Chapter 33
A Case of Domicide
There's something of the Doctor/Master relationship between
Romana and Ferain. They embody the Gallifreyan balance of
power, High Council against CIA; bitter enemies, sometimes
working together, sometimes against each other, but neither
can do without the other.
The emergence of the massive edifice of the House, up from
its long-term burial, is a bit like Moby Dick surfacing before
its final attack on The Pequod.
The Doctor's little speech about things he likes is the
direct antithesis of his speech to Ace in Part 1 of Ghost
Light listing the things he hates, which were also things that
I can't stand too. While we were recording GL, Sylvester told
me that he hates burnt toast as well.
Finally the Doctor has to confront his own angry parent in
a one-to-one with the Loom, the very heart of the House. It's
a bit like the egg confronting the chicken, until the chicken
really does find out what came first. Whichever way you look
at the result, it's all worryingly Oedipal.