
You have completed Arduino Step by Step 2017 Getting Started!

What a journey this must have been for you... From getting your first Arduino, to understanding the basics of microcontrollers, blinking LEDs, creating colors, reading buttons, playing with sensors, and displays... 

You have come a long, long way, and I feel proud of your accomplishment. 

What's next, you may be asking. 

The best thing you can do now is not to look for more "stuff" to learn, but for something to make. You already know more about the Arduino than you may realise. You know enough about programming, about the Arduino platform, about the various sensors and other components to actually build your own gadget, without instructions

Look at all the hardware and tools that you played with as you were studying this course. What can you make? Here's an obvious project: use the LCD to display information from your sensors.

Here's an extension of this project: if the temperature drops below or above a value that you set, get your gadget to sound an alarm. Use one tone to indicate the high temperature, and another to indicate the low temperature.

And yet, one more extension: use buttons so that you can change the values at which the alarms trigger.

This is just one, obvious project. You can do lot's more with the other sensors and components. Get your imagination to work! Draft a few projects on paper and pick the one you like the best. 

The best learning happens when you are making!