Church of Eteris (the Horrid)
(Church 001)
This hidden church of Eteris consists of a collection of subterrannean rooms
based within the sewer system of a large city. The church spans two levels,
the upper within the sewer and the lower constructed beneath the main sewer.
Eight to ten priests and an equal number of novices serve at this church,
but none live here. One junior priest stays at the church in shifts to
watch for intruders. If discovered, this church, its clergy, and followers
will surely be destroyed. Knowing this, the priests who guard the premises
may attempt to attack or misdirect unwitting intruders if possible, but
most importantly must escape to inform the others of the church's discovery.
Floorplan Notes:
- U1 (underground level 1): floor depth 20' beneath exterior terrain.
- U2 (underground level 1): floor depth 35' beneath exterior terrain.
U1 Areas:
Area 001
designation: Sewer tunnel.
description: This is a main sewer tunnel for the city, and the smell of
refuse and raw sewage is all but overwhelming. Refuse and sewage funnels
into this tunnel from cistern pits and collection shafts. River water is
redirected in moderate quantity, and pours into the sewer pits and shafts
where it helps the gravity flow of sewage. This tunnel ultimately connects
with the other main tunnels, and a single large tunnel pours sewage into
the river several miles downstream from the city. (Not all of the sewer
is detailed in this floorplan)
A veritable maze of cistern pits, collection shafts and worker passages
connect into this main tunnel. Each tunnel has a side ledge, slippery and
treacherous with mold and refuse, for walking against the arching wall.
The main tunnel has flat, rectangular walls at its base, while the roof is
vaulted. The side tunnels are much smaller, but follow the same architectural
design. The ledge of the main tunnel is 4' above the tunnel floor, which is
submerged beneath an average depth of 2' to 3' of raw sewage. The near-stagnant
sewage flows slowly westward, and the tunnel has a slight grade noticable to
the observant.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' flagstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 002
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the worker room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 003
designation: Sewer workers' room.
description: This room stores materials and tools for sewer maintenance, and
allows access to the collection shaft. Small quantities of masonry brick and
fieldstone are stored here, along with tools and barrels of equipment. A secret
door has been constructed in the north wall.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 004
designation: Sewer hidden passage.
description: This hidden passage connects to other areas of the sewer. (Not
all of this area is detailed in the floorplan)
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 005
designation: Sewer cistern pit.
description: This is one of the main sewage collection points. Ten sewer pipes
and three river pipes dump into this pit. The narrow side ledge expands into a
wide base for a ladder that ascends to a metal access cover on the ground 20'
above. The ledge is 4' above the pit floor, which is submerged beneath 2' to 3'
of sewage. The pit contents flow through a small graded tunnel to empty into
the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 006
designation: Church guard room.
description: Originally a sewer worker's room, the outer door has apparently
been damaged from a weakening of the sewer wall, and is unopenable. The door
functions perfectly, and a hidden mechanism will bypass the locking bolt,
allowing access into the room. This is the only secret entrance into the church
that is not barred from within. Two guards are usually stationed here, and
the area has intentionally been maintained in the appearance of a worker's
room to allow the guards a surprise attack upon unwitting intruders.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 007
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the worker room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main
tunnel. A secret door underneath the river water pipe opens into a small room.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 008
designation: Church changing room.
description: This small room contains two armoires and storage cabinets. Priests
and followers may change into their robes here before entering the heart of the
church. Another secret door on the west wall opens into the church.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 009
designation: Church main worship chamber.
description: This grusome room has seen countless horrors. A large stone
sacrifice table, complete with shackles, and a table of torture instruments
dominate the center of the room. A statue of Eteris stands in each northern
corner, with braziers, pokers and other instruments lining the north wall.
Chairs line the east and west walls, and a stone staircase descends to U2.
A basalt altar, armoire, shelves and tables fill the southern portion of the
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 010
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the outer room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main
tunnel. If the church should be attacked by overwhelming forces, the priests
may throw themselves through the latrine pipe as one route of escape.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 011
designation: Church common area.
description: This small room contains a bookcase, hanging censers, two chairs
and two storage chests.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 012
designation: Church prison.
description: This room has a number of shackle rings mounted into the walls.
Not many prisoners are kept here for long, however; most quickly find their
unwilling way to the sacrifice table.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 013
designation: Church guard room.
description: The church's guards take turns sleeping here in shifts. The
room contains a single bed, armoire, chest and small table.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 014
designation: Sewer workers' room.
description: This room stores materials and tools for sewer maintenance, and
allows access to a collection shaft. An assortment of masonry brick and
fieldstone is stored here, along with tools and equipment. (Not all of this
area is detailed in the floorplan)
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 015
designation: Sewer cistern pit.
description: This is one of the main sewage collection points. Ten sewer pipes
and three river pipes dump into this pit. The narrow side ledge expands into a
wide base for a ladder that ascends to a metal access cover on the ground 20'
above. The ledge is 4' above the pit floor, which is submerged beneath 2' to 3'
of sewage. The pit contents flow through a small graded tunnel to empty into
the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 016
designation: Church common room.
description: Originally a sewer worker's room, the outer door has apparently
been damaged from a weakened and partial collapsed sewer wall, and is unopenable.
The door functions perfectly, but is locked and barred from within. Persons who
have expressed interest in the teachings of Eteris are brought to this room
before being allowed into more sensitive areas of the church. Here, upon the
Horrid One's consecrated ground, spies can be quickly revealed and properly dealt
with, and true believers can be welcomed into the flock. A secret door on the
south wall allows further access into the church.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 017
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the outer room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 018
designation: Church storage.
description: This is a middle room, the second point of the church's security. While
appearing simply as a small storeroom, its main purpose is to connect two outer areas
and allow secret access deeper into the church.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 019
designation: Church passage.
description: This hidden passage connects to a sewer worker's room. The secret door
is locked and barred from within, and this passage is meant mainly as an exit or escape.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 020
designation: Sewer workers' room.
description: This room stores materials and tools for sewer maintenance, and
allows access to the collection shaft. An assortment of masonry brick and
fieldstone is stored here, along with tools and equipment. (Not all of this
area is detailed in the floorplan)
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 021
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the outer room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main tunnel.
(Not all of this area is detailed in the floorplan)
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 022
designation: Church passage.
description: This short hallway contains a stone staircase that descends to U2.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 023
designation: Church summoning chamber.
description: This unholy chamber contains a stone-ringed bed of coals, and a
sacrificial altar. Black stains on the stones are evidence of blood having been
sprinkled or poured onto the coals. The walls are lined with tapestries and a
statue of the Horrid One stands in each of the northern corners. A secret door
on the east walls is stoutly barred and locked from within.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 024
designation: Sewer latrine collection shaft.
description: Five pipes, four sewer and one river water, dump into this shaft.
A narrow ledge encircles the shaft at the same level as the outer room, 4'
above the base of the shaft, while a 2' to 3' depth of sewage flows through
a graded open aquaduct and 2' diameter latrine pipe to empty into the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, domed.
Area 025
designation: Sewer workers' room.
description: This room stores materials and tools for sewer maintenance, and
allows access to the collection shaft. An assortment of masonry brick and
fieldstone is stored here, along with tools and equipment.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 026
designation: Church storage.
description: The smell of rotting flesh cascades over anyone entering this chamber,
and its contents are revolting and horrifying. The corpses of church sacrifices are
tossed into a pile of decomposing human remains. The most feared power of Eteris'
priests is their ability to spread diseases among their enemies. The priests, with
their divinely-granted immunity against infection, collect corpses and concoct
malicious poisons to destroy their enemies.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 027
designation: Church passage.
description: This hidden passage is designed mainly as an escape route. The secret
door opens into another hidden passage, but is locked and barred from within.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 028
designation: Sewer cistern pit.
description: This is one of the main sewage collection points. Ten sewer pipes
and three river pipes dump into this pit. The narrow side ledge expands into a
wide base for a ladder that ascends to a metal access cover on the ground 20'
above. The ledge is 4' above the pit floor, which is submerged beneath 2' to 3'
of sewage. The pit contents flow through a small graded tunnel to empty into
the main tunnel.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 15' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 029
designation: Church passage.
description: This hidden passage connects to a sewer worker's room and other
areas of the sewer. (Not all of this area is detailed in the floorplan)
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 030
designation: Sewer workers' room.
description: This room stores an assortment of tools and materials for sewer
maintenance. A secret door has been constructed in the south wall.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 10' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
U2 Areas:
The cut granite stone foundations of the cistern pits, collection shafts
and main sewer tunnel above are shown in this floorplan.
Area 031
designation: Church library.
description: This room is filled with bookcases dominated by volumes of
religious texts, poison treatises, alchemical writings and necromantic
philosophies and studies. A stone staircase ascends to U1.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 9' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 032
designation: Church laboratory.
description: This room is filled with a variety of odors that actually
overwhelm the sewage smell that permeates most of the church. Bowls,
vases and alchemical tools cover the tables, and fill the floor in the
northeast corner. To the west, a stone table holds a religious text and
braziers burn to either side of a consecrated altar. In the southeast
corner, a passage cut beneath the main sewer tunnel above connects to
an adjacent storeroom.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 9' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 033
designation: Church storage.
description: This room contains a large number of storage bins, and
several barrels and crates. Tools, equipment, religious accouterments,
and some dry provisions are stored here.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 9' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 034
designation: Church hallway.
description: This passage contains a stone staircase ascending to U1.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Area 035
designation: Church storage.
description: This room contains tools, masonry brick and fieldstone
collected from sewer worker rooms. The earth beyond the west wall is
being excavated to enlarge this room.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 9' fieldstone and mortar, vaulted.
Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines
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