesty and a loneliness older-rooted than theirs. Closed in these meditations, he came once more into that presence-chamber, with its sea-horse staircase, and here was one of the Queen's chamberlains with her high-ness's bidding that Doctor Vandermast should attend her in the privy garden. The doctor followed him; and, passing on their way through a vaulted corridor hewn in the rock and brightly lighted with hanging lamps, they were met with a nurse leading in her hand a child yet in his side-coats, of two or three years old. The doctor viewed the boy narrowly, and the boy him. "What child was that?" he asked, when they were gone by. The chamberlain, with a skewing of his eye at him as of one smally trusting old vagrant men that were likely sprung of a stone and certainly best told nothing, as soonest mended, answered that it was one of the children of the palace, he knew not for sure which. Which answer the learned doctor let go without further remark. Foundations in Fingiswold 29 "It is her highness's pleasure," said the chamberlain, at the garden gate, "to receive you in private. Be pleased to walk on": so Vandermast entered hi alone and stood before Queen Stateira. She was sitting sideways now on the jewelled bench, her feet up, sewing a kirtle of white satin embroidered wity flowers of silver. Upon the doctor's coming she but glanced up and so back to her needlework. It was yet bright sunshine, but with the wearing of the afternoon the shadow of that gold and ivory statue of our Lady of Pa-phos no longer touched the Queen where she sat. The air . was colder, and she had a high-collared cloak about her shoulders of rich brown velvet, coloured of the pine-marten's skin in summer and lined with vair. He waited, watching her, while she with down-bended eyes plied her needle. Nought else stirred, except now and then a blazing of hot colour where her hah* caught the sun, and except, where the pleated neck-ruff of her gown ran lowest, the gentle fall and swell of her breathing. After a little, she raised her eyes. "Can you guess, reverend sir, why I have sent for you?" The sun was behind her, and her countenance not to be read. He answered, "I will not guess, for I know." "Then tell me. For, in good sadness, I know not why I did it. Answer freely: you see we are alone." "Because," answered he, after a moment's silence, "your highness is fugitive and homeless, therefore you did do it; vainly expecting that the will-o'-the-wisp of an old man's fallible counsel should be a lamp to light you home." "These are strange unlikely words," she said. "I know not how to take them." "Truth," said Vandermast gently, "was ever a strange wild-fowl." "Truth! I that was born and bred in Rialmar, where else then shall I be at home? I that am your Queen, how should I be a fugitive, and from what?" "To be here before your time is to be homeless. And the necessity you flee from is necessity by this cause only, 30 Foundations that yourself (albeit I think you have forgotten) did choose it to make it so." The violent blood suffused all her face and neck, and with the suddenness of her half-rising from her seat the rich and costly embroidery slid from her lap and lay crumpled on the ground. She sat back again: "I see you are but some phantastical sophister who with speaking paradoxically will gain the reputation of wisdom and reach. I'll listen to no more." "I am nought else," answered that aged man, painfully upon one knee retrieving the fallen satins, "than your highness's creature and servant. You do misprize, moreover, the words I spake, referring unto one particular accident what was meant in a generality more loftily inclusive." Then, standing again in respectful reverence before her, "And yet, it fits," he said, under his breath himself only; but the Queen, with head bowed as before over her needlework, seemed to shrink, as though the words touched her on a wound. "I have lost my needle," she said. "No. Here it is." Then, after a long pause, still sewing, and as out of a deep unhappiness: "Will the gull choose, to dash herself against the Pharos light? Will a seaman, where the tide runs in the wind's teeth between skerry and skerry, choose to be there in a boat without a rudder? Why should I?" "How shall any earthly being but your highness's self answer that? Perhaps 'twas in the idle desire to feel your power." With that, the Queen's hand stopped dead. "And you are he they tell me can read a man's destiny in his eyes? Can you not read in mine," and she raised her head to meet his gaze, "that I have no power? that I am utterly alone?" "The King's power is your power." She said, resuming her sewing, "I begin to dread it is not even his." "It is yours, will you but use it." She said, bending her white neck yet more to hide her Foundations in Fingismold 31 face, "I begin to think I have lost the knack to use it." Then, scarce to be heard: "Perhaps even the wish." Doctor Vandermast held his peace. His eyes were busied between this woman and this statue: this, more like in its outward, may be, to the unfacing reality, but of itself unreal, a mere mathematic, a superficies: that other real, but yet, save for an inner and outer loveliness, unlike, because wanting self-knowledge; and yet putting on, by virtue of that very privation, a perfection unique and sufficient unto itself albeit not belonging to the divine prototype at the fulness of Her actual; even as the great lamp of day has at sunrise and at sunset perfections of uncom-pleteness of transience which are consumed or blotted out in the white flame of noon. "You are a strange secret man," she said presently, still without looking up, "that I should have spoke to you thus: things I'd a spoken to no creature else in the world. And, until today, ne'er so much as set eyes on you." Then, suddenly gathering up her needlework, "But you give me no help. No more than the other slanders by or hinderers." He said, "There is none hath the ability to help your highness, except only your highness's self alone." "Here's cold comfort, then. Yet against burning, I suppose, there may be some good in coldness." §he rose now and walked a turn or two in silence, coming to a stand at last under the statue; looking up at which, and with a face averted from that aged doctor, she said to him, "True it is, I did send for you in a more weightier matter than this of me. I have a son." "Yes." "Can you read stars and significations in the heaven?" "Be it indeed," he replied, "that in the university of Miphraz I did seven years apply my youth to study in the Ultramundanes and the Physicals, I have long since learnt that there is no answer in the mouth of these. My study is now of the darkness rather which is hid in the secret places of the heart of man: my office but only to understand, and to watch, and to wait." "Well, have you seen the child? What find you in him? 32 Foundations Give me in a word your very thought. I must have the truth." She turned and faced him. "Even and the truth be evil." "If it be truth," said the doctor, "it can in no hand be evil; according to the principle of theoric, Quanta est, tanto bonum, which is as much as to say that completeness of reality and completeness of goodness are, sub specie aeternitatis, the same. I have beheld this child like as were I to behold some small scarce discernible first paling of the skies to tomorrow's dawn, and I say to you: Here is day." "To be King in his time?" "So please the Gods." "In Fingiswold, after his father?" "So, and more. To be the stay of the whole world." "This is heavenly music. Shall't be by power, or but by fortune?" "By power," answered Vandermast. "And by worth." The Queen caught a deep breath. "O, you have shown me a sweet morn after terrible dreams. But also a strange noise in my head, makes stale the morning: by what warrant must I believe you?" "By none. You must believe not me, but the truth. I am but a finger pointing. And the nearest way for your highness (being a mortal) to believe that truth, and the sole only way for it to take body and effect in this world, is that you should act and make it so," "You are dark to me as yet." "I say that whether this greatness shall be or not be, resteth on your highness alone." She turned away and hid her face. When, after a minute, she looked around at him again, she reached out her hand for him to kiss. "I am not offended with you," she said. "There was an instant, in that wild talk of ours, I could have cut your throat. Be my friend. God knows, in the path I tread, uneven, stony, and full of bogs, I need one." Vandermast answered her, "Madam and sweet Mis- Foundations in Fingiswold 33 tress, I say to you again, I am yours in all things. And I say but again that your highness's self hath the only power able to help you. Rest faithful to that perfectness which dweileth within you, and be safe in that." Sylvat where the ^Devils 'Dance THAT NIGHT Prince Aktor startled out of his first sleep from an evil dream that had in it nought of reasonable correspondence with things of daily life but, in an immediacy of pure undeterminable fear, horror and loss that beat down all his sense to deadness, as with a thunder of monstrous wings, hurled him from sleep to waking with teeth a-chatter, limbs trembling, and the breath choking in his throat. Soon as his hand would obey him, he struck a light and lay sweating with the bedclothes huddled about his ears, while he watched the candle-flame bum down almost to blueness then up again, and the slow strokes of midnight told twelve. After a tittle, he blew it out and disposed himself to "sleep; but sleep, standing iron-eyed in the darkness beside his bed, withstood all wooing. At length he lighted the candle once more; rose; lighted the lamps on their pedestals of steatite and porphyry; and stood for a minute, naked as he was from bed, before the great mirror that was on the wall between the lamps, as if to sure himself of his continuing bodily presence and verity. Nor was there any unsufficientness apparent in the looking-glass image: of a man in his twenty-third year, slender and sinewy of build, well strengthened and of noble bearing, dark-brown hair, somewhat swart of skin, his face well featured, smooth shaved in the Akkama fashion, big-nosed, lips full and pleasant, and 34 Sylva, where the Devils Dance 35 having a delicateness and a certain proudness and a certain want of resolution in their curves, well-set ears, bushy eye-brows, blue eyes with dark lashes of an almost feminine curve and longness. Getting on his nightgown he brimmed himself a goblet of red wine from the flagon on the table at the bed-head, draak it, filled again, and this time drained the cup at one draught. "Pah!" he said. "In sleep a man's reason lieth drugged, and these womanish fears and scruples that our complete mind would laugh and away with, unman us at their pleasure." He went to the window and threw back the curtains: stood looking out a minute: then, as if night had too many eyes, extinguished the lamps and dressed hastily by moonlight, and so to the window again, pausing in the way to pour out a third cup of wine and, that being quaffed down, a fourth, which being but two parts filled left the flagon empty. Round and above him, as he leaned out now on the sill of the open window, the night listened, warm and still; wall, gable and buttress silver and black under the moonshine, and the sky about the moon suffused with a radiancy of violet tight that misted the stars. Aktor said in himself, "Desire without action is poison. Who said that, he was a wise man." As though the unseasonable mildness of this calm, unclouded March midnight had breathed suddenly a frozen air about him, he shivered, and in the same instant there dropped into that pool of silence the marvel of a woman's voice singing, light and bodiless, with a wildness in its rhythms and with every syllable clean and sharp like the tinkle of broken icicles falling: Where, without the region earth, Glacier and icefall take their birth, Where dead cold congeals at night The wind-carv'd cornices diamond-white, Till those unnumbered streams whose flood To the mountain is instead of blood Seal'd in icy bed do lie, And still''d is day's artillery, Near the frost-starfd midnight's dome 36 Foundations The oread keeps her untim'd home. From which high if she down stray, On th' world's great stage to sport and play, There most she maketh her game and glee To harry mankind's obliquity. So singing, she passed directly below him, in the inky shadow of the wall. A lilting, scorning voice it was, with overtones in it of a tragical music as from muted strings, stone-moving but as out of a stone-cold heart: a voice to send tricklings down the spine as when the night-raven calls, or the whistler shrill, whose call is a fore-tasting of doom. And now, coming out into clear moonlight, she turned about and looked up at his window. He saw her eyes, like an animal's eyes, throw back the glitter of the moon. Then she resumed her way, still singing, toward the northerly corner of the courtyard where an archway led to a cloistered walk which went to the Queen's garden, Aktor stood for a short moment as if in doubt; then, his heart beating thicker, undid his door, fumbled his way down the stone staircase swift as he might in the dark, and so out and followed her. The garden gate stood open, and a few steps within it he overtook her. "You are a night-walker, it would seem, and in strange places." "So much is plain," said she, and her lynx-like eyes looked at him. "Know you who this is that do speak to you?" "O yes. Prince by right in your own land, till your own land put you out; and thereafter prince here, and but by courtesy. Which is much like egg without the meat: fair outsides, but small weight and smaller profit. I've heard some unbitted tongues say, 'princoxV "You are a bold little she-cat," he said. Again a shivering took him, bred of some bite in the air. "There is frost in this garden." "Is there? Your honour were wiser leave it and go to bed, then." "You must first do me this kindness, mistress. Bring me to the old man your grandsire." Sylva, where the Devils Dance 37 "At this time of night?" "There is a thing I must ask him." "You are a great asker." "What do you mean?" he said, as might a boy caught unawares by some uncloaking of his mind he had safely supposed well hid. Anthea bared her teeth. "Do you not wish you had my art, to see in the dark?" Then, with a shrug: "I heard him tell you, this afternoon, he had no answer to questions of yours." "I cannot sleep," said Aktor, "for want of his answer." "There is always the choice to stay awake." "Will you bring me to him." "No." "Tell me where he sleeps, then, and I will seek him out." Anthea laughed at the moon. "Hearken how these mortals will ask and ask! But I am not your nurse, to weary myself with parroting of No, no, no, when a pettish child screams for the nightshade-berry. You shall have it, though it poison you. Wait here till I inform him, if so he may deign to come to you." The prince saw her depart. As a silver birch-tree of the mountains, if it might, should walk, so walked she under the moon. And the moon, or she so walking, or the wine that was in his veins, or the thunder of his inward thought, wrought in him to think: "Why blame myself? Am I untrue to my friend and well-doer and dispenser of all my good, if I seek unturningly the good that seems to my incensed brain main good indeed? She is to him but an engine to breed kings to follow him. With this son bred, why, it hath long been apparent and manifest he is through with her: the pure unadulterate high perfection of all that is or ever shall be, is to him but a commodity unheeded hath served his turn. By God, what cares he for me either? That have held her today, thank the Gods (if any Gods there were, save the grand Devil perhaps in Hell that now, if flesh were or spirit were, which is hi great doubt, riveth and rendeth my flesh and spirit), in my arms, albeit but for an instant only, albeit she renegued and rejected me, to know 38 Foundations that, flesh by flesh, she must be mine to eternity? God! No, but to necessity: eternity is a trash-name. But this is now; and until my death or hers. And what of him? That, by my soul (damn my soul: for there is no soul, but only the animal spirits; and they unknown, save as the brief substance of a dream or a candle burning, that lives but and dies but in her): what surety have I (God damn me) that he mean-eth not to sell me to the supplanter (I oathe him to the gallows) sits in my father's seat? Smooth words and sweet predicaments: I am in a mist. Come sight but for a lightning-flash, 'tis folly and madness to trust aught but sight. Seeing's believing. God or Hell, both unbelievable, 'tis time to believe whichever will show me firm ground indeed." He was in a muck sweat. And now, looking at that statue as an enemy, and in the ineluctable grip of indignation and love, each with the frenzy of other doubled upon it by desire, he began to say within himself: "Female Beast! Wisely was that done of men's folly, to fain you a goddess. You, who devour their brains: who ganch them on your hook by their dearest flesh till they are ready to do the abominablest treasons so only they may come at the filthy anodyne you offer them, that is a lesser death in the tasting, that breaks their will and their manhood and, being tasted, leaves them sucked dry of all save shame and emptiness only and sickness of heart. Come to life, now. Move. Turn your false lightless lustful eyes here, that you may see how your method works with me. Would they were right cockatrice's eyes, should look me dead, turn me to a stone, as you are stone: to nothing, as you are nothing." Swinging round on his heel, with his back to that image which was but as a reflection in shattered mirrors, least unsufficient in its almost changelessness, of that which is everlastingly changing and yet everlastingly perfect and the same, he came face to face with Doctor Vandermast; whose eyes, under this moonlight which has no half-tones, seemed pits of darkness in the bony sockets of a death's-head. "Wisdom," said the doctor, "is seldom in extremes. And I would wish your noble excellency consider how this mischief of blasphemy operateth not against God nor SylvA. where the Devils Dance 39 Goddess, who one while find in it diversion and matter for laughter, and another while pass it by as unworth their remark; but it operateth against the blasphemer, as an infection wonderfully deadly to the soul." Aktor, listening to these words, looked at him aghast, and at the delicate mountain lynx who, with flaming eyes, kept at the doctor's heel. "You who can prophesy of others," he said, "I beseech you deny no longer to prophesy to me of me. The more, since I find your eyes are upon secret thoughts which, afore all things, I'd a supposed mine own and inviolate." Vandermast answered and said, "Prince, albeit I am not wholly untraded in the noble dark science, and maybe could show you marvels should make your hair turn, I have not an art to discern men's thought; save indeed as any prudent man may discern them, which is to say, in their faces (as but even now, in yours). Neither pretend I to fore-knowledge of things to come." Aktor said, "You did prophesy, as many can witness, this very day." "Of whom?" "Of these lords of Rerek." "No," replied he. "I did but point to probabilities. It be-longeth to human kind ever to desire certainties, but it be-longeth as well to the world never to satisfy that desire. God, who wrought all things of nought, is doubtless able to know all things: past, present, or to come, to unbound eternity. But it shall not orderly hereupon ensure that He will elect to make actual that knowledge in very deed even in His own unscrutable inmost Mind. Whether he will so or no, is a question philosophers may wisely leave unanswered. Myself therefore, that am a humble scholar in divine wisdom and a humble seeker of truth, attempt no prophesyings of things to come. Only, observing constantly the train of the world and the bent or aptitude of the mind and heart of this man or of that, I do (so far as by conferring of act and word and outward aspect it be possible to reach some near guess or judgement thereon) now and then speak my thought. But such speech, howsoever it be addressed to unwrap the hid causes and events 40 Foundations of things, is of likelihoods only: never of certitudes. For what, in this world, to a man or a woman, which be reasonable beasts, seemeth utterly certain and inevitable, is none the less in doubt and a thing contingent: at its highest, no higher than a probability. And this is because mortals, being that they are free movers, do daily by will or act make, transmute, or unmake again, such seeming certainties. And in action there is but one certainty, and that of God." "For myself," said Aktor, "I tell you with open face and good conscience, I believe not in God. Nor Devil neither. But wisdom and true-heartedness I can embrace when I do see them; and I do embrace them in you. My perplexities are like to turn me into madness, and they are matters it were unsafe to give a hint of, but to mine own heart and liver, under my skin. For pity sake, speak to me. Let me entreat to know what likelihoods attend for me." That learned man surveyed him awhile in silence. "I did constantly refuse this, for the sufficient reason that I could not understand your excellency clearly enough to speak aught save upon conjecture. But I do now understand you more thoroughly, but still I am slow to speak; because I judge your nature to be of that dangerous complexion that, hearing what I should have to tell you, you would like as not misapply it to so high a strain as should soon or late call you to a fearful audit." Aktor said, "I swear to you, you do misjudge me". "And yet," said Vandermast, sitting now on the bench, while the Prince waited for his words as a suitor waits before a judge for judgement, and this lynx sat elegantly on her haunches against the doctor's knee, licking her fur: "And yet, who am I to set impediments in the path of the strainable force of destiny? To hide from your excellency the matters I see, were (it might with some colour be argued) to deprive you of the chance which They who command the great wheel of things do intend for you: the chance to choose between the worser course and the better not by luck nor by sway of mood, as appetite might egg forward or timorousness hold you back, but by reasoned judgement of right and wrong. And be it that, knowing Nigra Sylva, where the Devils Dance 41 what hangeth on your choice, you must run the hazard of a wrong choice which would damn you quite and so end you, yet have you it in potentid (if your choice be noble) to make your name great and honoured among generations yet unborn. A wicked fault therefore it were in me if I should rest silent and thus, intermeddling (albeit but by abstinence) betwixt you and the unlike destinies which contend together to entertain your soul, should leave you but a weak creature uncharactered, such as of whom saith the philosopher that weak natures can attain to greatness in nothing, neither to great good nor to great evil." He paused. Those upright glowing slits, which, in the lynx's eyes staring at the Prince, were instead of pupils, pulsed with yellow fire. The frost in the garden deepened. "Know then that I seem to find in you," said the doctor: "That you are like to be in such case that, slaying your friend, you should gain a kingdom; and again, that, sparing your enemy, you should slay your only friend. Upon which matters," he said, and the voice of him was now as very frostbite hi the air, "and upon whether they shall seem fit to you to be embraced and followed or (by contraries) to be eschewed and renounced, resteth (I suppose) your bliss or bale unto everlasting." When Doctor Vandermast had so ended, Aktor, standing like a stone, seemed to consider with himself. Then, even in that moonlight, the flush of blood darkened his face, and he, that had held himself but now like a suppliant, stood like a king, his breast mightily broadened and his shoulders squared. Suddenly, glancing over his shoulder as lions do before they charge, he took a step towards the doctor, checked himself, and said, his words coming thick and stumbling like a drunken man's: "You have spoke better than you know, old man: lanced the impost-hume in my breast and freed me for action, and that to the very tune I have these many weeks heard drumming in my head, but till now my fond doubts and scruples used me for their fool and rein'd me back from it. My friend: him, my seeming friend: yes, I'll kill him and be King in his place: who is my vile unshowing enemy, and to spare him were as good as go kill my only very friend in the world; 42 Foundations and that is, her. About it, then. But 'cause you know so much, and 'cause I'll take no hazards, I'll first settle you: put you where you shall not blab." With that he leapt at the doctor and seized him, whose tall lean body in his clutches seemed fleshless and light as the pitiful frame of a little moulted hen that seems frail as a sparrow under her sparse remnant of feathers; but the lynx bit him cruelly in the leg, that he as swiftly let go his hold upon Vandermast. His hand jumped to his belt for a weapon, but in that haste of coming down from his chamber he had forgot it. He beat her furiously about the head with his fists, but got naught for it but bloody knuckles, for she stuck like a limpet, her fore-claws deep in the fleshy parts of his thigh, her hind-claws scrabbling and gashing his calves and shins like razors. AH this in a few brief moments of time, till staggering backwards, heedless of all save the bitter mischief of her teeth and claws and the agony to rid this horror which clung to his flesh like a plaster of burrowing fire, he tripped upon his heel at the pond's brink and fell plump in. His head struck the statue's plinth as he fell, which had well been the end of him, to drown there senseless in two foot depth of water. But may be the cold ducking brought him to himself; for scarce had Anthea, letting go as he fell, come out of her lynx-shape to stand, nymph once more, by the water-side, than he crawled to land again painfully, drenched and dripping. That oread lady said to the doctor, "Shall I rip his belly open up to the chin?" But Vandermast, lending him a hand to find his feet again, answered, "No." Aktor, for all the ache and smart of his wounds, could not forbear to laugh. "You are of a better disposition, I see, than this hot-reined stew-pot of yours, to say nought of that hell-cat you did set upon me. Where is it?" Mistress Anthea curled her lip: turned away from him. The classic beauty of her face, thus sideways, was like an ivory in the fireless pure glimmer of the moon. Aktor said, " 'Twas never hi my heart, learned sir, to a Sylva, where the Devils Dance 43 done you any hurt. 'Twas in a way of taste only: trying your metal." "I am glad to hear that," replied he dryly. "As for her, 'tis a most innocent animal, howsoever nature hath armed her most magnificently: fell to action, it is true, somewhat hastily (like as did your excellency), and with no setting on by me. As well, perhaps, that she did; for fighting is an art I am scantly customed to, both by natural inclination and as being somewhat entered in years. You did take me, also, a little by surprise, bursting forth into such a sudden violence; which I hope you will henceforth be less ready unto, and will wisely bethink you beforehand, using meditations and weighings of pro and contra, afore you begin to attack men. But as for the wounds your excellency did (to consider the matter honestly), do unto yourself, here is better than any leech to their speedy healing"; and Anthea, a little impatiently at the doctor's bidding, using simples that he gave her from his purse, washed, dressed, and bound up with bandages torn from the gauze of her skirt, the evidences of her expert science hi claw-work. The Bolted Doors 45 The 'Bolted 'Doors so ENDED the twelfth day and last, of that marriage-feast in Rialmar. Upon the morrow, guests took their farewells and departed: a few betimes (and earliest among these that ancient doctor and his questionable she-disciple); but the most part of them, suiting by just anticipation the measure to be set them by bride and bridegroom, lay till past midday. The Lord Emmius tarried but to greet his brother and sister and, for the while, bid them adieu. In mark of singular favour the King and Queen brought him to the gate, and so, parting with them in the greatest esteem and friendship, he rode off with his train by the great south road. Supervius and his bride, it was given out, would remain yet another week hi Rialmar. But when it came to the day for their departure, Marescia said she would stay yet a full week more: let her lord go now with the baggage and stuff, and see all prepared orderly against her home-coming to Laimak. This absurdly, with no further reason assigned; but folk thought it sprung of her insolency and the wish, since she was now wife, to be not only his mistress still (as were right and fitting) but her great master's master. Howe'er that might be, upon that twenty-fifth of March Supervius rode south without her. He being gone, with the honourable leave-taking as his brother had had, and the King and Queen being now re- 44 turned up to Teremne, Stateira, with her hand upon her Lord's arm as he came his way to his private chamber, prayed him gently that she might come too. "I am infinitely full of business, madam," he said. "But come if y»u must." In that chamber, which was round and domed and with great windows looking east to the mountains, were tables and heavy chairs old and curiously carved, and, between the pillars of polished marble jet-black with yellow and purple veins in it which ranged at every two paces along the walls, presses with shelves to put books in. Upon a hearth well fifteen foot wide a fire of sweet-scented cedar-wood was crackling and blazing, and the floor was carpeted to within two or three feet of the walls with russet-coloured velvet that the foot sank in, giving warmth in winter and silence all the year. But the King, crossing to the further side, undid with his secret keys the ponderous iron-studded doors, an outer and an inner, of his closet, and, when she had followed him in, locked both behind them. For here was the close work-house of his most deep-laid policies, and to it neither counsellor nor secretary had ever admittance: not Aktor even, to whom men noted he showed, more and more this last year or two, the kindly and dear respect due to a loved kinsman or very son. But the Queen, it was said, was partner to all its secrets; and a light misspeaking it was, that were she invited more oftener to his bed and seldomer to his chancery, there were a custom all the ladies in the court could be envious of, to be owl in such an ivy-bush. The closet measured but five or six foot-paces either way. Cupboards of black iron with latches of silver lined the walls from ceiling to floor, and here, as in the outer chamber, was the like deep-piled velvet carpet. A long table of green prassius stone, resting on six legs of solid gold in the semblance of hippogriffs with wings spread, was under the window, and a great chair, hard-cushioned (seat, back, and arms) with dark, wine-coloured silk brocade, was set at the table to face the light. Upon that table papers and parchments lay thick as autumn leaves: here an unsteady pile with an armoured glove for paper- 46 Foundations weight: there another, capped with a hand-mace to keep them together: great maps, some in scrolls, one at the far end of the table, unrolled and held down flat with inkstands at two corners and a heavy ivory ruler at a third. Into which seeming chaos King Mardanus when he had thrown himself down in that chair, began now to dig; and easy it was to see that what to the general eye were confusion was in his capable mind no such matter, but orderly, where whatsoever scrap or manuscript he had need of came instant to his fingers' ends. "Still Akkama?" said the Queen, after watching him awhile from between table and window. "What else?" he said, clearing a space before him by pitching a heap of letters on the floor by his chair. "Do you expect that business to be huddled up in a week or two?" "It has trickled on for years. I wish it were ended." "It moves," said the King. "And moves at the pace I mean it shall. There's his latest letters missive (God give him a very mischief): pressing most sweetly for the handing over of Aktor": he tossed it across the table. She let it lie. "Well, hand him over." King Mardanus, for the first time, looked swiftly up at her; but there was nought in his look beyond such shock as a tutor might betray, having from his chosen pupil a foolish answer. "Nay, I meant not that," she said hastily. "But yet: poor Akkama. 'Tis a pardonable impatience, surely, seeing he broached that demand two years since. Wonder is, he does not drop it." "No wonder in that," said the King. "I keep it alive: I mean not to let him drop it. Here's reports from two or three sure intelligencers, imports Aktor's faction plus on flesh, grows to admired purchase. Treat with the one and bolster up t'other: these two'll cut each, other's throats i' the end. Then I walk in: take what I please." The Queen said, "Yes, I know. That is our policy," and fell silent as if held in a still, strained eagerness, between the desire to ask a thing and the terror lest, asked, it should be denied, and thus leave the matter in worse The Bolted Doors 47 posture than before. She said suddenly, "I wish, dear my Lord, you would send Aktor away." The King stared at her. "I wish you would." "What, back to Akkama? That were a dastard's deed I'd be sorry for." "Never that. But send him away from Rialmar. Let him go where he will." "And fall in all kind of mischief? No, no. Safest here, under my hand. Besides, 'twere pure lunacy: discard the knave of trumps i* the middle of the game." "He does no good here." The King sat back in his chair. "Why are you so stubborn set of a sudden to be rid of him? What harm does he do to you?" "None at all," she paused. He said nothing. "I advise you," she said, "make clean riddance of him." Mardanus, as if troubled by some urgence in her voice that he could ill understand, looked hard in her face. But if there were characters writ in it they were in a language he was as little schooled in as was his two-year-old son in the Greek. "But why?" he said at last. "Because I ask you." "The best of all reasons, madam": (she interrupted, under her breath, "It used to be"): "but not a reason of state. Come, come," he said, still watching her narrowly, and his brows frowned as with some mounting anger at this insisting, without all reason, upon a thing of so small weight or moment to fool away his time withal: "Woman's nonsense. The boy wants his revenge; wants to be his own again: wants to be king. And all these are appetites make him meat for us. Why, he is the peg my whole design's hung upon. No need for you to be troubled with him; but I will for no sake let him go. Besides," he said, turning again to his papers, "I love him well. Were't but to play chess a-nights with, which is a prime merit in him, I'll not forgo his company." Queen Stateira bit her lip. He reached for the letter from the King of Akkama, took his goose-quill pen and, slowly and awkwardly as with fingers to which such an 48 Foundations instrument comes with less handsomeness than a sword or a spear, yet steadily without pause nor doubt, as one under no necessities to search for words to fit his clear-built purpose, fell to drafting of his reply. The Queen, noiselessly on that deep carpet, came round behind him: hovered a moment: bent, and kissed his head. He wrote on, without sign that he was any longer ware of her presence. "I must go," she said. The King sprang up: undid the doors for her. As she came into the outer chamber, where at a side-table the King's secretary was setting papers in order, the great iron locks clashed home behind her. Not until she was well shut in the privacy of her own room, did she unmask. There, thrown, as on a bed of snakes, between (like enough) some drunkenness in her blood strained up by Aktor and (like enough, for the moment) a scalding indignation against the King, she let go all and wept. 'Princess <3tCaresda THE LORD Supervius Parry, albeit with pace slowed by a long traia of pack-horses laden with wedding gifts and nine-tenths of Marescia's wardrobe, came by great journeys south over the wind-scourged wastes of the Wold, and so down to Megra, and thence by Eldir and Leveringay to Mornagay. Thence, taking the bridle-path over the mountains (which is steep, dirty and dangerous, but shorter and more expeditious than the low road south-about by Hornmere and Owldale), he came, after a three-and-a-half-weeks' journey from Rialmar without stay or mishap, on the afternoon of the seventeenth of April, home to Laimak. Here were preparations already completed for his return, but for the next seven days he set all his household folk to toil and moil as if three-score devils were at their tails, labouring to turn his own private quarters above Hagsby's Entry into a fit place to lodge a bride in, to whom luxurious splendours were but the unremarkable and received frame proper to ordinary polity and civility. And doubtless it would have ill suited his intents, were his great house of Laimak to show in her eyes as little better than a rude soldier's hold, or she to suppose him content that here from hence-forward she should live like a hog. By the week's end, all was altered and nicely ordered to his liking, and the folk about the castle set agog for impatience to welcome home so great and fa- 49 50 Foundations mous a lady as history hath not remembered among those that had been mistress here aforetime. But as day followed day and yet no word or sign of the Princess, men began to wonder. Nor did they find wholesome nor comfortable their lord's thunderous silences that deepened and darkened as the days passed; nor his sometimes flashings into unforeknowable violence, which, like flashings of lightning, struck with impartial chanceable-ness and frightening suddenness who or what soever happed in their path at their blasting-time. Between sunset and dark on the second day of May, it being a clear evening with the stars coming out in a rain-washed sky after a day of down-pour and tempest, Super-vius was pacing to and fro in the great courtyard: slow, measured steps with a swift caged-beast turn-about at either end of the walk. Laughably in manner of a farm-lad who approaches an untethered bull of uncertain temper that may suffer him to draw near, then, without gare or beware, rush upon him and destroy him, came the captain of his bodyguard: said there was a lady below at the gate, alone and on horseback, would answer no questions as concerning her name or condition, but demanded to be brought instant before their master. Supervius glowered at him. "Hast seen the woman?" "No, my lord." "You lewd misordered villain, why not, then? Why is she not brought to me here, if she asks that?" "Because of your lordship's command, that no unknown person shall be admitted without your lordship's pleasure first known. 'Twas referred to me by the officer o' the guard for tonight, to learn your will, my lord, what he must do with her." "I would the Devil had her, and you to the bargain." The captain waited. Supervius took another turn. "Well, why is she not fetched up?" The captain, with a low leg, departed: came again the next minute with the Princess Marescia Parry in pitiful disarray. Supervius looked at her, and the whole poise of his body seemed to stiffen. "Leave us," he said, resuming Princess Maresa'a 5t Bis to's and fro's. When they were alone he came to a halt and stood there, looking at her. Not a muscle in him stirred, save that a quick ear might catch a thickness and a tumultuousness in his breathing and a keen eye note the eyes of him in this half-light, while he watched her as a trained dog points at game. The Princess, for her part, held a like silence and a like stillness. Even in this gathering dusk it was easy to see she was as a very dowdy or slut, dirted and dishevelled with long hard riding, and hard lying may be, in the open field; and, for all she bore herself bravely enough, there was that in her that said, for all her speechlessness and the firmness of her lip, that she held it good her travels were over and she, howsoever miserably, here at last. With bull-like deliberation he began now to move towards her: then, as he came near, seized her in like sort and to like purpose (but with all unlike effect) as Tarquin seized Lucrece. Marescia was a big woman and a strong, but in a twinkling he had her up in his arms and in under the huge shadowy archway of Hagsby's Entry. Thence, without pause for breath, and despite her inarticulate protests and gusts of astonished half-smothered laughter, he carried her up the dark stairs of his own chamber trimmed up on purpose for her with those sumptuous costly furnishings he had brought south with him, and there, without ceremony, and quite unre-garding of the pickle she was in, rain-soaked riding-habit and muddied boots, disposed her on the bed. "Nay, and now tell me, you sweet-breath'd monkey," said Supervius, upon his elbow, and with his face at near range looking down at hers. She lay there supine: outplayed and tamed for the while: closed eyes, half-closed lips: head turned away, exposing so into view her throat, smooth, sleek, white, like some Titan woman's, and the pulse of blood in it: one hand twining and untwining and straying and losing itself in the curled masses of his great red beard, the other yet straining down on his hand which rested upon her breast. "Shorn of my train," she answered presently, in a sleepy voice that seemed to taste pleasure in its own dis- 52 Foundations pleasure: "tooken like a common cut-purse by my own folk: should a been clapt up in prison too, I think, and I'd not given *em the slip. I hope you deserve me, my lord: so good faithful a wife, and a so quick contriver of means. There's this in you, that you love me impatiently. I'd ne'er stomach you less than greedy." Then, suddenly springing up: "In the Devil's name, how much longer must I famish here without my supper?" "Shall be here in the flick of a cat's tail." "Well, but 111 dress first," said Marescia. "Mean time, tell me more. So far 'tis the mere chirping of frogs: terrible words I scantly believe and can make no sense of." "I'll dress first," she said, opening a cupboard or two and, with some satisfaction, seeing her clothes hang there that came on before with Supervius. "Nor not with you for looker-on, neither, my lord. Who suffers her husband in her dressing-chamber, were as good turn him off to go nest with wagtails. Where did I learn that, think you? From my mother's milk, I think. 'Tis native wisdom, certain." Supper was in the old banquet-hall, that was built hi shape like an L, having a row of great windows in the long north-western wall, a main door, opening on the courtyard, at the far end, and a door going to the buttery and kitchens at the end of the shorter arm. of the L. On the inner angle was the hearth, capacious enough to roast a neat, and a fire burning, of mighty logs. The walls were of black obsidian stone, and upon all save that which had windows were huge devilish faces, antic grotesco-work, cut in high relief, thirteen, with their tongues out, and upon each tongue's tip a lamp; and the goggling eyes of them were of looking-glass artificially cut in facets to disperse the beams of the lamplight in bushes of radiance, so that the hall was filled with light that shifted and glittered ever as the beholder moved his head. Long tables ran lengthways down the main hall, one on either side, and here the Lord Supervius's home-men were set at meat. When the great leaved doors were flung wide and the Lady Marescia Parry, for this her first time, entered in Princess Marescia, 53 state, gorgeously attired now in her bridal gown of white chamlet and lace of gold and with her yellow hair braided and coiled hi bediamonded splendour above her brow, every man leapt from his seat and stood up to honour her and to feast his gaze upon her; while she, not a filly un-ridden but with the step and carriage of a war-horse and with bold chestnut eyes flashing back the bright lights, passed up between the benches on her lord's arm to take her place with him at the high table, which stood alone upon a dais in the north corner opposite the fire. Here, in sight but out of ear-shot of all other parts of that banquet hall, were covers laid for two. "And now?" said Supervius, when they were set. He brimmed his goblet with a rough tawny wine from the March lands and drank to her, pottle-deep. "And now?" said she, pushing her cup towards him. "Well, pour me out to drink, then. Is these Rerek manners? a man to bib wine while's wife, out of a parched mouth, shall serve him up tittle-tattle?" He filled. She swallowed it down at a single gulp, first savouring it curiously on her tongue. "To go to the heart of the matter," she said, "as touching mine own particular, I long since took a mislike to that Aktor. The Queen I love well, albeit but cousins by affinity (not german, as I was to the King). And in this pernicious pass, with the whole land in a turmoil, besides fury and sedition of the rude people grown in the late unhappy accident, me-thought it likely Aktor would use her for his fool: she being caught in a forked stick betwixt doting of him (as I, of my quick sense, have precisely long suspected) and fearing for her son, and thus uncapable of firm action; while this hot-backed devil, under colour of her authority, more and more carrieth the whole sway of the court. So, to cut the Gordian knot and do for her (no leave asked) what, might she but be unbesotted, she must know to be most needful, I fled with the King before a soul could note it, meaning to have him away with me hither into Rerek. But they caught me in two days: took the child back to Rialmar, and would—" "A burning devil take you!" said Supervius, breaking 54 Foundations in upon this: "what misty Tom-a-Bedlam talk have we here? of. Aktor: and the Queen: and you ran with the King's highness to Rerek? are you out of your wits, woman? Are you drunk?" Marescia stared as if stupefied at his amazement. Then, clapping down her hand on his where it grasped the table's edge, "Why, is't possible?" she said, her sight clearing. "I'm yet here faster than news can travel, then? Faith, I've lost all count of time i' this hugger-mugger, and know not what day it is. Hadn't you not heard, then, of King Mardanus's death: tenth day after our wedding?" Supervius sat for a moment like a man stricken blind. "Dead? On what manner? By what means?" "Good lack, they murdered him up. By a hired rascal from Akkama stol'n into Teremne. So at least 'twas given out. But (in your secret ear) I am apt to think 'twas Aktor did it. Or by Aktor's setting on." The Lord Supervius drank deep. She watched him turn colour, pale then red again, and his brow became as a storm-cloud. She said, "I see't hath troubled you near. Say you: begin you now to think that was an ill cast you threw then, when you married with me?" "O hold your tongue with such foolishness: I think no such matter." "That's as well, then. I gave you credit for that." Supervius, as brooding darkly on this new turn, ate and drank without more words said. The Princess followed suit, now and then casting a glance at him to see, if she might, what way the wind was shifting. After a long time he looked at her and their eyes met. Marescia said, "Yet I'm sorry they got the child Mezentius from me. Better he were here, for his and our most advantage, rather than with's mother, if Aktor must rule the roast there. And yet, 'tis a roast we may yet draw sustainment from, God turning all to the best." Her lord looked still at her with an unmoved stare that, from a bullish sullenness, changed by little and little to the stare of a proud ambitious man at a looking-glass that glads him with the express counter-shape of his best-loved self. "Come sweet heart," he said then, "we will 55 Princess Maresdd closely to these matters. And somewhat we'll presently devise, doubt it not, much to our good. But I'll take my brother Emraius with me, or I move one step on the road I seem to see before me." He bade his steward, supper now being done, dismiss all the company. And so, private in that banquet-hall hour by hour, till the lamps began to flicker and go out and only the glow of embers on the hearth showed them each other's faces, he and she sat long into the night, talking and devising. Trospect S^orth from EMMIUS PARRY had sat now more than four years in Ar-gyanna, keeping house there in so high a style as not in all Rerek had its example, but yet to compare with Rial-mar in the northlands or Zayana of the south it should have seemed no such great matter. It was thought that, need arising, he could at any time upon three days' notice set forth an army of a thousand men weaponed at all points and trained in all arts of war: this not to reckon two hundred picked men-at-arms whom he maintained under his hand at all seasons, for show of power and to keep order, and in readiness for any work he might assign them. For three or four generations this lonely out-town, set in strength amid untranspassable fens, had been to the Parry in Laimak as a claw stretched forth southward upon the batable lands watered by the river Zenner: an armed camp, governed by the lords of Laimak through officers who were creatures of theirs and servants but never until now men of their own blood and line, in case, from the great strength of the place, it might grow to be a hand which someday, turning against the body it longed to, might break down the whole in ruin. From Sleaby and Ketterby on the northern part and thence, west-about by the Scrowmire and cast-about by the Saylings, to Scruze and Scrightmirry on the south, the 56 Prospect Worth from Argyanna 57 Lows of Argyanna lie ten miles long and as many in breadth. In these Lows is going neither for man nor for beast (be it more than a water-rat or an otter): only the water-fowl inhabit upon that waste of quaking-bogs. The harrier-hawks share out their dominion there by day: the owl (which the house of Laimak have for then* badge or cognizance) hunts there by night, when all feathered living beings else are at roost, except the night-jar who preys on night-flying moths that breed in the fen. And through the night hobby-lanterns flicker, hither and thither in the mist and the darkness, above scores of thousands of acres, unpathed, quicksandy, squeltering in moss and slub and sedge. In the middle of this sea of quagmire is a lone single island of sure footing and solid ground, watered with streams that have their source in a tarn of which no plummet has found the bottom: an unfailing source that puts up pure, cold and sweet from the under-rocks, not surface water from the highlands of old Rerek such as feeds the marsh. The firm land stretches a five miles' length north-west to south-east, with a biggest width of about three and a half: all of rich well-husbanded graz-ings and ploughlands which train upwards towards the north, but nowhere to rise more than twenty foot at most above the marsh-level; except at the head of the land north-westward near the tarn where the northern scarp comes up gently to a flat of perhaps twice that height, to fall again abruptly in a low cliff on the west; and here, wholly ringed about with walls of great thickness and strength, lies Argyanna. The highway from the north, coming down by Hommere and Ristby and so south through Susdale, strikes the Lows two miles south of Sleaby, and is carried south across them, straight as a carpenter's rule, to Argyanna and so on south to Scrightmirry, by a ten-mile causeway of granite which rests upon oaken piles through mire and ooze to bed on the rock. This road, where it crosses the tongue of land that lies out westward from the fortress, runs along the moat for several hundred paces, and so close under the walls of the main keep that, granted good natural munition and apti- 58 Foundations rude and a favouring wind from the east, a man on the battlements might spit on a passer-by. The Lord Emmius, when after his father's death he moved household and came down hither from Sleaby, built gate-houses astride of this road: one where the road comes upon the tongue, and that almost within stone-cast of the town wall, and another somewhat farther off where the road leaves land again for the marsh: this the greater and stronger of the two as a hold against the south should occasion require it. In time of peace the gates stood open, and travellers whether rich or poor had free entertainment there and a night's lodging if they would, and all with the greatest open-handed ness and largesse. Upon the fifth of May, Supervius came with his lady to , Argyanna about midday and there had good welcome. When they had eaten, Emmius took them to walk in the sunshine upon die wide paved walk that runs full circle round the top of the keep between the battlements and his private lodging which stood back, full circle, in the midst of it. "You have a fair prospect southward, lord brother-in-law," said the Princess, shading her eyes with her hand to look across the Lows to where, between forty and fifty miles away and a little east of south, the Ruyar Pass cuts the mountain spine at the meeting of the Huron range with the peaks of Outer Meszria, carrying the great road over into Meszria itself. "Where your fancy dallies, they tell me." "My wife's home. Should not that be commendation enouth?" The Lady Dei'aneira smiled. She was tall: exquisite, whether in movement or at rest, as some fine-limbed shy creature of the woods: high-cheekboned, smooth-skinned and dark, and with eyes dark and lustrous that seemed as by native bent to return always, save when he was watching them, to her lord. "And yet," said Marescia, "you had these tidings from the north, too, two days sooner than 1 could bring them." "I have lived in this world, dear Princess," said Em- Prospect "^Jorth from Argyanna $9 mius lightly, "near five times seven years, and I have learnt the need to have eyes and ears to serve me. Give me, prethee, what you saw with your own eyes. One pinch of fact outweigheth a bushel of hearsay," "Ay, tell it as you told it to me," said Supervius. Marescia said, " 'Twas hear with mine ears first: a cry out of the King's bedchamber, made the gold cups ring on the shelf above my bed and the geese scream in the yard under my window." "And that was, when?" said Emmius. "About first light." "Ay, and the day?" "Fifth morning after my lord here was ridden south. Then a noise of doors flinging open, and the Queen's voice, dreadfully, "Marescia, Marescia." So, on with my nightgown and scarce get the door open but her highness's self meets me there into my arms, trembling like a frightened horse: in her hair: nought but her sage-green velvet nightgown upon her: moaneth out over and over, the King's name: bringeth me thither: he on the bed, dead as doornail, boiled up huge as a neat, blue and grey and liver-colour, his eyes sticking out like a crab's, and his hair and his beard and his nails all bursten off him." Dei'aneira's lips pressed together till they whitened, but no sound escaped them. The Lord Emmius had all this while of Marescia's speaking studied her face, with that gaze of his which commonly seemed, to those on whom it rested, strangely undisturbing; so free of concernment it seemed, effortless and intermittent as a star's among changing clouds, but yet as steadfast too, deep-searching, not to be eluded, and so, when they considered again of it, strangely disturbing, as able to touch and finger their privatest inward thought, He looked away now, past her, to that sun-veiled skyline in the south. "Tell me, sister-in-law, if you can: slept she by him that night?" "Never. Not these two years." "But would your ladyship a known?" "If so they did, 'twas a thing without precedent since *• many months at least." 60 Foundations "Truth is, we know not. Who was in the chamber when you came in, besides the Queen?" "Not a soul. O, a woman or two o' the bedchamber I think. Then more. And then Aktor." "Who's that?" "Yonder princox." "I remember: I caught not the name as you said it. What made he there? Was he sent for?" The Princess changed glances with Supervius. "I cannot tell," she answered. "Was in a pretty taking: weeping and lamenting: My dearest friend, my King (and so forth): author of all my good: murdered and dead." "In those words? Murdered: said he so?" "A dozen times." "Well?" "But at first sight of the handiwork, shouts out in a kind of fury or terror to the Queen: God grant you ha'nt touched him, madam? Go not you near, nor any person else, till leeches examine it. Here's the vile murderer's doing I sent last night to sup in Hell: woe that I should a squeezed the sting out of him but not afore he'd sown the poison." 'What meant that gibberish?" 'Telleth us how, afore supper, he'd caught this rascally instrument of the king of Akkama (had been in Rialmar, it seems, under pretext of service in the buttery or the black guard, quite unsuspected, and for weeks biding his happy chance): Aktor caught him skulking in the private room the King and he were wonted to play chess in—" "Slip we not there into hearsay?" " Twas out of Aktor's mouth, in my hearing. Tells us (still in tears) how a had wrung a true tale out of this dev-il's-bawd—" Here Emmius looked round at her: a comical glint in his eye. "Is this still the Prince's words? or is't Princess's gloss?" "Cry you mercy, 'twas my tongue slipt," said she. "Tells us the fellow confessed a was sent a purpose to murder the King's highness (and Aktor too if that might be compassed): says this threw him into so fierce a sweat of Prospect ?*forth from Argyanna 61 anger he killed the man out of hand and, not to mar our evening, huggled the dead carcase into a big box or coffer was there i' the room, to wait till morning. There was an act me thinks smelleth something oddly hi this Aktor." "What next?" "Next, Aktor (thinking, belike, enough made of weeping and blubbering) takes charge. Calleth for leeches: shows us the dead vermin stiff and be-bloodied in the box and with Aktor's own dagger sticking in his ribs: (a pretty property for such an interlude, that, me thought)." "Well?" "Well, those learned men sat in inquest 'pon what was left: 'pon the dead poison-monger, 'pon the King's highness, and 'pon the chessmen. (Twas pity Aktor thought not sooner the night before, of those chessmen.)" "That the King and he wont to play with? Had they played with 'em that night?" "Yes. Nay, I know not for sure. We left them to it, being bedtime." "And what found the leeches, then?" "Upshot was, some nasty pothecary stuff in the King's finger and thumb: had run all over his body: same stuff on one or two chessmen, but the most of 'em pure and harmless: some more of it on the man's knife: conclusion, knife was to do the business had the chess failed." She ceased speaking; and Lord Emmius Parry, a cloud on his brow, looked at her in silence for almost a minute. She, with cool smile and hot chestnut eyes, met his gaze steadily as if minded to out-stare him. But as well should a printed page hope to out-stare the reader, as out-stare that eye that looked forth, cold, meditative, ambiguous, and undisturbed, from the iron yet subtle face of the Parry, and rested without distinction of kind, alike upon the landscape, or upon the stone coping of the wall, or (as for this, to her, uneasy minute) upon the challenging eye of this woman, young, fierce-blooded, masterful, who, come to a halt close under him where he halted, set the air about him afire with the agitation of all senses mixed and stirred up in the goblet of her bodily nearness and her domineering will, bent to some end as yet unrevealed. 62 Foundations Even just as a reader, having read, looks up from his book to ruminate the matter he has read there, Lord Em-mius turned now from her and, standing a little apart by the battlements, in the same remote meditation remained awhile, looking south. The Princess, left so, albeit scarcely victorious, in possession of the field, said apart to her lord, the hot blood suffusing all her fair face and brow even to the roots of the shining yellow hair that was drawn with a smaragdine fillet sleekly up from it and from behind her ears, "Was it fitly spoken, think you?" "Beyond admiration well,** he answered, taking his arm about her. "No case argued, as yet." *'No, no. It needs not." "He is a man I'd rather have before me than against me: your brother," she said, and let her voluptuous weight settle closelier in the assurance of Supervius's strong encircling arm, while still she watched the Lord Emmius. Deianeira, with a look in her sweet secret Mesz-rian eyes more deeplier composed, more akin to his, watched him too. A man worth their eyes be seemed, standing there: towering above them in bodily height, save Supervius, and above him for settled majesty of bearing: loose-limbed and of so much reposement of easy power, his left hand, a true Parry hand, beyond the ordinary in breadth and strength and with broad spatula-shaped fingers, yet long-fingered as a woman's, resting on the stone battlement, his right crooked in his jewelled belt. His bonnet of black velvet sat tilted across his brow: there was a set lift and downward trend of his eyebrows, betokening thought, and a breadth and heaviness in the upper lids. His nose, great, high-bridged and (like the fox's) scenting to all airts, wore a pride and a keenness of discrimination on every fine-carved surface of it: so too the lean fiats of his cheek-bones and the sternness and strength of his mouth, partly veiled by a melancholy downward sweep of dark mustachios. His beard, sedulously brushed and tended, thinned to a certain sparse-ness of growth betwixt the mouth's corners and the chin, Prospect "North from Argyanna 63 undiscovering so a taint of heaviness and hard implacability in his under lip. He turned to face them now, his back against the battlement and the light behind him. "But why, dear sister-in-law, will you think Prince Aktor the author of that deed?" "I never said I thought so," replied she. "No. But it peeped from behind most every word you said." "Well, truly, I think it not unlikely." "Why disbelieve his story?" said Emmius. "Doth anyone else? What avail to him, thus to bite the hand that fed him?" Marescia laughed. "Best avail of all, seeing a loveth the Queen's person to distraction. And she him." Emmius paused: raised an eyebrow. "Be not discontent with me," he said, "if I question your ladyship somewhat sharply. The matter is of highest moment. Mean you that he acquainted himself over familiarly and unhon-estly with the King's wife?" "At a word, I do." "And that he and she had nothing more in their vows than his serene highness's ruin?" "O you miss my sense abominably!" she said. "Kill me dead at your feet if I'd e'er credit Stateira with any such wicked purpose. Him, yes." "Then why not her?" " 'Cause I have known her since children, like a book. 'Cause it lies not in her good nature." "I praise your trusting affection," said Emmius with a crooked smile. "But remember, good qualities are easier spoilt than bad ones." They began to walk again, in silence till they were come more than full circle round the battlements of the great keep: Emmius with long deliberate stride, hands clasped behind him, eyes moody and lightless under half-lowered moody lids: Supervius (as if policy, counselling attend and wait, strove within him against a wolfish impatience that ill can stomach delays) opening once and again his mouth to speak, and as swiftly shutting it after a 64 Foundations Prospect North from Argyanna 65 sidelong glance at his brother: the Lady DeTaneira walking as some mislaid remnant of a perfumed summer night might miraculously walk here in the face of day, between this rockish imperturbability upon her one side and that hunger for action upon the other: the Lady Marescia tasting and managing, with her bare hand linked in his, Supervius's chafing, the while she studied, all uncertainly as she must and with jealous despiteful eye, weather-signs in Emmius. When he spoke, it was to shift no clouds. "It is all misty stories and conjecture," he said to Supervius. "The one clear act was when she (as you told me at first) made to steal away the boy. But (no blame to her) that miscarried." Supervius said, "Question is, what to do? And that suddenly. Whether Aktor's hand was in it or not, I account him neither fool nor weakling. He is like to seize kingdom now if we give him time to settle in his seat." Marescia covertly gripped his hand: whispered, "Enough said. Better it come out of his mouth than ours: will love his own brat better than a stepchild." "One thing I see," said Emmius: "what's best not to do." His eye, cold and direct, moved from his brother to his brother's wife, and so back again. "Some would counsel you levy an army and ride north now, with me to back you: proclaim yourself lord Protector i' the young King's interest: or, proclaim your father-in-law, if he would undertake it. If the Queen send Aktor packing, we join force with her. If, econverse, she join with Aktor, you might look to all Fingiswold to rise and throw them out. In either event, you could hope to attain an estate and power such as you had scarce otherwise dreamed to climb up unto. For all that," he said, and Marescia's face fell, "I hold it were a great unwisdom in us to touch the matter." Supervius reddened to the ears. "Go," he said, "you might a listened to reason first, I'd think, ere condemn so good an enterprise." "Reason? Mine ears are yours, brother." "Why, 'tis a thing at the first face so wholly to be de- sired, it needs no more commendations than you yourself have e'en just now given it. What's against it, we are yet to learn." "First of all," said Emmius, "we know not whether Aktor bore part in this business or not; neither know we the terms he is upon with the Queen." Marescia let go a scoffing laugh. "As well pretend we know not upon what terms a drunken gallant consorteth with a stewed whore." "Well," said he, viewing her with an ironic crinkling of his under eyelids, as if she were lit by a new light. "You know your own kinsfolk better than can I, sweet Princess. But, be the case so, it but strengtheneth the possibility her highness may publicly wed with Aktor; and then what surance have you that the King's subjects will cleave to us and not to them?" "Good hope, at least," replied she, "that the better men will follow us. They will behold the Parry of Lai-mak, wed with a princess of the blood, upholding the King's right against his landless outlander hath beguiled a Queen, not of that blood at all, to's vile purposes; and herself suspect too, though I ne'er heard it voiced till you yourself informed me—" "Come," said Emmius, "you cannot argue it both ways." "We speak of how 'twill appear to others. For myself, I said I'd ne'er credit the Queen with such wickedness." "And as for Aktor's case by itself, nobody shared your ladyship's suspicions? Is't not so?" " 'Tis so, I admit," said Marescia and added, under her breath, a buggish word. "And the Prince is not ill looked on by the folk? There is, by your own account, sister-in-law, no evidence against him sufficient to hang a cat?" Marescia said, very angry, "O, some can pretend argument as ingenuously as scritch-owls. Thank Gods for a man who will act." Whereupon said Supervius, loosing rein on his tongue at last: "You are a skilful thrower down of other men's designs, brother: a fine miner. But you build nothing. 66 Foundations Prospect Worth from Argyarma 67 This was my very project, that I came hither thinking to have your friendship in. And you, like some pettifogging lawyer, but cavil at it and pick faults. Truly was that said, that Bare is back without brother behind it." The Lady De'ianeira's night-curtained eyes rested on Emmius, a little uneasily. But no lineament of his cold inwardly-weighing countenance betrayed his mind, nor no alteration in the long slow rhythm of his walk. Presently he spoke: comfortable equable tones, without all tang of disputation or of sarcasm: rather as a man that would reason with himself. "States come on with slow advice, quick execution. You, brother, nobly and fortunately allied (and not without help from me there) by marriage with this illustrious lady, have your footing now as of right in the council-chambers of Rialmar. It were a rude folly to waste that vantage by menace of civil battle: fool-isher still, because we can never be strong enough to win, much less keep, the victory against Fingiswold; and should besides need to purchase passageway for our army through country subject to Eldir, Kaima, and Bagort, and even so I'd never trust 'em not to break faith and upon us from behind. Our true, far, aim is clear: make friends with the lion-cub against the day he be grown a lion: I mean King Mezentius. And that must be through his mother" (here he looked at Marescia). "In the meanwhile, prepare quietly. Strengthen us at all points. Have patience, and see." The same day, before supper, the Lady Marescia sat in a window of Emmius's great library or study, writing a letter. Supervius, from a deep chair, watched her, stroking his flaming beard. Emmius, arms folded, stood in the window, now turning the leaves of his book, now, as in quiet thought, letting his gaze stray to far distances over the Lows and the wide woods of the Scrowmire, lit with the reddening evening-glow out of a cloudless sky. A serving-man lighted candles in branched candlesticks of mountain gold which stood on the writing-table, and so, upon a sign from Emmius, departed, leaving the rest of the room in dusky obscurity. The windows stood open, yet so calm was the evening that not a flame of the candles wavered. The Princess signed with a flourish, laid down her pen, and sat back. "Finished," she said, looking first to Emmius then to her husband. "Will it serve, think you?" Over her shoulders, Emmius upon the right, Supervius on the left, they read the letter. It was superscribed To the Quecnes most Serene and Excellent Highnes of Fingiswold: Beloved Soverayne Lady and Queene and verie dere friend and cozen in lawe, my humble dewtie remem-bred etc. It is to be thocht my departure from yr. highnes Court was something sodene. I am verie cer-taine I am abused to yr. Highnes eare by fables and foolische lyes alledging my bad meaning toward yr. highness and to the yong King his person. I beseech you believe not the sdaunders of todes, frogges and other venemous Wormes which have but a single purpose to rayse dislyke and discorde betwixte us, but believe rather that my fault was done in no wicked practise but in the horrable great coil and affricht wee then all did stagger in, and with the pure single intente to do Yr. Serene Highnes a service. For my unseemelie presumptuous attempte in that respecte I am trewelie penitent, and sufficientlye punisht I hope with being clapt in goaie at commaunde of that lewde fellow Bod-enaye, who I am sure dealt not as one of Your auc-thorised people in using of mee thus dishonorable but by order of some of yr. secretories withoute your prive-tie, for which his behaviour hee deserved to have beene putt to death. I saye no more here but that I will learn wisdome of this folly. More att large of this when I shall have the felicitie to look upon yr. face and to kiss yr. hand. My humble suite is that Your Serene Highness, through the olde gracious bountifull affectioun wherewith you and Kinge Mardanus upon whom bee peace did ever honor mee, wilbe plesed to receyve mee againe and gentlie pardon my fault. Unto which ende it willbe verye good if of yr. specyall love and kyndnes you sende me lettres of Safe Conducte, because with- 68 Foundations oute such I do dread lest this Bodenay whom I know to be a villain or els some other of his kynde may out of lewdnesse and malice to meward finde a waye to do mee the lyke disgrace or a worse. May the Gods move Yr. Highnes hearrte to order thinges by such a corse as wil stande with yr. Highnes dignitey and the relief of me yr. highnes pore cozen and verye loving penitente Servaunte, MARESCIA "Will it serve?" she asked, leaning back to look up . Book II: Uprising of King Mezentius into the face first of one and then the other, when they had read it. "Most excellent well," said Supervius, and, bending her head yet farther back, kissed her fiercely in the throat: adding, as he turned away to the window, "—as the sheep-killing dog said when they showed him the noose." Emmhis held out his hand. The lady laid in it her own right hand, soft, warm, dazzling white, able. He raised it to his lips and kissed it. "You are a good fighter, dear Marescia. And a generous loser. Care not: you will not | often lose.'* f The Princess, blushing like an untutored maiden, gave | him a smile: not lip-work only, but, rare in her, a smile ". of her eyes. "I can bow to reason when I am shown it, ); lord brother-in-law," said she, and tightened her grasp on " the hand that held hers. "I bear no grudge. For I see I f was wrong." | Supervius, stiff-necked and haughty, but serene, came | from the window. "Yes," he said, his gannet eyes staring &, in Emmius's face: then wrung him by both hands. it 7 Zeus Terpstkeraunos STATEIRA HAD by then reigned a full month Queen Regent in Rialmar, wielding at once that dignity and the supreme power on behalf of her infant son, King Mezentius, that was not yet three years old. She was well loved of the folk throughout that country side, nor was any lord or man of mark in all Fingiswold found to speak against her, but every man of them made haste to Rialrnar to do her homage and promise her firm upholding and obedience. To all these, she made answer simply and with open countenance, as might a private lady have done to tried friends come to condole her sorrow and renew pledges of friendship; but queenly too, commanding each instantly raise forces and stand ready at time and place appointed. For she meant to let go every lesser business till she should hear reason from the King of Akkama and have of him atonement too, and sure warranty of good behaviour for the future, and punish with death every person who had took hand, were it as deviser or as executer, in this most devilish mischief, that had left her a widow in the high summer-season of her youth, and a great kingdom bereft of the strong hand that had ably ruled it: a child on the throne, and a woman to be over all, and to take order for all, and to answer for all. Men were the better inclined, in these dark and misty matters, to follow and obey her and have confidence in 71 72 Uprising of King Mezentius her judgement and resolution, because well they knew how King Mardanus had made her secretary of his inmost intents and policies, insomuch that no lord of council nor no great officer of state had knowledge of these things so profound as she had; and they thought reasonably that her, whom so deep a politic as the great King had instructed, used, and put his trust in, they might well put their trust in too. Her council she had set up immediately under new letters patents, passing by the names of two or three but keeping all who had shown proof of their powers and weight of authority as counsellors of King Mardanus and whom he had set most store by: in especially, Mendes, the Knight Marshal: Acarnus, High Chancellor of Fingiswold: the High Admiral Psammius: Myntor, Constable in Rialmar: Prince Garman the late King's uncle and father to Marescia, The Constable she had despatched, within a week after the King's murder, upon secret embassage to Akkama with remonstrances and demands aforesaid. Prince Aktor had throughout the whole time behaved himself with, a fitness which many commended and to which none could take exceptions: bearing out a good face after the first dismay and confusion were over, and showing he had the eye of reason common with the best: never a putter forward of himself in counsel, yet, being consulted, not dasht out of countenance by any big looks: ever the first, if disagreements arose, to devise some means of concord: making himself strange always sooner than familiar with the Queen, towards whom he maintained, as well in private as under the general eye, a discreet respectuous reverence as never thinking upon other but to please her. True it is that in the first hours, when the town was in uproar, and lie and surmise flew thick and noisy as starlings in late autumn, some shouted 'twas Aktor had slain the King in hope to ingross the kingdom to himself. Two or three voices there were that vomited out words of vil-lany even against Queen Stateira: rhymes of the adulterous Sargus (which is a sea-fish, Aktor having come first to Fingiswold by sea) courting the Shee-Coats on the Zeus Terftsi^eraunos 73 grassie shore. But a proclamation by the Lord Mendes to "see these rumourers whipt" was so punctually put in execution by slanders by, that the catchpolls running to do it found it done already; and the soundlier, as a labour of love. Since that, slanders miscoupling Aktor's name with the Queen's had no more been heard in Rialmar. Thus these businesses rested, while the fates of peace or war swung doubtful, waiting on Akkama. But as May now passed into June, perceptive eyes in the court that had delicate discriminative minds behind them began to note, as a gardener will the beginnings of violet-buds under their obscuring leaves, signs of kindness betwixt the Queen and Aktor. The soberer among these lookers began to think they saw, in her as in him, whenever chance or the pleasures of the court or affairs of the realm brought them together, a drawing of curtains: a strained diligence to conceal, and that no less jealously from each other than from the general, and more and more diligently as the weeks passed by, his, and her, secret mind. It was witness to the good opinion the Prince now stood in and to men's faith in the Queen's wise discretion and loyal and noble nature, that these things, as they grew to common notice, stirred up neither cavil nor envy, but were let alone as matter for her concern and nobody's else. Upon the fourth of June the Queen, as, since her assumption of the Regency, she was wont once in every week to do, came down from Teremne and so through the town and up to the temple of Zeus upon Mehisbon, in which were the royal tombs and, last of them, the tomb of King Mardanus. Without state she came, on foot, through the wide streets and through the press of the market-place, and thence by the triumphal way that ascends from the market-place in broad sweeping curves, now left now right to ease the slope, up the steep backbone of that, the north-western, horn of Rialmar. Pillars of rose-red marble line that way on either hand, with on every pillar a mighty cresset for lighting on nights of high festival when, viewed from the Teremnene palace or from 74 Uprising of King Mezentius the town in Mesokerasin, the road shows like the uncurling on the hill of some gigantic fire-drake's serpentine and sinuous body, fringed with lambent flame. It was mid-afternoon, sunny, but with a hot heaviness in the air, and on all sides an up-towering of great cloud-bastions that darkened the horizon southwards but were of a dazzling and foaming whiteness where they took the sun. Upon her left, the Queen led with a golden chain a black panther tamed to hand, his fur smooth and sleek as the gown she wore of black sendaline edged with gold lace, and upon her right a nurse wheeled the infant King in his childish hand-carriage of sandalwood inlaid with gold and silver. Save for an officer walking at a good distance behind with a half-dozen men of the bodyguard, and save for this nurse and child, she was alone and unguarded; maintaining in this the old custom of Kings of Fingiswold, to come and go their ways in Rialmar on their private occasions much like private folk and with scarce more ceremony: people but curtseying and capping to them as they passed. They of the royal seat-town liked well this custom, as proof ocular (had proof been needed) that the King thought his subjects at large the right guards of his person, and that his greatness was not a withered beauty that durst not be seen without ornaments of state, but rather a freshness and a youthful halesomeness that can strip all off if it please and be as beautiful, and majestical. The temple of Zeus Soter, high over all the lesser temples of Mehisbon, stands upon an outcrop of wild crag close under the peak. It is built all of jet-black marble with unpolished surfaces for the more darkness, and naked of ornament except for the carvings on the vast pediment and the sculptured frieze above the portico. Queen Stateira, when she was come to the foot of the threefold great flights of steps which, where the road ends, go up to that temple, took the child Mezentius by the hand and went on with him alone. Between the pillars of the entrance, so huge in girth that five men standing round the base of one of them might scarce touch hands, and well sixty-foot high from plinth to capital, she turned to look back across the saddle of Mesokerasin south-eastwards to the kingly palace of Teremne. Zeus 75 That way thunder-storms were brewing. A murky darkness of vapours, thick, leaden-hued, and oily, swoU and shouldered and mounted and spread upward till that whole quarter of the sky, east and south-east up to the zenith, was turned to the colour of black grapes. The King pulled his mother's hand and laughed, pointing to where against the black clouds the palace on that sudden appeared in an unearthly splendour, lighted by the sun which, through some window rent in the glowering and piling masses to the westward, yet shone. There was no wind now in the lower air, but a great heat and stillness: and, with the stillness, a silence. It was as though all sound had been emptied out till not even (as in ordinary silences) the unemptiable exiguous residue remained: fall of leaf, or, immeasurably far away, in immeasurably faint echo, the unsleeping welter and surge of the sea, or stir of the market-place below. Even such shadows of sound had drowsed away to nothingness. There was left but that simulacrum of audibility born of the pulsing of living blood in the hearkening ear as it strains to catch the extreme unvoiced voice of the silence. The Queen, still gazing on that which her son's dancing eyes still returned to, the louring gleam upon Teremne, drew him back a little under the shelter of the portico as the first thunder-drops plashed on the outer paving. Presently she began to say in herself: Queen of Heaven, Paphian Aphrodite, Let not me, too easily up-surrend'ring, Prove i' th'end unnoble, a common woman, —Me, oj like metal Cast with Your divinity. Nothing lower Dare I rate me, since that in all true lovers You, Who are the ultimate Fire, do burn and, Burning, transmew them. Me Your flame-tongu'd fingers, Your ftick'ring lids, Your Kisses, Your empyreal heats distraining 76 Uprising of King Mezentius Soul alike and body with hapless passions, Long ago vanquish d. Yet, —for Beauty dwelleth as well in action: Not in flesh alone and the flaming semblant (World's desire and wonder of earth and Heaven Warmed as jewels 'Tween Your breasts, or stars in Your hair's deep night-shade), But besides in mind: and in You the twain are Vndivisible even in thought, an inly One everlasting— Therefore, burn me inwardly: burn my thinking Mind, as by this lover You sweep Your fires through This fair body, changing its blood to ichor: Fine me, until my Mortal eyes behold You in very presence, Not as feeble fantasy do conceive You, But the truth's self, even as You Yourself be hold Your own Godhead. As for answer, the storm broke on Mehisbon. A ball of eye-blinding flame, like a falling sun, went betwixt raging sky and the low land westward from the town; and upon its heels, with great shakings of the air, the thunder crashed and tumbled as if in a casting down about the temple of heavy palpable bodies toppled from some unsighted brink of the upper heavens and falling in a huddle amid darkness and rushing of rain. Stateira, looking down at her child, and tightening her clasp of his hand, had now, and now again, in the momentary livid out-leapings of the lightnings, swift sights of his face. There was one matter only to be read in it: not fear: not concern with her: but delight in the thunder. Argument with Dates o King 'Mezentius grows to manhood—Queen Rosma-Tragedy of A\tor. (Chapters 8-12) The Prince ^Protector AKTOR, WITHIN a few weeks of the death of King Mar-danus, utterly loathes his horrid deed. (It had been in fact not so much deed as abstention: he deliberately abstained from warning the King that the chess queens had been poisoned, and taking care not to touch his own queen, left chance to decide whether the King should touch his.) As time passes, he begins to think his crime can be "wished" into nothingness. The Queen, so far as he can judge, suspects nothing: he begins to live in a new world, almost convincing himself that his crime never took place: the King is dead, but not through Aktor's doing or contrivance. Aktor and the Queen settle down to an Arcadian existence of trust, affection, and understanding. She, feeling the alteration in him, is touched to the heart and can hardly refrain in his presence from showing her affection and passionate desire for him. However, she does refrain. Before any reply can be received to the Queen's ultimatum, the revolution of the Nine takes place in Ak-kama. Akkama is a vast country lying north-west from Fingis-wold: its southern parts all sandy desert, its north and centre a high table-land. The country has a wintry climate and is sparsely inhabited by nomads and woodmen. Five or six generations ago rebellious nobles from Fingiswold fled to Akkama and there founded a dynasty, intermar- 79 80 Uprising of King Mezentius rying with the natives and living like robber kings on Pis-sempsco, a high-rock on which sits the capital and only city of importance. With this for their hold, they lived by foray and piracy, throwing criminals to the pigs (their chief cattle, and very fierce), and worshipping the "dirty gods" of the country. They vaunted themselves rightful heirs to the throne of Fingswold and the nobles speak the English tongue (which is common to the three kingdoms), but the natives, a cruel, base and savage people, have a gibberish of their own. The Nine represent these noble families who had fallen from power when the usurping king, Tzucho, expelled Aktor and slew the king his father. This Tzucho was a bastard of a cadet branch of the ruling family, his mother a queen of Akkama who was thrown to the pigs for adultery with a pirate of native birth. The Nine, having slain Tzucho and set themselves in power as an oligarchy, now send an embassy to Rialmar offering every conceivable apology and atonement, short of surrender of their country. The Queen, dealing with the ambassadors in person, makes a treaty whereby Akkama promises perpetual friendship and alliance, and Aktor renounces any claim to the throne of Akkama. It is Aktor's conduct during these negotiations that finally decides Queen Stateira to marry him. With great dignity and finesse and in a scene which does credit to them both, she hi effect proposes this, and Aktor is almost frightened at the sudden fulfilment of his dearest hopes. Upon then- marriage (September 726), he is proclaimed Prince Protector, making at the same time public and solemn renunciation of any higher ambition and swearing fealty to King Mezentius and to Stateira as Queen Regent. The Queen sends for Doctor Vandermast and gives him the responsibility, under her, for the young King's upbringing. Aktor is at first in a dread lest Vandermast should disclose his secret, and meditates the doctor's destruction. But while he procrastinates he learns to trust the doctor, and soon to revere him. With the passage of the years, Mezentius learns that he The Prince Protector 81 himself is King: learns too, with surprise, that he had a father other than Aktor. He shows an early instinct for command and a delight in danger for its own sake: dangerous dogs, horses, bulls, and Anthea in her lynx dress: dangerous climbing on the walls and cliffs of Rialmar. He is untirable, incredibly generous and open-handed, and in all dispute an upholder, from native inclination, of the losing side. 'Rosma m zAcrozayana IN 732 Emmius's Meszrian policy bears fruit in the marriage of his daughter the Lady Rosma Parry, now eighteen, to King Kallias. Kallias's meaning was by this alliance to re-estate his power in the Meszrian Marches and further to aggrandize himself at the expense of Rerek. But Emmius, a more subtle and no less brutal machiavellian, had a private understanding with Haliartes, the king's brother and heir presumptive, whereby, in case the king should die and the succession be endangered, Emmius would support Haliartes by force of arms upon condition of his immediately making Rosma his queen. The lady, taken with a loathing for Kallias (who is forty, a gloomy tyrant, and very dissolute and debauched), murders him on his wedding-night and forthwith weds Haliartes, a weak and easy-mannered prince much more to the taste of the lords of Meszria than his self-willed, hard-driving brother. She easily persuades Haliartes to make her not his queen only but joint sovereign with himself. 82 10 Stirring of the Sumenides IN 736 the Nine secretly offer to Aktor the throne of Ak-kama. The envoy, seeing Aktor in private, explains that this is upon condition of his first becoming King of Fin-giswold. Aktor refuses, and the matter is dropped. He refuses mainly because of his love for the Queen (to whom he never reveals this offer) and because of his oath of renunciation, to break which would ruin him for ever in her esteem. But the refusal is wormwood in his soul. He grows more and more melancholic: begins to ponder whether it were not best to make away with Mezentius who he fears may, as he grows up, find out the true circumstances of his father's taking off: but devotion to Queen Stateira (perhaps the one stable principle in him), seconded by a congenital proneness to put things off, always holds him back from this further crime. Nevertheless, the bloody secret is always a barrier between himseif and the Queen. 83 84 Uprising of King Mezentius 11 Commodity of QUEEN ROSMA, grown weary after five years of the unenterprising water-gruelish Haliartes, in 738 casts her eye on his nephew Lebedes, a villainous young scoundrel five years her junior, to whom she now promises her hand in marriage if he will first kill the king his uncle. Lebedes accordingly raises rebellion and kills Haliartes hi battle; but Rosma, alarmed now lest this young man prove too devilish, denies her part of the bargain and, finding ready to hand Beltran, Lebedes's elder brother, invites him to rid her of Lebedes, the consideration of which service is to be, as before, her hand in marriage. Beltran, unscrupulous but attractive, and with many saving graces, and able moreover (as no man she had before encountered) to stir faintly her affections, is madly in love and savagely jealous of his brother. He surprises Lebedes in the queen's chamber and, with a hearty good will and under her very eyes, stabs him to death. In the same hour she takes Beltran as lover, but forthwith upon a revulsion repudiates him, threatens him with death., and drives him with contumely into exile. Rosma, now aged twenty-four reigns henceforward as Queen of Meszria in her own right. She is a big powerful woman, dark-haired, black-eyed, dissembling, proud, grasping, perfidious, and cruel. She is handsome, and can be physically extremely alluring: not vicious, but cold: 85 86 Uprising of King Mezentius obsessed with the lust of power. In due course, Beroald, her son by Beltran, is born in Zayana. Rosma, being by nature "of masculine virtue," hates to be a woman, hates her offspring, and indeed has posed, and continues to pose (with what justification none can tell) as a Virgin Queen. She conceals the birth and orders the child to be exposed on a mountain. Anthea, in her lynx dress, saves it, and, by direction of Doctor Vandcrmast, substitutes it for the same-aged son of the wife of a gentleman in South Meszria. 12 ^Another Jair sJfCoonshtny KING MEZENTIUS, as he approaches manhood, begins to discover justice: begins too to discover that the beauty which is in action is the necessary complement to that physical beauty which he has already learnt to worship. He shows early promise of that supreme gift of a man of action, the power to put from his mind everything except the business in hand, and develops at the same time berserk traits: fits of intense vigour and achievement which alternate with periods of moodiness, silence, lassitude, and retirement into himself. Stateira watches these things with mixed admiration and anxiety. He begins to talk to her about his father, and about Aktor, to whom (without himself knowing why) he begins to take a certain dislike. This troubles him, and his mother. And it troubles Aktor. The closer Aktor draws to the Queen, the more he is tortured with remorse. Yet he realizes that it was in fact that wicked and secret treason that gave him his present happiness and power. His mind is thus in a perpetual conflict, and his melancholy increases upon him. Queen Stateira for her part never ceases to be under his passionate domination and grows more and more fearful lest he should someday confess to her the guilt which she never admits, even to her own secret mind, that she suspects. Deeper and nobler and more Olympian is her clinging to 87 88 Uprising of King Mezentius Mezentius's future greatness (foreshadowed by Doctor Vandermast), as her sheet anchor. In December 740, the King (aged seventeen) has been questioning his step-father about his father's murder. He does not, save in recurring moments of gnawing uneasiness and guesswork that originate in the blood rather than in the brain, suspect Aktor's complicity. Moreover, his rooted dislike for Aktor itself makes him the less ready to suspect; for it is clean against his nature to be unjust, most of all to a man personally repugnant to his sympathies. He questions Aktor now, simply because he is impatient to clear up the mystery and have done with it, and Aktor (having caught and disposed of the actual poisoner) seems to be the one person who may be able to throw any light on the thing. The outcome of their conversation is indeterminate (as for any advancement of the King's purpose), but to Aktor, devastating. His fears, bred of a bad conscience, tell him the King has divined the secret, or been told by Vandermast. In a like agony of spirit as fourteen years ago, he comes once more at midnight to the Queen's privy garden, expecting solitude but finding Anthea there, as if waiting for him. It is the real frost this time: the longest night of the year. That oread lady is cold, pitiless, scornful, and unkind. She knows, of course, the truth, and "harries mankind's obliquity" in the person of the unhappy Prince Protector. Her unmercilessuess, terribly seconding his own inward conscience, is in effect a means of illuminating the good (which is not inconsiderable) in Aktor, and so of awakening in an onlooker, had any been there, pity and charity on his behalf. In this cold and this clarity induced by the scorpion sting of Anthea's scorn, he reviews the choices: First: Kill Mezentius? But that would kill also the Queen's love for himself. And moreover, how could he hope to escape? Second: Flee? But where to? Akkama will not have him. Besides, what profit in life without the Queen? They are by this time, it is true, scarcely more lovers than she Another Fair Moonshiny Wight 89 and Mardanus had been after Mezentius's birth; but this tune it is the Queen, not her lover, who has sated her passion and finds it burned out at last. But she is deeply fond of Aktor, and (as he believes in Ms bones) has never imagined the truth about his hand in Mardanus's murder: and to live with her, even upon terms of brother and sister, has become to him the one reason for continuance upon earth. Third: Confess all to Mezentius, and hope he will kill him? But that, albeit quieting his conscience, would (again) hurt the Queen. Also Mezentius would tell her all, and that Aktor cannot even in imagination face. And so, feeling he has miscooked his life (possessed his lady by unlawful means, mixed his love with ambition and, for sake of both, become a traitor, a murderer of his friend and benefactor, and a life-long liar henceforth and fugitive from truth: things which can never be reversed and never confessed but can, maybe, be expiated), and being resolved the Queen shall never know, nor Mezentius (if he does not know, or has not guessed, already), he asks Anthea to do him a single favour: the favour of silence. She scornfully, but (as Aktor by some obscure intimation realizes) with faithful meaning, assents. Aktor throws himself backwards down the eight-hundred-foot cliff that overlooks the harbour. Anthea keeps her word. The King keeps his thoughts to himself, and refrains, with an almost feminine sympathy and intuition, from letting his mother suspect the truth, or what he guesses to be the truth. Book III: The Affair of Rerek Argument with Dates Emmius Parry continues his policy, looking 3s[orth-The King gains (Chapters 13-14) 13 The ^Devil's Quilted IN 741 the Nine fall from power in Akkama and Melkis becomes king, being by Aktor's death the next in legitimate line of succession. After eighteen months of hesitation and diplomatic interchanges, Melkis moves to unseat King Mezentius. Supervhis Parry, aged forty-six, who has now sat in Laimak twenty-one years, sends his younger son, Horius Parry (now aged sixteen) as an officer in attendance upon the general in command of a Rerek contingent in aid of King Mezentius in Fingiswold. This first meeting of Horius with the King results in a mutual interest and subtle equivocal attraction. In the campaign which follows, the King, aged nineteen, finally repulses Akkama, who is left disgraced and licking his wounds (742). Supervius's main concern is now to oust Gilmanes (who has succeeded his father Alvard as Prince of Kai-mar) from his position of favour in Rialmar. He is jealous of Gilmanes, as of the other princes hi the north (Er-cles, Keriones's son and successor in Eldir, and Aramond of Bagort). Supervius is no great statesman, and is obsessed with his ambition to see Laimak received as mistress of all Rerek. He is never really loyal to his brother Emmius, as Emmius is to him for family sake and for a kind of love of him. He walks in a net so far as Emmius is concerned, and Emmius, enjoying and frustrating his 95 96 The Affair of Rere\ brother's deep-laid and tortuous disloyalties, constantly uses him as a cat's-paw to further his own more subtle and less parochial policy. Emmius (aged fifty-two), is preeminently by nature a user of cat's-paws: this explains his never attempting to seize Meszria for himself, but preferring to control it through his daughter Rosma. He is probably already privately toying with the notion of a marriage between her and the King. This he sees might mean the hemming hi and even (if the King turns out from these beginnings a very great man) the subjection of Rerek. But if the King turns out so, this will be of little moment; for Rerek, on the doorstep of Fingiswold, could not then in any event hope to stand long against him. If, on the other hand, the King's capacities prove but mean, then the alliance would strengthen the Parry (particularly Emmius's own branch of the family), and would mean an aggrandizement of Meszria and so run with Emmius's policy, since the queen his daughter has not only married into the reigning house in Zayana but now supplanted it. Openly, Emmius plays for time; refuses to regard Gil-manes seriously (a view justified later by the event); and prepares to use Peridor of Laveringay, his sister Lugia's son, as a thorn in Ercles's side. This project fails, however, Peridor inclining more and more to Ercles. King Mezentius (now aged twenty), noting the uneasy balance of power in Rerek (the age-long leadership of the house of Parry counter-weighted by the loose alliance of the princes of the north, and the complicated courtship, by both sides, of the free cities), begins to think of extending his influence southwards. His mother, Queen Stateira, mistrusting the Parry instinctively, now produces in Rialmar Ercles's sister, the Lady Anastasia, a beautiful girl whom the King easily falls in love with and marries (July 732): a further setback for Emmius Parry. 14 ford Smmms 'Parry OPEN STRIFE breaks out next year (744) between the Parry and Ercles in Rerek. Supervius holds Megra, left to Marescia by her father's will who died a year or two ago. Ercles, feeling that this threatens his safety in Eldir, disputes the will. He prepares to besiege Megra, and Supervius, getting wind of this, sends an army to ravage the lands of Eldir itself. Ercles, thwarted, appeals to Rialmar for succour. The King refuses, telling Ercles plainly that he is not disposed to make his policy a family affair. Hor-ius Parry (aged eighteen), shrewdly diagnosing the King's impartiality induces his father (with Emmius's approval) to agree with Ercles to a joint application to the King to arbitrate. The King establishes a just peace, confirming the Parry hi Megra, but (to save the old treaty) formally as Lieutenant of the King of Fingiswold, and he must retire from Lailma pending a free election in that city. Early in 745 Queen Anastasia dies. In 746 a renewed attack by Akkama is bloodily thrown back by the King, demonstrating once more his armed strength in Fingiswold. Emmius Parry now judges it the happy moment for a crucial move to bring the King into Rerek. For this purpose he successfully makes Peridor his cat's-paw (who is quite unconscious of being so used) to provoke Ercles, Gilmanes, and Aramond to assault Megra in violation of 97 98 Tfie Affair of Rere\ the concordat. After fruitless negotiations lasting eighteen months, during which Megra stands a siege, Supervius, as injured party, appeals to the King. The King summons a conference in Rialmar, insisting on personal attendance: no ambassadors or legates. Mainly because of stiffness on the part of Supervius and Horius, whom the princes distrust, the conference is stormy; but Emmius's diplomacy brings it at last to a joint request by all unanimously, backed by other lords of Rerek, that the King should assume the crown of Rerek as their overlord, guaranteeing all freedoms. The King accepts this (748). Henceforth, the King's policy in Rerek is consistently divide et impera; and his great weapon a scrupulous fairness. (His habit, all his life, is to look for (and find) the best in people. This does not mean he is never taken in, but he consistently sees the best in them, and gets the most out of them. In Horius Parry, for instance, and (later) in Rosma, he sees many bests (and many worsts). Those that disappoint him. (for instance, later, Valero, and Akkama) have been wittingly tested by him, and run risks with. Book IV: The Affair of Meszrk Argument with Dates The King gains Meszria—-Amelia—Rosma. in Rialmar | (Chapters 15-19) 15 Queen THE KING'S thoughts have for some years been drawn toward Meszria. This works well with Emmius Parry's long-sighted policy, who, independently and with different (but far from hostile) interests, has been steering towards the same mark: namely a nearer and still more exalted connection between the Parry (this time, of Argyanna) and the royal house of Fingiswold. In 749 the King sends Jeronimy to ask Rosma to receive a visit from the King in person, since they are now conterminous sovereigns and ought to be friends. In late autumn the King comes to Zayana. Purely as a matter of high policy, he proposes marriage. Posing as an unscrupulous politician after her own pattern, he shows in their preliminary conversations a remarkable and detailed knowledge of her history and her polyandrous proceedings. (He is now aged twenty-six: Rosma thirty-five.) The queen, reflecting on these conversations, has the sensation of having been saddled and bridled: of having been made drunk with the King's personality and led by that to talk too much. However, it is not her habit to let anything except cold logic govern her actions, and by that test alone his offer is not one to be let go: by it he gains Meszria while she gains Fingiswold and Rerek. She gains, also, what is less to her taste: a master. But this inconvenience may in any case be unavoidable, since the King's 103 104 The Affair of Meszria overlordship in Rerek brings nearer home the danger of coercion if she is obdurate. Moreover, although their conversations have throughout been upon the explicit terms that marriage is to entail no relations between them beyond the political, she feels vaguely, as with Beltran, but now at a profounder level with King Mezentius, that here is a man for whose sake she might, if ever she should, which is to her inconceivable, make a fool of herself. After a few days' consideration, she answers that, on his present proposal, the scales are too much weighted hi the King's favour as against her, since she, as a woman, gives up her independence by marrying. If, however, he will bring Akkama into the dowry, then she will accept. 16 of Presence MEANWHILE, the King's heart is set upon Amalie, a young lady of the queen's bedchamber, aged sixteen, and passionately beloved by this self-willed and bloody woman. He and Amalie do not so much fall in love as have an intimation, at first looks exchanged between them and without word spoken, that they are lovers, and have been so since the beginnning; and this, since not hi this present (Zimiamvian) life, therefore presumably in some other world, or worlds. This echoes back to the Praeludium: the fifteen years "in our own house at Nether Wastdale," and his seeing her "dead hi the Morgue at Paris." The intimation, sometimes momentary, sometimes longer in duration, is yet fitful and unseizable. Like a perfume, it cannot be revived in memory, but, when present, has the quality of conjuring up hi solid actuality of circumstance and detail all that belongs to it. He tells Amalie that he cannot offer her a crown: kings wed for policy, not for love. But he does offer her himself, and on no temporary nor no partial terms. He tells her he is going north on the Akkama business, and that hi two years he means to come back, with that accomplished, for her. In this the King is entirely open with Rosma. He will make Akkama tributary to Fmgiswold, and in two years will return to Zayana to claim her hand. Their marriage is to be a purely political relationship: his wife, except in 105 106 The Affair of Mcszria name, will be Amalie. The queen will be free (on sole condition of avoiding public scandal) to console herself as she may please. Rosma laughs. She holds these amusements much over-rated, and is perfectly content with his proposals. 17 brought into T>owry THE KING returns north, stopping a few days in Argyanna to confer with his future father-in-law. Preparations last far into the summer of the next year (750). In August, he marches on Akkama with a great army of Fingiswoid levies and a powerful contingent from Rerek under command of Supervius Parry, who has with his Horius, his son by Marescia, aged twenty-four, and Hybrastus (Em-mius's son, aged thirty-three). Ercles (aged thirty-two), and Aramond (aged twenty-three), and Valero, Prince of Ulba (aged twenty), are also in this expedition. Emmius had pressed personal participation upon Supervius, both in the family interest and not to be outweighed by the Ercles faction. The campaign of 750 ends with a severe reverse: Supervius Parry killed in battle: Ercles taken prisoner. But the King after a few months retrieves all and, taking Akkama by surprise by a winter campaign (a thing unheard of in that part of the world), crushes all resistance after three or four big battles, the last one about mid-February 751. Throughout this decisive war, Horius Parry distinguishes himself both as soldier and as counsellor: an old head on young shoulders. He on land and Jeronimy at sea are (after Supervius's death) the King's chief lieutenants. Prince Valero, a protege of Emmius Parry's, also 107 108 The Affair of Meszria. does brilliant work. Seeds of ill will are sown in Horius's secret heart against Valero. During four months' intensive work in subdued Ak-kama a violent quarrel comes to a head between Horius and Hybrastus Parry. Hybrastus palpably in the wrong bids his cousin to the duello and is killed. Horius, with great courage and judgement, obtains leave to go south immediately to make his peace with his uncle Emmius. He comes to Argyanna, outspeeding all rumours, armed with a letter from the King that gives the facts, and in effect offering Emmius "self-doom," Emmius, partly for love of bravery hi a man, partly for deep and sound reasons of policy, magnanimously forgives his son's death, but demands from Horius, by way of atonement, material guarantees in the March of Ulba, including possession of the fortress of Kessarey and the personal right to appoint a Lord President of the Marches. He appoints Count Bork. The result is that politically as well as strategically Emmius will now be all-powerfu! (under the King) in the whole region of the Zenner. Horius Parry succeeds his father in Laimak. He remains on good terms with his uncle (now aged sixty) but chafes at his power, likely to be greatly increased as the King's father-in-law as well as by this new agreement. As his personal agent and intelligencer at Emmius's court hi Argyanna, Horius maintains one Gabriel Flores (aged twenty-two), a low-born adventurer whom he seduced from Ercles's service a year or two back when Ercles had placed Gabriel, as his spy, in Laimak. With his own elder half-brother, Geleron Parry, who sits like a thorn in Anguring, Horius is on terms of thinly disguised hostility. Geleron (as son to Supervius by his first wife Rhodanthe, whom Supervius put away to marry Marescia), thinks he ought by rights to have Laimak, but Supervius left it by will to Horius. 18 The She-Wolf tamed to Hand THE KING returns at midsummer, five months before the date appointed, to Zayana—and to Amalie. He weds Rosma, in great state and with public acclamation and rejoicings, on the terms agreed upon. The Queen, in spite of her view of such "amusements," cannot upon actual experience brook Amalie's position as the King's mistress in Zayana. Her attitude in this is complex, and her grievance not so much that Amalie is her rival in the King's affections (which she at this stage cares nothing for) as that he has taken Amalie away from her. At the Yule feast, December 751, Rosma tries to burn the King and Amalie together; but in this she is thwarted by the King, who also succeeds (almost beyond belief) in keeping the whole affair secret so far as Ros-ma's share in it is concerned. After this, he tells the Queen that Meszria is not good for her, nor she for Meszria: to save her face, she had better give out (as her own proposal) that she desires a change of residence, and that the Queen of the Three Kingdoms ought to live in the chief seat-town, namely Rialmar. As underlining the fact that she must play second fiddle (politically), the King says he proposes to install Jeronimy in Meszria as Commissioner Regent. Rosma is at first mad wroth at all this, and the King with great difficulty prevents her from hurting herself or 109 110 The Affair of Meszria him. However, he keeps his temper; and the end of it is that she, savouring curiously on her palate a new pleasure (of a man that can master her and also laugh at her), falls in with his plans. This is the beginning of a closer and deeper relationship, almost of friendship, between the King and Rosma. She now resides permanently in Rialmar, while he divides his tune between the three countries in turn. The 'Duchess of THE QUEEN MOTHER, distasting the prospect of continuing in Rialmar, where she must now yield precedence to a daughter-in-law whose reputation and capabilities she reviews with dismay, resolves to leave Fingiswold. In the spring of 752 she moves south to Lornra Zombremar, in a high eastward-facing valley on the far side of the great snow ranges that enclose Meszria from the east. In this mountain retreat at the edge of the world, in a "house of peace" built for her by art of Doctor Vandermast, she now lives retired from the busy life of courts and the restlessness of great men. In April 752, Barganax is born in Meszria, and Amalie is made Duchess. On learning of this, the Queen offers divorce; but the King has no intention of making Amatie a queen, nor has she any ambition to be made so. From this arises a strengthening of friendship between King and Queen. This same year Lessingham is born at Upmire, posthumous son of Romelius, a lord of Rerek who had married in 751 Eleonora, grand-daughter of Sidonius Parry. When hi 726 Supervius had put away his wife Rhodanthe (Eleonora's aunt and Geleron's mother) in order to marry the Princess Marescia, this sowed enmity between his uncle Sidonius and the house of Laimak; and in that tradition Eleonora of Upmire now brings up her son. ill 112 The Affair of Meszria. The next few years are years of peace and consolidation, during which the personal hand of the King is felt everywhere throughout the realm. The Queen indulges in underground political intrigues with her cousins Horius and Geleron Parry, Valero and others. She tries, more from spite than from policy, to set the King against Horius. None of these practices is hid from the King, who cannot resist teasing her; yet their queer friendship (and his and Horius Parry's) persists and grows. With unseen hand, the King fans the rivalry between the two brothers for his deep purposes. Book V: The Triple Kingdom Argument with Dates Beltran returns—Birth of Fiorinda—End of Celeron Parry— Barganax and Styllis: Barganax and Heterasmene: Ea.rga.nax made Du\e of Zayana—Prince Valero (Chapters 20-24) 20 *Dura IN AUGUST 755, Beltran (now aged forty-three) appears in Rialmar, under an assumed name and in disguise, while the King is in Memison. He discloses himself to the Queen and makes fierce love to her. Rosma, who is now forty-one and in a perilous state of boredom, is at first infuriated but at last, saying she will ne'er consent, consents. Then, in a revulsion as much savager than sixteen years ago it had been in Zayana as her present surrender has been deeper and more passionate, she murders him. The King, returning, smells out this secret. At length Rosma, knowing herself with child and thoroughly frightened at the King's enigmatical bearing, confesses all. He receives it with so much humour and magnanimity that she is, for the time at least, bound to him as never before. His only condition is secrecy: if ever she suffers her amours to become public, that will be the end of her. Rosma thinks he means, cut her head off. The mere suggestion (of mutilation of a woman) sickens him. No; but he would make her drink a lethal draught. On midsummer night 756, Fiorinda is born to Queen Rosma in Rialmar. This child she would have killed or exposed, but the King, employing Anthea for the purpose, and with the help of Beroald, places it, without trace of origin, with the same suppositious parents in Meszria as Beroald was foisted upon, sixteen years ago. 117 21 Qombust ABOUT APRIL 757, Horius Parry's feud with his half-brother Geleron comes to a head (not without fostering by the King's unseen hand). The immediate occasion is Horius's discovery of foul play between his wife and Geleron. He kills his wife and burns Anguring, destroying Geleron, Geleron's wife, and their sons and daughters. This hellish deed both rids away, hi Geleron, a turbulent and tiresome vassal and puts Horius under yet closer obligations to the King; for the King by a sudden swoop catches him outside his safe hold of Laimak and by pardoning the fratricide (by law, punishable as parricide) tightens the bonds of allegiance that bind Horius to the throne, impressing him at the same time with the sense of being, as it were, hi the hand of God. Rosma finds the King's handling of this episode after her own heart. It brings her, at this late date, furiously in love with him, partly because of his magnanimity, partly because she is seized with a sudden hankering to give an heir to the Triple Throne, and with the feeling that time is running short if this is to be done. The King, now aged thirty-three, does not trouble himself much about this. If he ever thinks of the succession, his attitude is coloured with the conviction that kings must be kings by competence not by birth merely, and with an inclination to toy with the idea of Barganax's possible fitness. Constitution-113 Anguring Combust 119 ally, the King is but lightly interested in posterity, intent on building his own edifice of power in his own life-time: fate and his successors must settle what comes after. Rosma addresses herself to fascinate him. He is at first repelled, then amused, and finally touched. He suddenly looses himself in a fierce passion for this tiger-cat of his: a kind of lustful cameraderie, involving no disloyalty to the Duchess. In January 758, Styllis is born in Riahnar. The Queen, full of phUoprogenitiveness for her first legitimate offspring, is full too of jealousy against Barganax on her son's behalf. As Styllis grows up she neglects no occasion to set him against his half-brother. Beroald, now aged nineteen, studies law under Count Olpman. 22 DURING THE next twelve years (758-770) of Pax Mezen-tiana, underground strife still smoulders in Rerek, with constant friction between the Parry and the princes, the free cities putting up their favours by auction to the highest bidder. In 760, another child, the Princess Antiope, is born to Rosma in Rialmar. Emmius Parry, looking ahead, hi 766 makes Horius his heir. The King, disliking the prospect of so much personal power in one hand (Laimak, Argyanna, Kessarey, and the Marches), also looks ahead. He now declares Megra, Kaima, Kessarey, and Argyanna fiefs royal, but this is not to operate as regards Kaima or Argyanna so long as Gilmanes and Emmius Parry are alive. He puts his own lieutenants hi the other fortresses: Arcastus in Megra, Roder hi Kessarey. (Arcastus is grandson to Morsilla Parry and her first husband, Caunas, and therefore by tradition opposed to the Pertiscan branch. But Horius Parry captivates his fancy, and he always remains Horius's loyal supporter.) The fact that Emmius accepts without cavil the position as regards Kessarey, is an evidence of the strength of the friendship and understanding between Emmius and the King. Beroald (aged twenty-seven) takes, thanks to Jeroni-my's support and recommendation, a large part in advis- 120 Pax Mezentiana. 121 ing on the administrative diplomatic and legal problems involved in this settlement. The King, much taken with his character and abilities, makes him lord of Krestenaya, and presently joins him with Jeronimy as Commissioner Regent in Meszria. Horius Parry is not best pleased about these arrangements; but the King, admiring the way he accepts them, promises him (and confirms it under seal in his favour) inheritance under his uncle's will, except as for Argyanna which on Emmius's death will revert to the crown. Horius, when he succeeds, will thus be all-powerful in the Marches (subject however—a weighty exception—to the key fortress of Argyanna), but is deprived of Megra and (of course) of Kessarey. He (in common with most of the great vassals of Rerek and Meszria) inclines to dislike Beroald and the Admiral and Roder as "office nobility" and upstarts. 23 The Two T>ukes The Two Du\es 123 Barganax an apanage with lands extending far beyond the limits of the dukedom. Styllis, incensed at this, nurses his old jealousies and old and new grievances, which the Queen bis mother does not neglect to influence. BARGANAX, at fifteen, is as big and as strong and well grown as any young man in the land three years his elder. His first love is Heterasmene, a young widow and lady of honour at the Duchess's court in Memison. Heterasmene for her part greatly enjoys this worship but, when he makes violent love to her, thinks it her duty to inform the Duchess. Amalie, judging it an admirable education for her son and making sure that the lady scoffs at the very thought of marriage with a boy half her age, rejoices that Heterasmene should at once amuse herself and bring up Barganax in the way he should go: an arrangement which works to their mutual benefit and, after a year or two, ends gradually: friendship preserved and no hearts broken. The lady, in return for this kindness, is made Countess in her own right by the King, and soon afterwards weds a lord in Riahnar. In 770 Barganax, being now eighteen, comes of age. The King creates him Duke of Zayana, the title formerly held by heirs apparent to the old kingdom of Meszria. Rosma dislikes thV implication. On Barganax's induction into his dukedom, Doctor Vandermast (hitherto his tutor) assumes the post of secretary. The King assigns to 122 Prince Valero 125 24 'prince 'Valero Horius (now aged forty-four) hates Valero, but pretends friendship and does him various good turns. Valero foolishly underestimates the Parry's subtlety and reach and is hi the end a complete victim to his wiles. Horius has for years maintained a most masterly patience in this business, never involving himself but always and by every means lulling Valero's suspicions, encouraging him in his grievances, flattering him, giving him rope, and pretending not so much as to dream of his having subversive intentions. PRINCE VALERO of Ulba, who had thought he deserved one of the key fortresses hi 766, has ever since been secretly busy forming a faction and endeavouring to win the confidence and support of Count Bork, Lord President of the Marches. Horius Parry, having secret intelligence of this, fosters and waters it, meaning to destroy the prince in due tune and win merit thereby. The Parry's young cousin, Lessingham, has a finger in this "secret intelligence." (In spite of his upbringing, Lessingham at the age of sixteen fell under the spell of Horius and became the means of reconciliation between him and Eleonora of Upmire, who, at her son's request, now allows him to reside in Laimak as page to Horius.) Valero, now (770) in his fortieth year, is handsome and well liked, but vain, a brilliant rather than an able politician, and fundamentally dishonest. Nobody, except the King, Emmius, and Horius, sees this vital weakness. Beroald, for his part, knows Valero only by hearsay. Emmius, in this single case, suffers his predilections to blindfold his shrewd hard judgement, and is always inclined to forgive Valero and favour him. The King leaves him alone, partly to please Emmius and Rosma (whose pet he is); but he has his eye upon him, and lets Horius Parry know, pretty unmistakably, that he holds him answerable for seeing that the prince does no serious harm. 124 Argument with Dates The King and the Duchess of Memison visit Queen Stateira: Lessingham and Lady M.dry Lessingham—Rebellion in the Marches— Overthrow of A\\amd (Chapters 25-27) 25 J^ornra Zombremar QUEEN STATEIRA has now for many years lived at Lornra Zombremar. The king has been her guest there more and more often as the years of Pax Mezentiana afford more opportunity for such pleasures of quietude; and always Doctor Vandennast is her frequent visitor, as also (of more recent years) is the King's niece Zenianthe, herself a hamadryad and friend and pupil of the learned doctor. All the nymphs, faun-kind, and half-gods, who inhabit these solitudes, are there to do Queen Stateira service. These creatures, with their pure unquestioning sight discerning the Queen Mother for who, under the disguise of wise and lovely old age She truly is, are as children to her, loving her the more tenderly as they perceive Her inward divinity of which she for her own part is ignorant: an ignorance which is itself a grace; of equal excellence (hi Vandermast's philosophic eye) with that far different but no less perfect and essential grace, of self-enjoyment and self-knowledge, that belongs to the fully conscious Godhead. She is now well entered upon her seventy-third year. In November 770, the King and the Duchess (now aged forty-seven and thirty-seven respectively) come to see his mother hi Lorna Zombremar. Amalie has never before made this journey, and it is eighteen years since she met the Queen Mother, who, then on her way from 129 130 The Trifle Kingdom Rialmar to her new home, had been her guest in Memi-son. During the present visit the King and Amalie experience, in a more vivid and detailed manner than ever before, that assurance of having loved and had each other in another world (the world of the Praeludium: that is to say, this nineteenth- and twentieth-century world of ours): this time with the mutual knowledge that his name, there, is Lessingham, and hers Mary. They think of the Parry's young cousin whose name is Lessingham: a strange coincidence. As on other occasions, the memory (or dream?) fades and vanishes; but this time less completely in the King's mind than in the Duchess's. Even in hers, there remains a teasing sense of a forgotten or un-placeable tune, whenever she hears the name "Lessingham." 26 'Rebellion in the