This set of design files implements the Schematic and PCB for the HD6309 Singleboard Computer II Design tool is KiCad 5.1.6 PCB was designed with one-off production in mind, and to my own set of (largely unwritten) PCB design rules. The board is double sided 100 x 120mm, with 8/8 track/spacing (mils), and 0.4mm minimum hole size. The two most complicated components to solder are the EQPF144 MAX10 CPLD and the QFN28 CP2105 USB bridge. The rest of the components are fairly straightforward to assemble. PDF of the PCB and Schematic can be found in the "plots" directory. Gerber and drill information can be found in the "fabrication" directory. My PCBs were fabricated by PCBway and I chose 1.6mm FR4 with ENIG surface treatment to make fine-pitch SMD soldering easier. I had a polyamide stencil manufactured by OSHstencils This will be my first foray with solder stencil, hotplate, and hot air soldering. It's long overdue, because so many components simply cannot be reliably hand-soldered anymore. More up-to-date information on the SBC can be found on the Hackaday project page: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit HD6309 Singleboard Computer II Tom LeMense 7/8/2020 @TomLeMense