Hi there,
This time your job is to build a Crawler which will crawl all the books from all the available pages in this website 'http://books.toscrape.com/'
This website was mainly created for scraping purpose by "ScrapingHub" the company behind Scrapy.
As mentioned previously the goal is to visit each book page and scrape the "book name" and the "price" from all the available pages.
Now, because this is the first time you build a CrawlSpider, I'm gonna give you a little of guidance:
You probably need to write two "Rule" objects:
The first Rule object will handle opening each book URL
The second Rule object will handle pagination
Make sure to store all the data in a JSON or a CSV file it's up to you.
Feel free to download the solution from this link "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a8anjg5z1oinxhv/AABWn-1nH-gJ7FMc6aoTrLy0a?dl=0".
Good luck,